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Scientific Journals and Yearbooks Published at SAS

Front Page

Slovenská literatúra

Publisher: Institute of Slovak Literature

List of issues
ISSN 0037-6973 (print)

Language: Slovak, Czech (English abstract)

Ústav slovenskej literatúry SAV, v. v. i.
Dúbravská cesta 9
841 04 Bratislava 4
Slovenská republika

Slovak literature: Journal for Literary Studies
ISSN 0037 – 6973
MIČ 49 607
Published: six time a year

Slovenská literatúra (Slovak literature) is an open access and double blind peer reviewed academic journal published by Institute of Slovak Literature of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava from 1954. It provides a scientific publishing space for the field of literary Slovak studies (theory of literature, poetics, history of Slovak literature and its contexts) for domestic and foreign literary scholars and experts from other related disciplines. It is a key journal in the field of literary Slovak studies.

Open Access Journal: Since 2017, the journal has been fully accessible electronically under open access, which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access https://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/

Subject : The journal publishes scientific works in the field of research on the history of Slovak literature, poetics, literary theory and literary methodology.

Authors: The journal is open to a diverse group of scholars in the fields of literary studies, philology, cultural studies, area studies, and other related humanities disciplines from national and international research institutions and universities.

Articles: The articles make use of current methodological inspirations of international and Slovak literary discourse and broaden the scientific knowledge of the phenomena under study. The journal publishes original papers, review papers, conceptual framework, analytical and case studies, textology research, and book reviews. Standard columns are: Articles, Horizons, Discussion, Sources and Documents, Chronicle, From scholarly life. Occasionally, special monothematic issues are published.

Slovenská literatúra is indexed with and included in:

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ, since 2022) https://doaj.org
Elsevier SCOPUS (since 2018)
Clarivate Analytics Web of Science – Emerging Sources Citation Index (WOS-ESCI; since 2017)
CEJSH http://cejsh.icm.edu.pl/cejsh/browse/articles.action
ERIH PLUS https://kanalregister.hkdir.no/publiseringskanaler/erihplus/
CEEOL https://www.ceeol.com/
Slavic Humanities Index https://slavus.ca
Modern Language Association – International Bibliography / Directory of Periodicals (MLA) https://www.mla.org/
Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI) https://oaji.net/

Journal articles are assigned a persistent Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and the metadata is exported to the international registration agency CrossRef https://www.crossref.org/
Authors are required to provide the ORCID number (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) https://orcid.org/

The journal allows authors to retain their copyright without restriction. The authors grant the publisher non-exclusive (first) publication rights to the articles, which also do not restrict their copyright.

The journal uses a public licensing system (Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0): ATTRIBUTION, NON-COMMERCIAL, NO DERIVATIVES

The journal does not charge fees for publishing / processing an article (APCs).

Older volumes (1954 - 2004) are available on the website:

The journal is archived in the system of publications of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and in the institutional repository of the Slovak Academy of Sciences https://uk.sav.sk/pre-vedcov/open-access/institucionalny-repozitar-sav/

LK Permanent, spol. s. r. o., Hattalova 12, 831 03 Bratislava, Slovakia
Slovenská pošta, a. s., Stredisko predplatného tlače, Uzbecká 4, P.O.BOX 164, 820 14 Bratislava 214, Slovakia

Editor-in-Chief: Dana Hučková

Editor: Karol Csiba https://www.sav.sk/?lang=en&doc=user-org-user&user_no=6096
Language editing: Jana Piroščáková https://www.sav.sk/?lang=en&doc=user-org-user&user_no=3621>
Editorial assistent: Barbora Zlejšia https://www.sav.sk/?lang=en&doc=user-org-user&user_no=12734>
Translator to English: Ivana Hostová https://www.sav.sk/?lang=en&doc=user-org-user&user_no=12447>
Editorial staff: Adelaida Mezeiová
Layouter: Lukáš Chovanec

Vladimír Barborík https://www.sav.sk/?lang=en&doc=user-org-user&user_no=1541
René Bílik https://www.truni.sk/rektor-trnavskej-univerzity-v-trnave
Andrea Bokníková https://fphil.uniba.sk/katedry-a-odborne-pracoviska/ksllv/clenovia-katedry/doc-phdr-andrea-boknikova-phd/
Erika Brtáňová https://www.sav.sk/?lang=en&doc=user-org-user&user_no=1548
Ján Gavura https://www.unipo.sk/filozoficka-fakulta/jan-gavura
Ján Gbúr https://www.upjs.sk/FF/zamestnanec/jan.gbur/
Martin Golema https://www.ff.umb.sk/mgolema/
Igor Hochel (FF UKF Nitra)
Radoslav Passia https://www.sav.sk/?lang=en&doc=user-org-user&user_no=6619
Zora Prušková https://www.sav.sk/?lang=en&doc=user-org-user&user_no=1710
Ivana Taranenková https://www.sav.sk/?lang=en&doc=user-org-user&user_no=3210
Peter Zajac https://www.sav.sk/?lang=en&doc=user-org-user&user_no=1716

Joanna Goszczyńska (Instytut Slawistyki PAN, Warszawa, Poland) https://ispan.waw.pl/default/pracownik/joanna-goszczynska/
Aleksandra Hudymač (Instytut Filologii Słowiańskej, Zakład Filologii Słowackiej, Uniwersytet Jagielloński Kraków, Poland) https://ifs.filg.uj.edu.pl/aleksandra-hudymac
Pavel Janoušek (Institute of Czech Literature, The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague) https://ucl.cas.cz/pracovnik/janousek/
Michal Jareš (Institute of Czech Literature, The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague) https://ucl.cas.cz/pracovnik/jares/
Alfrun Kliems (Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany) https://www.slawistik.hu-berlin.de/de/member/kliemsal
Iva Málková (University of Ostrava, Faculty of Arts, Czech Republic) https://www.osu.cz/iva-malkova/12849/
Špela Sevšek Šramel (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia) https://www.ff.uni-lj.si/en/staff/spela-sevsek-sramel
Róbert Kiss Szemán (Eötvös Loránd University - ELTE, Budapest, Hungary) https://doktori.hu/index.php?menuid=192&lang=EN&sz_ID=6158
Petr Šámal (Institute of Czech Literature, The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague) https://ucl.cas.cz/pracovnik/samal/
Dalibor Tureček (University of České Budějovice, Czech Republic) https://www.jcu.cz/cz/univerzita/lide/clovek?identita=Turecek_Dalibor_5074

All members of the editorial board work or have worked in research institutions or university .


The editors' requirement is that the offered texts are original and have not been published in any form before, or have been simultaneously included in the review process of other journals, proceedings or monographs. If the text has already been published, the author is required to revise and/or complete it thoroughly. The revised and/or supplemented text must include a reference to the original paper, a justification for the changes, and a statement of the shift in knowledge.

Authors are required to follow the editorial guidelines for authors and the journal's citation standards when drafting the text

The principles of publishing in the journal Slovenská literatura are applied in accordance with the code of ethics of publishing practice, which is defined in the documents of the international forum Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) https://publicationethics.org/
1. The authors are responsible for the correctness and accuracy of the data provided. In the text of the article, they must indicate the source of any financial support for the research and their professional affiliation (department).
2. Authors are responsible for correctly listing all co-authors of the paper.
3. Plagiarism, use of unreliable sources and publication of false data is unacceptable and is in gross violation of publication ethics.
4. Authors are obliged to respect the editorial guidelines for authors and the journal's citation standards when drafting the manuscript.
5. The content of the paper must be in accordance with the character and scientific focus of the journal Slovenská literatura.
6. The quality and scope of the paper must meet the standards and level of scientific work in the relevant category (scientific study, article, review, annotation, report, etc.).
7. The authors undertake that the submitted paper is an original work and that it has not yet been published in any form or is under review in another journal.
8. If the manuscript has already been published, the authors are required to revise and/or complete the manuscript thoroughly. The revised and/or supplemented text must include a reference to the original paper, a justification for the changes, and a statement of the shift in knowledge.
9. Authors are required to participate in the peer review process and to communicate promptly and cooperate with the editors in any changes and corrections to the manuscript.

REVIEW PROCEDURE (Double Blind Peer Review)
Studies offered to the Editorial Board undergo a first round of internal review process to determine whether they meet the content and quality requirements for inclusion in the journal. After initial acceptance, they then undergo an anonymous review process by two independent reviewers (double blind peer-review). The manuscripts are anonymized before reviewing: to ensure the anonymity of the author, all clues that could personalize his/her authorship (name, details of the project addressed, possible self-citations or references in the first person to previous own work and outputs, etc.) are removed from the text. The selection of the reviewers is the responsibility of the journal's editorial board. The reviewers evaluate the scientific level, originality, method of preparation and scientific contribution of the paper. The result of the review process, together with the editorial decision on whether or not to accept the manuscript for publication, will be communicated to the author by the editors. The final decision on the publication of the paper is the responsibility of the editorial board. In the case of acceptance, the editorial board will communicate further with the authors in the editorial preparation process.

1. reviewing is confidential
2. the review process must be carried out independently of the author
3. the review should be objective
4. personal criticism of authors is inappropriate
5. reviewers should have no conflict of interest in relation to the articles under review
6. reviewers should draw attention to relevant published work that is not cited
7. reviewers are obliged to send their assessment to the editors by the deadline


Studies: scientific papers, max. 54 000 characters (with spaces, including a footnotes and list of references) + abstract (1000 – 1200 characters with spaces, no less and no more) and 4 – 5 key words
Views: shorter scientific papers in the range of 18 000 – 36 000 characters (including a footnotes and list of references) + abstract (1000 – 1200 characters with spaces, no less and no more) and 4 – 5 key words
Sources and materials: scientific articles on source research, max 36 000 characters + abstract (1000 – 1200 characters with spaces, no less and no more) and 4 – 5 key words
Review Essays: Review articles in the range 15 000 – 28 000 characters, focused on the analysis of 1 - 3 books on the same topic, with references to other literature + abstract (1000 – 1200 characters with spaces, no less and no more) and 4 – 5 key words
Book reviews: Review articles in the range of 10 000 – 15 000 characters, a critical evaluation of a scientific publication of current production (time limit: three years back), without references to other literature.

Structure of the scientific paper
1. Title, author, ORCID
2. Abstract in the range of 1000-1200 characters (mandatory range)
3. Keywords: 4 - 5
4. Text
5. Project details (name of agency, who provided financial support for the conduct of the research and/or
preparation of the article, number and title of project, name of principal investigator, duration)
6. References: Archival sources, Sources, Literature, Electronic sources
7. Full postal address of authors affiliation, including country names and institutional email account

• Use the scientific plural only if the study has two or more authors
• Do not use the scientific plural in the case of individual authorship
• Eliminate self-citations

Please prepare your text under these guidelines:
• use standard word processors only (Word for Windows or Mac, Open Office etc.)
• choose font Times New Roman, size 12 points, line spacing 1,5, none indents
• in footnotes Times New Roman, size 10 points, line spacing simple
• left alignment, basic text
• keep the formatting of the manuscript to a minimum
• do not insert page numbers, page headers and footers in the text
• do not use underlining or emphasis of content
• do not split syllables at the end of a line

The abstract should briefly outline the topic, purpose, and key conclusions of the article.
Do not use the introductory or concluding paragraph as an abstract.

Use bold font: only for the title of the study, headings, marking of the Archival Sources, References, etc. section, otherwise do not use in the text.

Use italics: titles of literary/artistic works (book, collection, film, play, etc.), titles of books and journals, titles of individual poems or short stories.

Quotations from archival sources and specialist literature: in quotation marks, in plain type.
Quotations from fiction texts: quote in quotation marks, in plain type, up to three lines within the text; longer quotations should be set off in a separate paragraph.
Quotation marks within a quotation: use the lower and upper apostrophe characters within the quotation instead of the original quotation marks.

Ellipsis points
Omitted part within the quotation: indicate by three dots in a square bracket [...].

Factual, supplementing or expanding the main text. Their scope should be appropriate to the interpretation (References, Insert footnote). Footnotes should also include references to archival sources.

Names of persons
The name of the person should be given in full (first name, surname) at first use, in the following text use the initial of the personal name, surname (Umberto Eco, U. Eco).

Titles of foreign-language works are given in Slovak (in brackets in the original when used for the first time).

Avoid abbreviations where possible. Spell out, if a shortened form is needed, explain properly at first use, do not use in headings.

Writing of numerals: years, centuries, page numbers only. Others to be broken down (in 1987; in the 1850s, second edition of the authorʼs third collection, on p. 15).

follow Harvard referencing (name and date system)
In this method of citation, it is necessary to modify the list of references (or list of literature used) so that the name of the author(s) is followed by the year of publication.
In this case, the list is arranged alphabetically according to the authorʼs surname. Where several works by the same author are cited, the individual works are arranged in ascending order by year of publication (i.e. from the oldest to the most recent work); if several works are dated in the same year, they are arranged alphabetically.

References within the text (structure)
last name of author or editor // year of publication/issue: // page/pages number
in parentheses directly following the quotation

one author: (Böhme 2009); (Skolnik 2014: 33); (Mihajlović 2018: 747-780)
two and more authors – their names are separated by a hyphen: (Garloff – Mueller 2018)
several works by one author: (Westphal 2000, 2001, 2011); when citing more than one work by the same author/editor published in the same year, please differentiate the works by using letters a, b, c... (Eco 1987a; Eco 1987b; Eco 1987c)
works by different authors – separated by semicolons: (Bouissac 1985; Deakin 1993)
page number ranges: (Levinas 2015: 220-229); please do not drop digits (e.g., 220-9)
citation of an entire chapter: (Auerbach 1946, Ch. 3)
reprints: (Mukařovský 1983 [1938]: 57)

Always give the full author-date citation: do not use referential formulas such as “op. cit.”, “loc. cit.”, or “ibid.”
When citing edited works, do not include the abbreviation “ed.” or “eds.” in the citation

Document without authorʼs name
If the document does not have an author, the reference is arranged alphabetically according to the title of the paper or document (the first word of the title of the article/book is written in capital letters, followed by the year of publication).
Example of use in the text:
As early as the third issue of the journal, however, an announcement appeared that "Dilong and Hlbina will continue to be our principal contributors" (Editorial Change, 1934).
Bibliographical reference:
EDITORIAL change, 1934. Postup, roč. 1, č. 3, s. 11.

Reference List/Bibliography
complete list of referenced sources at the end of the article

The reference list should be arranged in one alphabetical list by surname. If it contains more than one work of the same author, arrange the works by date. If it contains more than one work by the same author and the same year, add letters to the year (1980a, 1980b) and alphabetical.

If there are two or three authors, their names are separated by a hyphen.
Information on place, publishing house, edition, abbreviations (year, no.; vol., nr.) are given in the language of the document.
The title of the document (book, proceedings, journal, yearbook, etc.) is given in italics.
The abbreviation In (without a colon or full stop) is used only for books and proceedings.
In is not used in the case of a journal article.
Journal: year, issue, pages (page spacing is given without spaces with a hyphen).
Newspaper: year, issue (exact date: day, month, year), pages.
If the cited document has been assigned a DOI identifier, indicate it.
BYRD, Vance. 2017. A Pedagogy of Observation: Nineteenth-Century Panoramas, German Literature, and Reading Culture. Bucknell University Press. ProQuest Ebook Central, https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/savba-ebooks/detail.action?docID=5144897.

ARCHIVES (Archival documents and manuscripts)
Name of institution, mark/name of fonds or collection, inventory number or signature, number carton/book/folder/file, or date and place of issue of documents, title or brief description of official books and their date range, page number for multi-page materials
Example: Slovak National Library in Martin, Literary Archive, personal collection Vojtech Mihálik: Skapíňající Moloch. Mobilization. War. Post-war. Sign. 181 CO 11.

The reference to the archival source is given as a footnote in the text of the paper.

SOURCES (editions of literary works, literary criticism)

Deciphered pseudonym of the author
If the text has been published under a pseudonym or anonymously, the deciphered pseudonym of the author is given in square brackets after the authorʼs name.
OKÁLI, Daniel [bez uvedenia autorstva], 1924. Štvavá reč z r. 1917. DAV, roč. 1, č. 1, s. 1.
PONIČAN, Ján [PONIČAN, Ján Rob], 1922: Vyznanie lásky. Mladé Slovensko, roč. 5, č. 1, s. 2-4.
PONIČAN, Ján [PONIČAN-ROB, Ján], 1924a. Vytnime sen. Mladé Slovensko, roč. 6, č. 7-8, s. 193-194.
PONIČAN, Ján [ROB], 1924b. Životu. Pravda chudoby, roč. 5, č. 108-109, s. 7.

LITERATURE (monographs, proceedings, papers)

Books and monographic publications
SURNAME, name, year. Title of publication. Subtitle. Edition (other than first). Secondary author (e.g. translator). Place of publication: Publishing House. Edition, edition number. ISBN.
TANCER, Jozef, 2008. Im Schatten Wiens. Bremen: Edition Lumière. ISBN 978-3-934686-54-0.
MORETTI, Franco, 2014. Grafy, mapy, stromy: Abstraktní modely literární historie. Přel. Olga Čaplyginová. Praha: Karolinum. ISBN.

If the book does not have an author, write the TITLE of the book first, followed by the year of publication.

SURNAME, name of author(s) or editor(s), year. Title of the proceedings. Subtitle. Secondary author. Place of publication: publisher. ISBN (or ISSN).
DONALD, James – FRIEDBERG, Anne – MARCUS, Laura, eds., 2001. Close up: 1927 – 1933. Cinema and Modernism. Princeton: Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-00462-5.

Articles in journals
SURNAME, name, year. Title of paper. Name of journal, volume, issue, pages. ISSN.
LENTZEN, Manfred, 1997. Lyrische Kleinformen Zum Haiku und zu Haiku-ähnlichen Texten in der modernen spanischen Dichtung. Iberoromania. Revista dedicada a las lenguas, literaturas y culturas de la Península Ibérica y de América Latina, vol. 1997, issue 45, pp. 67-80. ISSN 1865-9039. https://doi.org/10.1515/iber.1997.1997.45.67

Articles in newspapers
SURNAME, name, year. Title of the article. Name of the newspaper, volume, issue (exact date: day.month.year), pages. ISSN (if available)

Contributions in Proceedings
SURNAME, name, year. Title of paper. In Title of the proceedings. Subtitle. Place of publication: publisher, pages. ISBN (or ISSN).

Contributions in edited publications
SURNAME, name, year. Title of paper/chapter. In SURNAME, name of responsible person(s), ed. Title of monograph/proceedings. Subtitle. Issue. Secondary author (translator etc.). Place of publication: publisher, pages. ISBN.

Contributions in monographs and book chapters
SURNAME, name, year. Title of paper/chapter. In SURNAME, name of author/editor of monograph. Title of monograph. Subtitle. Issue. Secondary author. Place of publication: publisher, pages. ISBN.

Link to electronic resource
SURNAME, name, year. Title of publication. Subtitle [media type]. Issue. Secondary author. Place of publication: publisher, date of publication [date cited]. Edition, edition number. ISBN. Available from: DOI or address.

LIVERMORE, Christian, 2021. Conclusion. In When the Dead Rise: Narratives of the Revenant, from the Middle Ages to the Present Day. Boydell & Brewer, pp. 163-166. ISBN 9781843845768. doi:10.1017/9781800101418.008

Electronic resources - citations from the web
Journal Title. Subtitle [media type]. Place of publication: publisher, numbering [citation date]. ISSN. Available from: DOI or address.
Ikaros: Elektronický Časopis o Informační Společnosti [online]. Praha: Ikaros, 1997- [cit. 27.6.2011]. ISSN 1212-5075. Dostupné z: http://www.ikaros.cz/

Contributions to online journals/serials
Author. Title of paper. Subtitle. Title of journal. Subtitle [media type]. Place of publication: Publisher, volume, issue, pages [citation date]. ISSN. Available from: DOI or address.
BITUŠÍKOVÁ, Alexandra – LUTHER, Daniel, 2010. Sustainable diversity and public space in the city of Bratislava, Slovakia. Anthropological Notebooks [online]. Ljubljana (Slovenia): Slovene Anthropological Society, roč. 16, č. 2 [cit. 13.6.2011]. ISSN 1408-032X. Dostupné z: http://www.drustvo-antropologov.si/AN/PDF/2010_2/ Anthropological

Verpönt, Verdrängt – Vergessen? [online]. [cit. 2014−07−18]. Dostupné z: http://www.univie.ac.at/censorship/info.html

Images and tables
Table designation (below the table): Table 1: Table title.
Figure caption (below the figure): Figure 1: Title of the figure (Photo: Name of the author of the photo).
Numbered images to be supplied in a separate file in TIF or JPG format (black and white image attachments at 300 dpi; colour image attachments at 1200 dpi). Images will be published in black and white (the journal does not have colour printing).
Copyright and reproduction rights are provided by the author.

Please note that manuscripts not conforming to these guidelines may be returned.

Only manuscripts of sufficient quality that meet the aims and scope of Slovenská literatúra will be reviewed.

Editorial management system

Submit manuscript - Open Journal System