In: World Literature Studies, vol. 9, no. 4
Year, pages: 2017, 3 - 21
Language: slo
Eileen Gray. Modern architecture. Non-heroic modernity. Sapphic modernity. Cultural roles of gender. Performative gender. Sexually dissident gender.
Article type: hosťovská prednáška / guest lecture
Document type: pdf
About article:
This paper addresses issues of criticality, gender and interpretation concerning the villa E.1027 by Eileen Gray. It proposes three hypotheses based on critical comparison of 1. the dialogue between Gray and Jean Badovici (1929); 2. the critical historiography Eileen Gray (2000) by Caroline Constant; and finally 3. the trans-disciplinary book Eileen Gray and the Design of Sapphic Modernity. Staying In (2011) by Jasmine Rault. The first hypothesis proposes reconsidering the first text as an early critique of modernism, an alternation of gender-related cultural roles, and a contribution to non-scientific interpretations. The second hypothesis posits that the second text proposes a non-heroic modernity, performative gender, and in terms of interpretation offers the problematization of scientific historiography. Finally, according to the last hypothesis, the third text shifts to Sapphic modernity, dissident gender and the hybridization of non-, pre-scientific and scientific interpretation.
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Mitášová, M. 2017. Eileen Gray alebo architektka: tri hypotézy kritického písania o rode v avantgardnej architektúre vily E.1027. In World Literature Studies, vol. 9, no.4, pp. 3-21. 1337-9275.
Mitášová, M. (2017). Eileen Gray alebo architektka: tri hypotézy kritického písania o rode v avantgardnej architektúre vily E.1027. World Literature Studies, 9(4), 3-21. 1337-9275.
About edition:
Publisher: ÚSvL SAV, v. v. i.