In: Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 55, no. 1
Ján Hanušin
Year, pages: 2003, 81 - 88
changes of runoff size, land use changes, land reforms, collectivisation, Slovakia
About article:
The aim of the study is identifying and interpreting of runoff changes on the example of five small basins in the period of the most intensive collectivisation of agricultural production (from 1931 or 1941 to 1969). Land reforms, which in the majority of cases conditioned the changes in farm land use, represent in certain circumstances the triggering mechanism of runoff changes in the basin. The method of the double mass curve of runoff depth was applied. Analysis showed that like in the majority of phenomena taking place in natural landscape in this case it is not possible to produce a univocal and generally applicable scheme. Effect of collectivisation of agricultural production in the 1950’s on the size of runoff was not proved though the previous land reforms manifested such changes in some basins.
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Hanušin, J. 2003. Analýza odtokových zmien vo vybraných malých povodiach Slovenska. In Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 55, no.1, pp. 81-88. 0016-7193.
Hanušin, J. (2003). Analýza odtokových zmien vo vybraných malých povodiach Slovenska. Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, 55(1), 81-88. 0016-7193.