Electronic Library of Scientific Literature


Volume 40 / No. 2 / 1997

Národné centrum mediálnej komunikácie: kontinuita a nové perspektívy rozvoja

Ivan Sečík

pp. 89-90

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Culture in the Slovak Dailies

Ľubor Hallon

Key words: writing about culture - cultural column - cultural policy - classification key - dailies of opinion - subject matter - institutions - genres - culture and arts fields - frequency of appearance and size of articles

This study is an output from the research project "Analysis of the content and forms of cultural columns in the daily press". As for the methodology, the project maintains a tradition of content analysis in the Institute of Journalism. It focuses foremost on the analysis of content structure of the Slovak dailies of opinion. The author was interested in how large space in individual dailies was devoted to information on culture and arts as well as which genres were used to present this information. These two categories alongside with the additive categories of theme, institution and provenance were used by classification.
At random, the month September 1996 was selected for the content analysis. From this time period, 25 issues of the dailies Národná obroda, Nový čas, Práca, Pravda, Slovenská Republika and Sme were analysed. That means 150 copies with about 1500 articles about the Slovak culture.
Even if some degree of subjectivity in approach and data interpretation was present in the analysis, the author - on the basis of collected facts and knowledge - tried to present a plastic profile of the cultural columns of the Slovak dailies.

pp. 91-102

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Changed Journalistic Profession in Slovakia

Vladimír Holina

Key words: Slovak journalists - profession from the sociological point of view - qualification and education - journalistic activities - incomes and material conditions - social certainty

This study describes how the journalistic profession in Slovakia was changed in the years after 1989. The study leans on the results of a survey conducted by the Mass Media Science Association established at the Journalism Department of the Comenius University in Bratislava. Being a part of the PHARE programme, the survey covered 313 journalists from all the media. Where the necessary data were available, a comparison with conditions before 1989 was made. As the media system became more developed, the number of journalists increased and the journalistic profession became more opened. The survey showed that about 30% new people of all age categories and mostly without journalistic qualification came to the media. A large majority of journalists (almost 90%) are interested in improving their qualifications mainly in the fields which they deal with (46%) as well as in general journalism (30%). Training in foreign languages, PC data processing, economy and management were identified as the most urgently needed. The journalists prefer foremost the self-education and/or short-running courses and seminars. The survey revealed that journalism is a combination of several activities. However, the writing (90%), editing (55%) and managing (32%) prevail in these activities. The combination of activities as well as the degree of specialisation depend on the size of the editorial staff.
After 1989, the incomes of journalists and their working conditions became more differentiated. Increasing earnings coincide with harder work. The lowered living certainty and problems in relation to the publishers belong to the shady sides of the recent development as well. The author urges that to solve these problems a standard tripartite relationship between government, publishers and journalists is necessary.

pp. 103-114

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National Minority Press (1989-1996) II.

Zdena Čupíková

Key words: subsystem of the national minority press - Ukrainian, Ruthenian, Romany, German minorities - national minority - ethnics - press - copies - circulation - periodicity - publisher

The second part of the study deals with the press of other national minorities in Slovakia - Ukrainians, Russians, Romanies, Czechs, Moravians, Carpatian Germans, Croatians, Poles and Jews.
While Ukrainians already had their own papers before 1990, Ruthenians, denied by the former regime, achieved the rights to their own identity, language and press only in the process of democratisation. The Romany press development is contradictory. After a euphoric outset, the number of Romany press titles declined from 7 to 3. In addition, an unregularly published Romany weekly reaches only a few readers. That is why the main aim - to upgrade the cultural and social status of this minority - cannot be reach. The press of other minorities is the tool, by which their members try to cultivate their culture, preserve their tradition, and to keep social contacts and communication in their own languages.

pp. 115-122

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Journalistic Techniques in the Creation of Message

Štefan Veľas

Key words: creation of the journalistic message - phases and parts - stage of gathering the facts - journalistic techniques

As for the writing of message, the author distinguishes two phases - preparatory and creative. The preparatory phase is based on first-staging recognition and evaluation. The creative phase includes the recognition and evaluation of an allocated phenomenon. The preparatory phase is divided into three parts: selecting the phenomenon, finding the theme and genre, and analysing the allocated phenomenon. An important phase of information gathering by means of journalistic techniques is in its beginning. The author lists the following techniques: observation, experiment, inquiry, interview, and using of documents and institutional sources. In journalism, recognition and evaluation represent a unity of sensual recognising and thinking. As for the facts, the gathered set should be large enough and facts must be right. The techniques are combined and facts selected. At the end of the recognition and evaluation processes, the phenomenon should be rightly understood and evaluated. Then, the actual message creation begins.
Together with students of journalism, the author examined how the editorial staffs use the journalistic techniques. 61 interviewees were asked. The inquiry reveals that interviews and documents are the most frequently used techniques to gather information. The journalists used to combine them with other techniques. They also have their personal information sources.

pp. 123-130

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Thorny Ways to Improve Programme of the Slovak Television

Jerguš Ferko

Key words: social and programme priorities - television management - public service broadcasting - quality programme - external editorial boards - Council of the Slovak Television

In the whole developed world, the tendency to use television programme in seeking the solution to the most urgent social issues is evident. Particular role is played by the public service broadcasting. After 1989, the programme of the Slovak Television does not meet the social needs. This is why the state authorities (Ministry of Culture) as well as the Council of the Slovak Television - a body elected by the Slovak parliament - are seeking for the ways how to guide the STV and draw its attention to some social problems. Early in this year, the Council of the Slovak Television obligated the STV's director to meet eight programme priorities. Inter alia, to deal with the issue of the Slovak South (i. e. assimilation of the Slovaks at their own territory), the Romanies issue (social maladjustment, criminality, calculated unemployment). The Council also expects that the program of the STV will reserve more space for more widen range of personalities. The programmes for children and youth as well as the entertainment programmes (a political cabaret) should be improved and current affairs programmes with the aim to raise the citizens' legal consciousness should be included in the schedule. Besides, so called one third principle - one third for the government, one third for the ruling coalition and one third for the opposition - in political news service should be applied. To improve the programme, more sophisticated management mechanism is needed as well. The author criticises concrete shortages and recommends several solutions. For example, establishing of external editorial boards which, already in pre-production phase, would expertise programme projects. The author as the Council's vice-chairman presents activities of this body, but also obstacles and problems the Council must surmount.

pp. 131-138

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Main Trends in American Journalism in the 20th Century

Juraj Vojtek

Keywords: American newspapers in the 20th century - American magazines and their classification - concentration and commercialization versus public service - investigative journalism as the most remarkable feature of the American press

This study deals with the main trend in American press in the 20th century. It regards the problem of concentration and conglomeration of the press, as well as the rise of cities with only one or very few press titles which belong to the same owner. It also discusses how the concentration of newspapers in some monstrous companies and/or their mergers have changed the structure of the American press in sixties, eighties and nineties. The author argues that the future of the American press is a complex issue which refers not only to journalism as a creative activity, but also to the production and distribution of the press. He introduces five best-selling newspapers (The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, The New York Times and The Washington Post) as well as eight best quality (The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald, Philadelphia Inquire and USA Today) newspapers. As for magazines, the author comments on their insufficiently elaborated typology in the American professional literature.
In conclusion, he presents the basic principles of the American press. In doing so, he regards in more detail the commercial and public service principles and their relationship.

pp. 139-148

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Journalistic Genres in France III.

Danuša Serafínová

Key words: commentating genres - narrative commentary - exploitative commentary - interpretative commentary - expressive commentary - editorial - analysis - press review - criticism - glossary - caricature - pamphlet - public letter

The third and final part of the study about the journalistic genres in France explains to readers how French scientists understand that group of genres which try to evolve ideas, express an opinion and/or attitude. There are, on the one hand, ideal commentating genres such as editorial, analysis, press review etc., and, on the other hand, humorous genres with positive and/or negative accent such as glossary, chronicle, caricature, pamphlet, satire, public letter as well as certain kind of feuilleton.

pp. 149-156

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pp. 157-163

pp. 164-166

pp. 167-171

pp. 172-176

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