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Druhá výzva postdoktorandského programu MERIT je otvorená

2nd call of MERIT Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme is open

30. 1. 2024 | 1016 visits

Applicants can apply for the 2nd call of the MERIT Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme of Central Bohemian Innovation Center. The programme offers research opportunities in five main application areas: Biotechnology/Biomedicine, Laser technologies, Space technologies, Sustainable energy/Materials and Digitalisation/AI. The deadline for the call is April 15, 2024.

MERIT Programme has 3 strategic objectives: to contribute to a stronger European Research Area; to establish new partnerships and collaborations between academic and non-academic sectors and, last but not least, to promote science in society among the youth and advocate for more representation of women in technical and life sciences.

2 calls for applicants offer in total 30 fellowships for up to 30 months, including secondments as mandatory part of fellowships with the duration from 2 to 9 months. The large, strong consortium of 19 regional research organisations acting as Host organisations and 36 Associated partners from different sectors offer the selected researchers intersectoral, interdisciplinary and international experience, excellent training options, access to unique research infrastructures and wide networking possibilities.

MERIT is supported by the HORIZON EUROPE programme, co-funded by the MSCA-COFUND grant, the Regional Government and the Hosting organisations budgets.

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Spracovala: Katarína Gáliková

Illustration photo: https://meritcb.eu/


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