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Institute of Parasitology

On this page, you can search the on-line database of the Central Library of the SAS for the publications.

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  • AALBERG, Kristian - KOŠČOVÁ, Lenka - ŠMIGA, Ľubomír - KOŠUTH, P. - KOŠČO, Ján - OROS, Mikuláš - BARČÁK, Daniel - LAZAR, Peter. A study of fish lice (Argulus sp.) infection in freshwater food fish. In Folia veterinaria, 2016, vol. 60, no. 3, p. 54-59. ISSN 0015-5748. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1515/FV-2016-0030 Type: ADFB
    [1.1] DAS, Priyanka - BADHE, Mohan R. - SAHOO, Pramoda Kumar - REDDY, Raudu Rajendra Kumar - SURYAWANSHI, Amol R. - MOHANTY, Jyotirmaya. Immunoproteomic analysis of fish ectoparasite, Argulus siamensis antigens. In PARASITE IMMUNOLOGY. ISSN 0141-9838, 2021, vol. 43, no. 7, pp. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1111/pim.12837, Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] GROKHOVSKA, Y. R. - PARFENIUK, I. O. - KONONTSEV, S. - POLTAVCHENKO, T. Analysis of surface water quality and crustacean diseases in fish (the Ustya River basin, Ukraine). In UKRAINIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY. ISSN 2520-2138, 2021, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 94-102. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.15421/2021_14, Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] MOHANTY, S. - MOHANTY, M. - SARMA, K. - KUMAR, T. - DEY, A. - DAS, P. - SAHOO, S.K. Classical morphology and DNA barcoding based identification of freshwater ectoparasite, Argulus foliaceus in rohu Labeo rohita. In INDIAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES. ISSN 0970-6011, 2023, vol. 70, no. 1, p. 111-118. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.21077/ijf.2023.70.1.132415-16, Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] PAWLUK, Rebecca J. - STUART, Rebekah - DE LEANIZ, Carlos Garcia - CABLE, Joanne - MORPHEW, Russell M. - BROPHY, Peter M. - CONSUEGRA, Sofia. Smell of Infection: A Novel, Noninvasive Method for Detection of Fish Excretory-Secretory Proteins. In JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH. ISSN 1535-3893, 2019, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 1371-1379., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.2] KEHAYIAS, George - TSOUNIS, Lambros. Argulus japonicus Thiele, 1900 (Crustacea: Branchiura) collected in light traps – First record from Greece. In Biharean Biologist. ISSN 18435637, 2019-01-01, 13, 1, pp. 44-46., Registrované v: SCOPUS
    [1.2] OLIVEIRA, Elzamara de Castro - PEREIRA, Elcimara Cardoso - CAJADO, Ruineris Almada - DA SILVA, Lenise Vargas Flores - CORRÊA, Lincoln Lima. Description of the life cycle of Dolops discoidalis (Bouvier, 1899) (Branchiura: Argulidae), a parasite of the fish species Rhytiodus argenteofuscus (Kner, 1858) from the Brazilian Amazon. In Annals of parasitology. ISSN 22990631, 2021-01-01, 67, 3, pp. 473-482. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.17420/ap6703.360, Registrované v: SCOPUS
  • ANTOLOVÁ, Daniela - HUDÁČKOVÁ, D. - FECKOVÁ, Miroslava - FEKETEOVÁ, Anna - SZILÁGYOVÁ, M. Pyogenic liver abscess in a child with concomitant infections – Staphylococcus aureus, Echinococcus multilocularis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In Helminthologia, 2016, vol. 53, no. 3, p. 270-275. (2015: 0.602 - IF, Q4 - JCR, 0.323 - SJR, Q3 - SJR, karentované - CCC). (2016 - Current Contents, WOS, SCOPUS). ISSN 0440-6605. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1515/helmin-2016-0026 (ITMS 26220120022 : Centre of Exellence for Parasitology) Type: ADDA
    [1.1] YEH, Pai-Jui - CHEN, Chien-Chang - LAI, Ming-Wei - YEH, Hung-Yu - CHAO, Hsun-Chin. Pediatric Liver Abscess: Trends in the Incidence, Etiology, and Outcomes Based on 20-Years of Experience at a Tertiary Center. In FRONTIERS IN PEDIATRICS. ISSN 2296-2360, 2020, vol. 8, no., pp. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.3389/fped.2020.00111, Registrované v: WOS
    [1.2] BESA, Leah Mae C. - GREGORIO, Germana Emerita V. Pediatric Hepatic Abscess: A Ten-year Review of the Features and Outcome at the Philippine General Hospital. In Acta Medica Philippina, 2022-01-01, 56, 9, pp. 46-52. ISSN 00016071. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.47895/amp.v56i9.3607, Registrované v: SCOPUS
  • ANTOLOVÁ, Daniela - JARČUŠKA, P. - JANIČKO, Martin - REITEROVÁ, Katarína - HALÁNOVÁ, Monika - ČECHOVÁ, Lenka - ČISLÁKOVÁ, L. - HEPAMETA TEAM. Occurrence of Echinococcus multilocularis and E. granulosus seropositivity in Roma and non-Roma population of Eastern in Slovakia. In Annals of Parasitology, 2016, vol. 62, suppl., p. 14. (2015: 0.323 - SJR, Q3 - SJR). ISSN 0043-5163. (APVV-15-0114 : Standardisation of new approaches in the diagnosis of important helminthic diseases of humans and their application into the practice in the light of actual epidemiological and social conditions of Slovakia.) Type: AFG
    [1.1] BAJKOVEC, Lucija - VILIBIC-CAVLEK, Tatjana - BARBIC, Ljubo - MRZLJAK, Anna. Parasitic zoonoses in the Roma population. In GERMS. ISSN 2248-2997, 2021, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 418-426. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.18683/germs.2021.1279, Registrované v: WOS
  • ANTOLOVÁ, Daniela - JARČUŠKA, P. - JANIČKO, Martin - HALÁNOVÁ, Monika - ČECHOVÁ, Lenka - ČISLÁKOVÁ, L. - HEPAMETA TEAM. Seroprevalence to Toxoplasma gondii in Roma and non-Roma inhabitants of Eastern Slovakia. In Annals of Parasitology, 2016, vol. 62, suppl., p. 13. (2015: 0.323 - SJR, Q3 - SJR). ISSN 0043-5163. (Vega č. 2/0127/13 : Epidemiológia závažných parazitozoonóz cirkulujúcich na území Slovenska a ich diagnostika u ľudí imunologickými a molekulárnymi prístupmi. APVV-15-0114 : Standardisation of new approaches in the diagnosis of important helminthic diseases of humans and their application into the practice in the light of actual epidemiological and social conditions of Slovakia.) Type: AFG
  • ANTOLOVÁ, Daniela - BAJUŽÍK, Branislav - GÁL, Viliam. Alveolárna echinokokóza pečene u psa. In Informačný spravodajca KVL SR, 2016, č. 4, s. 6-8. ISSN 1336-1724. (ITMS 26220220018 : Application Centre to Protect humans, animals and plants against parasites) Type: BDF
  • BABJÁK, Michal - KÖNIGOVÁ, Alžbeta - URDA DOLINSKÁ, Michaela - VÁRADY, Marián. Diferenciácia infekčných lariev gastrointestinálnych nematódov vyskytujúcich sa na farmách kôz na Slovensku. In Vedecké práce doktorandov 2016 : Zborník zo seminára doktorandov venovaného pamiatke akademika Boďu, XI. ročník, Košice, 5. a 6. september 2016. Fabian, D. (ed.) ; valenčáková, A. (rec.), Beňová, K. (rec.). - Košice : ÚFHZ-SAV, 2016, s. 10-12. ISBN 978-80-971428-3-4. (Vega č. 2/0120/16 : Voľne žijúce prežúvavce ako potenciálny rizikový faktor prenosu rezistentných parazitov medzi chovmi malých prežúvavcov. APVV-14-0169 : Rezistencia parazitov na antihelmintiká - výzvy, perspektívy a riešenia) Type: AFD
  • BABJÁK, Michal - KÖNIGOVÁ, Alžbeta - URDA DOLINSKÁ, Michaela - VÁRADY, Marián. Occurrence of benzimidazole resistance of gastro-intestinal parasites in goat farms in Slovakia. In EMOP 12. Programme and Abstracts : XII European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, July 20-24, 2016, Turku, Finlandia. - Turku : University of Turku, 2016, p 16.01. (Vega č. 2/0120/16 : Voľne žijúce prežúvavce ako potenciálny rizikový faktor prenosu rezistentných parazitov medzi chovmi malých prežúvavcov. APVV-0539-10 : Resistance of parasites of small ruminants to anthelmintics – can science win?. EMOP) Type: GII
  • BABJÁK, Michal - KÖNIGOVÁ, Alžbeta - DOLINSKÁ, Michaela - VÁRADY, Marián. Výskyt benzimidazolovej rezistencie na kozích farmách v Slovenskej republike. In XII. české a slovenské parazitologické dny. Sborník abstraktů. : 16.-20. května 2016, Ledeč nad Sázavou. - České Budějovice : Parazitologický ústav, Biologické centrum AV ČR, 2016, s. 12. (Vega č. 2/0120/16 : Voľne žijúce prežúvavce ako potenciálny rizikový faktor prenosu rezistentných parazitov medzi chovmi malých prežúvavcov. APVV-14-0169 : Rezistencia parazitov na antihelmintiká - výzvy, perspektívy a riešenia. XII. české a slovenské parazitologické dny) Type: GII
  • BALAŽENTIENÉ, Ligita - RENČO, Marek. Evidence of biochemical effect of invasive S. canadensis on germination response. In Proceedings. 7th International Weed Science Congress : June 19-25, 2016, Prague, Czech Republic. - Prague : Czech univeristy of Life Sciences, Prague, 2016, s. 499. ISBN 978-80-213-2648-4. (International weed science congress) Type: AFG
  • BARČÁK, Daniel - OROS, Mikuláš - HANZELOVÁ, Vladimíra - SCHOLZ, Tomáš. Taxonomic revision of the genus Caryophyllaeus Gmelin, 1790, (Caryophillidea) monozoic tapeworms of cyprinid fishes. In 5th Workshop of the European Centre of Ichthyoparasitology.28-30 November, 2016, Prušánky : programme and abstracts. - Brno : Masaryk University Brno, 2016. ISBN 978-80-210-8373-8. (Workshop of the European Centre of Ichthyoparasitology) Type: AFG
  • BARČÁK, Daniel - XI, Bing-Wen - OROS, Mikuláš. The occurrence of the cestode Caryophyllaeus laticeps (Pallas, 1781) in the River Irtysh, China: a morphological characterization and molecular data. In XII. české a slovenské parazitologické dny. Sborník abstraktů : 16.-20. května 2016, Ledeč nad Sázavou. - České Budějovice : Parazitologický ústav, Biologické centrum AV ČR, 2016, s. 94. (Vega č. 2/0159/16 : Pásomnice (Cestoda) rýb v Severnej Amerike: získanie nových poznatkov o evolučne a medicínsky významných parazitoch. APVV-0653-11 : Vymedzenie hraníc druhu u parazitov rýb: morfológia verzus gény a chromozómy. XII. české a slovenské parazitologické dny) Type: GII
  • BARČÁK, Daniel - OROS, Mikuláš - HANZELOVÁ, Vladimíra. Early development of the monozoic cestode Caryophyllaeus laticeps (Pallas, 1781), parasite of cyprinid fishes. In XII. české a slovenské parazitologické dny. Sborník abstraktů : 16.-20. května 2016, Ledeč nad Sázavou. - České Budějovice : Parazitologický ústav, Biologické centrum AV ČR, 2016, s. 93. Dostupné na internete: http://www.parazitologie.cz/akce/cspd2016/doc/sbornik%202016.pdf (Vega č. 2/0159/16 : Pásomnice (Cestoda) rýb v Severnej Amerike: získanie nových poznatkov o evolučne a medicínsky významných parazitoch. APVV-0653-11 : Vymedzenie hraníc druhu u parazitov rýb: morfológia verzus gény a chromozómy. XII. české a slovenské parazitologické dny) Type: GII
  • BENZ, Corinna - KOVÁŘOVÁ, Julie - KRÁLOVÁ-HROMADOVÁ, Ivica - PIERIK, Antonio J. - LUKEŠ, Julius. Roles of the Nfu Fe-S targeting factors in the trypanosome mitochondrion. In International Journal for Parasitology, 2016, vol. 46, no. 10, p. 641-651. (2015: 4.242 - IF, Q1 - JCR, 2.050 - SJR, Q1 - SJR, karentované - CCC). (2016 - Current Contents). ISSN 0020-7519. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpara.2016.04.006 Type: ADCA
    [1.1] AZAM, Tamanna - PRZYBYLA-TOSCANO, Jonathan - VIGNOLS, Florence - COUTURIER, Jeremy - ROUHIER, Nicolas - JOHNSON, Michael K. The Arabidopsis Mitochondrial Glutaredoxin GRXS15 Provides [2Fe-2S] Clusters for ISCA-Mediated [4Fe-4S] Cluster Maturation. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 2020, vol. 21, no. 23, pp. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms21239237, Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] LILL, Roland - FREIBERT, Sven-A. Mechanisms of Mitochondrial Iron-Sulfur Protein Biogenesis. In ANNUAL REVIEW OF BIOCHEMISTRY, VOL 89. ISSN 0066-4154, 2020, vol. 89, no., pp. 471-499. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-biochem-013118-111540, Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] MELBER, Andrew - WINGE, Dennis R. Steps Toward Understanding Mitochondrial Fe/S Cluster Biogenesis. In FE-S CLUSTER ENZYMES, PT B. ISSN 0076-6879, 2018, vol. 599, no., pp. 265-292., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] UZARSKA, Marta A. - PRZYBYLA-TOSCANO, Jonathan - SPANTGAR, Farah - ZANNINI, Flavien - LILL, Roland - MUEHLENHOFF, Ulrich - ROUHIER, Nicolas. Conserved functions of Arabidopsis mitochondrial late-acting maturation factors in the trafficking of iron-sulfur clusters. In BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR CELL RESEARCH. ISSN 0167-4889, 2018, vol. 1865, no. 9, pp. 1250-1259., Registrované v: WOS
  • BLAŇAROVÁ, Lucia - STANKO, Michal - MIKLISOVÁ, Dana - VÍCHOVÁ, Bronislava - MOŠANSKÝ, Ladislav - KRALJIK, Jasna - BONA, Martin - DERDÁKOVÁ, Markéta. Presence of Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis and Babesia microti in rodents and two tick species (Ixodes ricinus and Ixodes trianguliceps) in Slovakia. In Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases, 2016, vol. 7, no. 2, p. 319-326. (2015: 2.690 - IF, Q2 - JCR, 1.248 - SJR, Q1 - SJR, karentované - CCC). (2016 - Current Contents). ISSN 1877-959X. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ttbdis.2015.11.008 (Vega č. 2/0113/12 : Babezióza na Slovensku. Vega č. 2/0060/14 : Vzťahy hostiteľ - parazit - patogén/choroba s využitím geografických informačných systémov. FP7-261504 EDENext : Biology and Control of Vector-borne Infections in Europe. ITMS 26240220044 : Development of the diagnostic methods fot the detection of tick-borne pathogens and the techniques for the preparationof the vaccine development. ITMS 26220220116 : Ochrana životného prostredia pred parazitozoonózami pod vplyvom globálnych klimatických a spoločenských zmien) Type: ADCA
    [1.1] ANDERSSON, Martin O. - MARGA, Georgeta - BANU, Teofilia - DOBLER, Gerhard - CHITIMIA-DOBLER, Lidia. Tick-borne pathogens in tick species infesting humans in Sibiu County, central Romania. In PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH. ISSN 0932-0113, 2018, vol. 117, no. 5, pp. 1591-1597., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] BAJER, Anna - DWUZNIK-SZAREK, Dorota. The specificity of Babesia-tick vector interactions: recent advances and pitfalls in molecular and field studies. In PARASITES & VECTORS. ISSN 1756-3305, SEP 28 2021, vol. 14, no. 1., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] BENEVENUTE, J.L. - DUMLER, J.S. - OGRZEWALSKA, M. - ROQUE, A.L.R. - MELLO, V.V.C. - DE SOUSA, K.C.M. - GONCALVES, L.R. - D'ANDREA, P.S. - LEMOS, E.R.D. - MACHADO, R.Z. - ANDRE, M.R. Assessment of a quantitative 5 ' nuclease real-time polymerase chain reaction using groEL gene for Ehrlichia and Anaplasma species in rodents in Brazil. In TICKS AND TICK-BORNE DISEASES. ISSN 1877-959X, 2017, vol. 8, no. 4, p. 646-656., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] CAYOL, Claire - JAASKELAINEN, Anu - KOSKELA, Esa - KYROLAINEN, Sami - MAPPES, Tapio - SIUKKOLA, Anja - KALLIO, Eva R. Sympatric Ixodes-tick species: pattern of distribution and pathogen transmission within wild rodent populations. In SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. ISSN 2045-2322, 2018, vol. 8, no., pp., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] GUVEN, Esin - AKYUZ, Muzaffer - KIRMAN, Ridvan - BALKAYA, Ibrahim - AVCIOGLU, Hamza. Zoonotic Babesia microti infection in wild rodents in Erzurum province, northeastern Turkey. In ZOONOSES AND PUBLIC HEALTH. ISSN 1863-1959, NOV 2022, vol. 69, no. 7, p. 875-883. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1111/zph.12983, Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] HAMŠÍKOVÁ, Zuzana - KAZIMÍROVÁ, Mária - HARUŠTIAKOVÁ, Danka - MAHRÍKOVÁ, Lenka - SLOVÁK, Mirko - BERTHOVÁ, Lenka - KOCIANOVÁ, Elena - SCHNITTGER, Leonhard. Babesia spp. in ticks and wildlife in different habitat types of Slovakia. In Parasites and Vectors, 2016-05-20, 9, 1, pp., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] KARNCHANABANTHOENG, A. - MORAND, S. - JITTAPALAPONG, S. - CARCY, B. Babesia Occurrence in Rodents in Relation to Landscapes of Mainland Southeast Asia. In VECTOR-BORNE AND ZOONOTIC DISEASES. ISSN 1530-3667, DEC 11 2017., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] KARNCHANABANTHOENG, Anamika - MORAND, Serge - JITTAPALAPONG, Sathaporn - CARCY, Bernard. Babesia Occurrence in Rodents in Relation to Landscapes of Mainland Southeast Asia. In VECTOR-BORNE AND ZOONOTIC DISEASES. ISSN 1530-3667, 2018, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 121-130., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] KARSHIMA, Solomon Ngutor - KARSHIMA, Magdalene Nguvan - AHMED, Musa Isiyaka. Animal reservoirs of zoonotic Babesia species: A global systematic review and meta-analysis of their prevalence, distribution and species diversity. In VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY. ISSN 0304-4017, OCT 2021, vol. 298., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] KARSHIMA, Solomon Ngutor - KARSHIMA, Magdalene Nguvan - AHMED, Musa Isiyaku. Infection rates, species diversity, and distribution of zoonotic Babesia parasites in ticks: a global systematic review and meta-analysis. In PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH. ISSN 0932-0113, JAN 2022, vol. 121, no. 1, p. 311-334. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00436-021-07359-6, Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] MARDOSAITE-BUSAITIENE, Dalyte - RADZIJEVSKAJA, Jana - BALCIAUSKAS, Linas - PAULAUSKAS, Algimantas. Babesia microti in Rodents from Different Habitats of Lithuania. In ANIMALS. ISSN 2076-2615, JUN 2021, vol. 11, no. 6., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] NOLL, Madeleine - WALL, Richard - MAKEPEACE, Benjamin L. - VINEER, Hannah Rose. Distribution of ticks in the Western Palearctic: an updated systematic review (2015-2021). In PARASITES & VECTORS. ISSN 1756-3305, APR 24 2023, vol. 16, no. 1. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13071-023-05773-6, Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] OBIEGALA, Anna - HEUSER, Elisa - RYLL, Rene - IMHOLT, Christian - FUERST, Johanna - PRAUTSCH, Lisa-Marie - PLENGE-BOENIG, Anita - ULRICH, Rainer G. - PFEFFER, Martin. Norway and black rats in Europe: potential reservoirs for zoonotic arthropod-borne pathogens? In PEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE. ISSN 1526-498X, 2019, vol. 75, no. 6, pp. 1556-1563., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] OBIEGALA, Anna - SILAGHI, Cornelia. Candidatus Neoehrlichia Mikurensis-Recent Insights and Future Perspectives on Clinical Cases, Vectors, and Reservoirs in Europe. In CURRENT CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY REPORTS. ISSN 2196-5471, 2018, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1-9., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] ONDRUS, Jaroslav - BALAZOVA, Alena - BALAZ, Vojtech - ZECHMEISTEROVA, Kristina - NOVOBILSKY, Adam - SIROKY, Pavel. Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis is widespread in questing Ixodes ricinus ticks in the Czech Republic. In TICKS AND TICK-BORNE DISEASES. ISSN 1877-959X, 2020, vol. 11, no. 3, pp., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] OPALIŃSKA Patrycja, WIERZBICKA Anna, ASMAN Marek. The PCR and nested PCR detection of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Babesia microti in Dermacentor reticulatus F. collected in a new location in Poland (Trzciel, Western Poland). ACTA PARASITOLOGICA. Volume 61, Issue 4, Pages 849–854, ISSN (Print) 1230-2821, DOI: 10.1515/ap-2016-0117, October 2016., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] PAWELCZYK, Agnieszka - BEDNARSKA, Malgorzata - KOWALSKA, Justyna D. - USZYNSKA-KALUZA, Beata - RADKOWSKI, Marek - WELC-FALECIAK, Renata. Seroprevalence of six pathogens transmitted by the Ixodes ricinus ticks in asymptomatic individuals with HIV infection and in blood donors. In SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. ISSN 2045-2322, 2019, vol. 9, no., pp., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] PEDERSEN, Benedikte N. - JENKINS, Andrew - PAULSEN, Katrine M. - OKBALDET, Yohannes B. - EDGAR, Kristin S. - LAMSAL, Alaka - SOLENG, Arnulf - ANDREASSEN, Ashild K. Distribution of Neoehrlichia mikurensis in Ixodes ricinus ticks along the coast of Norway: The western seaboard is a low-prevalence region. In ZOONOSES AND PUBLIC HEALTH. ISSN 1863-1959, 2020, vol. 67, no. 2, pp. 130-137. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1111/zph.12662, Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] PORTILLO, A. - SANTIBANEZ, P. - PALOMAR, A. M. - SANTIBANEZ, S. - OTEO, J. A. 'Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis' in Europe. In New Microbes and New Infections. ISSN 2052-2975, MAR 2018, vol. 22, p. 30-36., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] RAR, Vera - YAKIMENKO, Valeriy - MAKENOV, Marat - TIKUNOV, Artem - EPIKHINA, Tamara - TANCEV, Aleksey - BOBROVA, Oksana - TIKUNOVA, Nina. High prevalence of Babesia microti ‘Munich’ type in small mammals from an Ixodes persulcatus/Ixodes trianguliceps sympatric area in the Omsk region, Russia. In Parasitology Research. ISSN 09320113, 2016-09-01, 115, 9, pp. 3619-3629., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] ROGOVSKYY, Artem - BATOOL, Maliha - GILLIS, David C. - HOLMAN, Patricia J. - NEBOGATKIN, Igor V. - ROGOVSKA, Yuliya V. - ROGOVSKYY, Maksym S. Diversity of Borrelia spirochetes and other zoonotic agents in ticks from Kyiv, Ukraine. In TICKS AND TICK-BORNE DISEASES. ISSN 1877-959X, 2018, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 404-409., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] RUBEL, Franz - KAHL, Olaf. The Eurasian shrew and vole tick Ixodes trianguliceps: geographical distribution, climate preference, and pathogens detected. In EXPERIMENTAL AND APPLIED ACAROLOGY. ISSN 0168-8162, JUN 2023, vol. 90, no. 1-2, p. 47-65. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10493-023-00797-0, Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] SAWCZYN-DOMANSKA, Anna - ZWOLINSKI, Jacek - KLOC, Anna - WOJCIK-FATLA, Angelina. Prevalence of Borrelia, Neoehrlichia mikurensis and Babesia in ticks collected from vegetation in eastern Poland. In EXPERIMENTAL AND APPLIED ACAROLOGY. ISSN 0168-8162, AUG 2023, vol. 90, no. 3-4, p. 409-428. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10493-023-00818-y, Registrované v: WOS
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    [1.1] TOLKACZ, Katarzyna - KOWALEC, Maciej - ALSARRAF, Mohammed - GRZYBEK, Maciej - DWUZNIK-SZAREK, Dorota - BEHNKE, Jerzy. M. M. - BAJER, Anna. Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis and Hepatozoon sp. in voles (Microtus spp.): occurrence and evidence for vertical transmission. In SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. ISSN 2045-2322, JAN 31 2023, vol. 13, no. 1. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-28346-0, Registrované v: WOS
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  • BOMBAROVÁ, Marta - ŠPAKULOVÁ, Marta. Chromozómová diverzita a evolúcia karyotypu modelových plathelmintov. In XII. české a slovenské parazitologické dny. Sborník abstraktů. : 16.-20. května 2016, Ledeč nad Sázavou. - České Budějovice : Parazitologický ústav, Biologické centrum AV ČR, 2016, s. 14. (Vega č.2/0168/13 : Chromozómy ako markery v systematike fylogeneticky vzdialených skupín helmintov (Acanthocephala, Platyhelminthes). XII. české a slovenské parazitologické dny) Type: GII
  • BOUWKNEGT, M. - GRAHAM, H. - DEVLEESSCHAUWER, B. - ROBERTSON, L. - VAN DER GIESSEN, J. - CAKIR KOC, R. - CHALMERS, R. - CRETU, C. - DE WAAL, T. - DEKSNE, G. - DJURKOVIC-DJAKOVIC, O. - DORNY, P. - DVOROŽŇÁKOVÁ, Emília - ENEMARK, H.L. Ranking foodborne parasites in Europe using multicriteria decision analyses. In Programme and abstract book : EURO-FBP Working Group and Management Committee Meeting 2016 & EURO-FBP WG2 Meeting “Analytical methods for foodborne parasites in human and veterinary diagnostics and in food matrices” & 2nd CYSTINET Working Group and Management Committee Meeting 2016 & Joint EURO-FBP and CYSTINET Meeting. - Ljubljana, Slovenia : Slovenian society for clinical microbiology and hospital infections of Slovenian medical association, 2016, s. 56-67. ISBN 978-961-6956-48-2. (EURO-FBP Working Group and Management Committe Meeting 2016) Type: AFG
  • BUCKOVÁ, Barbora - DVOROŽŇÁKOVÁ, Emília - LAUKOVÁ, Andrea. Zmeny v subpopulácii lymfocytov v tenkom čreve myší po probiotickej terapii a infekcii Trichinella spiralis. In Vedecké práce doktorandov 2016 : Zborník zo seminára doktorandov venovaného pamiatke akademika Boďu, XI. ročník, Košice, 5. a 6. september 2016. Fabian, D. (ed.) ; valenčáková, A. (rec.), Beňová, K. (rec.). - Košice : ÚFHZ-SAV, 2016, s. 16-18. ISBN 978-80-971428-3-4. (Vega č.2/0081/15 : Modulačné účinky probiotických baktérií na imunitu hostiteľa pri parazitozoonóze vyvolanej Trichinella spiralis) Type: AFD
  • BUCKOVÁ, Barbora - DVOROŽŇÁKOVÁ, Emília - LAUKOVÁ, Andrea. Probiotic bacteria can reduce the fertility of Trichinella spiralis parasite. In Sborník přednášek XI. Sympozia Společnosti pro probiotika a prebiotika : 12.4.2016 Kongresové centrum Ústřední vojenské nemocnice, Praha 6-Střešovice. - Praha : ČZU v Prahe, 2016, [nestr.]. ISBN 978-80-213-2639-2. (Vega č.2/0081/15 : Modulačné účinky probiotických baktérií na imunitu hostiteľa pri parazitozoonóze vyvolanej Trichinella spiralis. Symposium Společnosti pro probiotika a prebiotika) Type: AFG
  • BUCKOVÁ, Barbora - DVOROŽŇÁKOVÁ, Emília - HURNÍKOVÁ, Zuzana - LAUKOVÁ, Andrea. Are probiotic bacteria able to reduce the parasitic burden in Trichinella spiralis infection? In PREVEDA : Interaktívna konferencia mladých vedcov. - Bratislava : Občianske združenie PREVEDA, 2016, abstract no. 1437. ISBN 978-80-972360-0-7. Dostupné na internete: https://www.preveda.sk/conference/article/id=1437/ (Vega č.2/0081/15 : Modulačné účinky probiotických baktérií na imunitu hostiteľa pri parazitozoonóze vyvolanej Trichinella spiralis) Type: AFH
  • BUCKOVÁ, Barbora - DVOROŽŇÁKOVÁ, Emília - HURNÍKOVÁ, Zuzana - LAUKOVÁ, Andrea. Redukcia fertility trichinella spiralis probiotickými bakteriálnymi kmeňmi. In XII. české a slovenské parazitologické dny. Sborník abstraktů. : 16.-20. května 2016, Ledeč nad Sázavou. - České Budějovice : Parazitologický ústav, Biologické centrum AV ČR, 2016, s. 15. (Vega č.2/0081/15 : Modulačné účinky probiotických baktérií na imunitu hostiteľa pri parazitozoonóze vyvolanej Trichinella spiralis. XII. české a slovenské parazitologické dny) Type: GII
  • BUCKOVÁ, Barbora - DVOROŽŇÁKOVÁ, Emília - LAUKOVÁ, Andrea. Probiotic bacteria can reduce female fecundity of Trichinella spiralis. In EMOP 12. Programme and Abstracts : XII European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, July 20-24, 2016, Turku, Finlandia. - Turku : University of Turku, 2016, p 8.02. (Vega č.2/0081/15 : Modulačné účinky probiotických baktérií na imunitu hostiteľa pri parazitozoonóze vyvolanej Trichinella spiralis. EMOP) Type: GII
  • ČABANOVÁ, Viktória - MITERPÁKOVÁ, Martina - HURNÍKOVÁ, Zuzana. Pľúcne červy mäsožravcov - nepoznané parazity na Slovensku. In Slovenský veterinársky časopis, 2016, roč. 61, č. 1-2, s. 29-32. ISSN 1335-0099. (ITMS 26220220018 : Application Centre to Protect humans, animals and plants against parasites) Type: ADFB
  • ČABANOVÁ, Viktória - MITERPÁKOVÁ, Martina - HURNÍKOVÁ, Zuzana - GUIMARÃES, Nuno - URBAN, Peter. Occurrence of Angiostrongylus vasorum in domestic and wild carnivores in Slovakia – preliminary results of first epidemiological study. In Annals of Parasitology, 2016, vol. 62, suppl., p. 17. (2015: 0.323 - SJR, Q3 - SJR). ISSN 0043-5163. (Vega č.2/0018/16 : Novo sa objavujúce závažné parazitárne a vektormi prenášané ochorenia psov, ich epidemiológia a diagnostika. APVV-15-0114 : Standardisation of new approaches in the diagnosis of important helminthic diseases of humans and their application into the practice in the light of actual epidemiological and social conditions of Slovakia.) Type: AFG
  • ČABANOVÁ, Viktória. Votrelec z Francúzska. In Quark : magazín o vede a technike, 2016, roč. 22, č. 7, s. 26-27. ISSN 1337-8422. (ITMS 26220220018 : Application Centre to Protect humans, animals and plants against parasites) Type: GII
  • ČABANOVÁ, Viktória - HURNÍKOVÁ, Zuzana - MITERPÁKOVÁ, Martina. Geographical distribution of Metastrongylid nematodes Angiostrongylus vasorum and Crenosoma vulpis in Slovak wildlife - preliminary study. In 4th Bayer Angiostrongylosis Forum. Abstract Proceedings : Vienna, Austria, 12th July 2016. - Vienna : Bayer Animal Health GmbH, 2016, s. 9. (Vega č.2/0018/16 : Novo sa objavujúce závažné parazitárne a vektormi prenášané ochorenia psov, ich epidemiológia a diagnostika. Bayer Angiostrongylosis Forum) Type: GII
  • ČANÁDY, Alexander - MOŠANSKÝ, Ladislav - KRIŠOVSKÝ, Peter. Sexual size monomorphism and body variation in the fat dormouse Glis glis in Slovakia. In Biologia, 2016, vol. 71, no. 9, p. 1061-1066. (2015: 0.719 - IF, Q4 - JCR, 0.329 - SJR, Q3 - SJR, karentované - CCC). (2016 - Current Contents). ISSN 0006-3088. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1515/biolog-2016-0123 (Vega č. 2/0060/14 : Vzťahy hostiteľ - parazit - patogén/choroba s využitím geografických informačných systémov. Vega č.2/0059/15 : Prírodné ohniská v mestách na príklade košickej aglomerácie: štruktúra a dynamika v priestore a v čase.. APVV-14-0274 : Drobné cicavce ako potenciálny zdroj zoonotických bakterií a rezistencie na antibiotiká. ITMS 26220120022 : Centre of Exellence for Parasitology) Type: ADDA
  • ČANÁDY, Alexander - MOŠANSKÝ, Ladislav. Plumage colour patterns and density of feral pigeon from urban areas of the Stropkov and Svidník cities (Ondavská vrchovina Mts, Slovakia). In Acta Universitatis Prešoviensis, Folia Oecologica, 2016, roč. 8, č. 2, s. 5-13. ISSN 1338-080X. (Vega č.2/0137/10 : Drobné cicavce a ich epidemiologický význam v urbánnom prostredí) Type: ADFB
  • ČEREVKOVÁ, Andrea - RENČO, Marek. Impact of Forest Management Practices after Windstorm and Wildfire in Spruce Forest on Soil Nematode Communities. In Forest Ecosystems: Management, Impact Assessment and Conservation. 1. vyd. - New York : Nova Science Publishing, 2016, s. 45-65. ISBN 978-1-63485-794-9. Type: ABC
  • ČEREVKOVÁ, Andrea - ONDEKOVÁ, Jana - RENČO, Marek. Vplyv poškodenia smrekového lesa TANAP-u víchricou v máji 2014 na spoločenstvá pôdnych nematód. In Zborník príspevkov z vedeckého kongresu „Zoológia 2016“. Krumpálová Zuzana, Zigová Martina, Tulis Filip (eds.). - Nitra : Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, 2016, s. 53-55. ISBN 978-80-558-1102-4. (ITMS 26220120022 : Centre of Exellence for Parasitology. Vega č. 2/0013/16 : Soil nematodes and microorganisms: indicators of impact of non-native plant species invasion on the ecosystem. Zoológia 2016, Vedecký kongres.) Type: AFD
  • BAZSALOVICSOVÁ, Eva - ŠPAKULOVÁ, Marta - JUHÁSOVÁ, Ľudmila - MIHOLICS, Štefan - RAJSKÝ, Dušan - KRÁLOVÁ-HROMADOVÁ, Ivica. A long-term survey of Fascioloides magna in red deer (Cervus elaphus) in Slovakia (Danube floodplain forests) during the period of 2005-2015. In Helminthologia, 2016, vol. 53, no. 3, p. 243-247. (2015: 0.602 - IF, Q4 - JCR, 0.323 - SJR, Q3 - SJR, karentované - CCC). (2016 - Current Contents, WOS, SCOPUS). ISSN 0440-6605. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1515/helmin-2016-0024 (Vega č.2/0133/13 : Fylogeografia a populačná genetika novo sa objavujúcich európskych a severoamerických populácií Fascioloides magna (Trematoda), závažného pečeňového parazita prežúvavcov. ITMS 26220120022 : Centre of Exellence for Parasitology) Type: ADDA
    [1.1] REHBEIN, S. - VISSER, M. - HAMEL, D. - REINDL, H. Occurrence of the giant liver fluke, Fascioloides magna, in sympatric wild ungulates in one area in the Upper Palatinate Forest (northeastern Bavaria, Germany). In PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH. ISSN 0932-0113, 2021, vol. 120, no. 2, pp. 553-561. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00436-020-06996-7, Registrované v: WOS
    [1.2] BROWN, Tony L. - AIRS, Paul M. - PORTER, Siobhan - CAPLAT, Paul - MORGAN, Eric R. Understanding the role of wild ruminants in anthelmintic resistance in livestock. In Biology Letters, 2022-01-01, 18, 5, pp. ISSN 17449561. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2022.0057, Registrované v: SCOPUS
    [1.2] JUHÁSZ, Alexandra - STOTHARD, J. Russell. The giant liver fluke in Europe: A review of Fascioloides magna within cervids and livestock with considerations on an expanding snail-fluke transmission risk. In Advances in Parasitology, 2023-01-01, 119, pp. 223-257. ISSN 0065308X. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1016/bs.apar.2022.10.002, Registrované v: SCOPUS
  • DANIŠOVÁ, O. - VALENČÁKOVÁ, A. - STANKO, Michal. First evidence of zoonotic species of Cryptosporidium muskrat genotypes I and II of rodents in Slovakia. In Congress proceedings from the 5th annual scientific congress on Zoonoses, Foodborne and Waterborne Diseases – Protection of Public and Animal Health. National Focal Point of Slovak Republic for scientific and technical matters for EFSA (ed.). - Bratislava : Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic, 2016, s. 344-346. ISBN 978-80-89738-09-0. (APVV-14-0274 : Drobné cicavce ako potenciálny zdroj zoonotických bakterií a rezistencie na antibiotiká. 5th annual scientific congress on Zoonoses, Foodborne and Waterborne Diseases – Protection of Public and Animal Health) Type: AFD
  • DANIŠOVÁ, O. - VALENČÁKOVÁ, A. - HATALOVÁ, E. - STANKO, Michal - LUPTÁKOVÁ, L. Human genotypes of zoonotic pathogens Cryptosporidium spp. identified in rodents in Slovakia. In Congress proceedings from the 5th annual scientific congress on Zoonoses, Foodborne and Waterborne Diseases – Protection of Public and Animal Health. National Focal Point of Slovak Republic for scientific and technical matters for EFSA (ed.) ; ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic (publisher). - Bratislava : Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic, 2016, s. 340-343. ISBN 978-80-89738-09-0. (APVV-14-0274 : Drobné cicavce ako potenciálny zdroj zoonotických bakterií a rezistencie na antibiotiká. 5th annual scientific congress on Zoonoses, Foodborne and Waterborne Diseases – Protection of Public and Animal Health) Type: AFD
  • URDA DOLINSKÁ, Michaela - KÖNIGOVÁ, Alžbeta - BABJÁK, Michal - VÁRADY, Marián. Comparison of two in vitro methods for the detection of ivermectin resistance in Haemonchus contortus in sheep. In Helminthologia, 2016, vol. 53, no. 2, p. 120-125. (2015: 0.602 - IF, Q4 - JCR, 0.323 - SJR, Q3 - SJR, karentované - CCC). (2016 - Current Contents, WOS, SCOPUS). ISSN 0440-6605. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1515/helmin-2015-0002 (APVV-0539-10 : Resistance of parasites of small ruminants to anthelmintics – can science win?. ITMS 26220120002 : INFEKTOZOON - Centre of Excellence for Animal Infections and Zoonoses) Type: ADDA
    [1.1] GEORGE, Melissa M. - LOPEZ-SOBERAL, Lorraine - STOREY, Bob E. - HOWELL, Sue B. - KAPLAN, Ray M. Motility in the L3 stage is a poor phenotype for detecting and measuring resistance to avermectin/milbemycin drugs in gastrointestinal nematodes of livestock. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR PARASITOLOGY-DRUGS AND DRUG RESISTANCE. ISSN 2211-3207, 2018, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 22-30., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] HAMID, Laraibah - ALSAYARI, Abdulrhman - TAK, Hidayatullah - MIR, Suhail Ahmad - ALMOYAD, Mohammad Ali Abdullah - WAHAB, Shadma - BADER, Ghulam Nabi. An Insight into the Global Problem of Gastrointestinal Helminth Infections amongst Livestock: Does Nanotechnology Provide an Alternative?. In AGRICULTURE-BASEL. JUL 2023, vol. 13, no. 7. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture13071359, Registrované v: WOS
    [1.2] HASSAN, Noha M.F. - GHAZY, Alaa A. Advances in diagnosis and control of anthelmintic resistant gastrointestinal helminths infecting ruminants. In Journal of Parasitic Diseases, 2022-09-01, 46, 3, pp. 901-915. ISSN 09717196. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12639-021-01457-z, Registrované v: SCOPUS
  • URDA DOLINSKÁ, Michaela - KÖNIGOVÁ, Alžbeta - VON SAMSON-HIMMELSTJERNA, Georg - BABJÁK, Michal - VÁRADY, Marián. Genotypizácia benzimidazol-rezistentných a citlivých izolátov parazita Haemonchus concortus u oviec. In XII. české a slovenské parazitologické dny. Sborník abstraktů : 16.-20. května 2016, Ledeč nad Sázavou. - České Budějovice : Parazitologický ústav, Biologické centrum AV ČR, 2016, s. 101. (Vega č. 2/0120/16 : Voľne žijúce prežúvavce ako potenciálny rizikový faktor prenosu rezistentných parazitov medzi chovmi malých prežúvavcov. APVV-14-0169 : Rezistencia parazitov na antihelmintiká - výzvy, perspektívy a riešenia. XII. české a slovenské parazitologické dny) Type: GII
  • DOUDA, Ondřej - ZOUHAR, Miloslav - RENČO, Marek. Variability in D2/D3 segment sequences of several populations and pathotypes of the potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis, G. pallida). In Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemicae, 2015, vol. 79, no. 3, p. 183-191. ISSN 1211-376X. Dostupné na internete: http://www.zoospol.cz/ixadmin/app/webroot/uploads/2-5-2016/Douda_et_al.pdf Type: ADEB
  • DUBINSKÝ, Pavol - ANTOLOVÁ, Daniela - REITEROVÁ, Katarína. Human Trichinella infection outbreaks in Slovakia, 1980-2008. In Acta Parasitologica, 2016, vol. 61, no. 2, p. 205-211. (2015: 1.293 - IF, Q3 - JCR, 0.595 - SJR, Q3 - SJR, karentované - CCC). (2016 - Current Contents). ISSN 1230-2821. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1515/ap-2016-0029 (Vega č. 2/0127/13 : Epidemiológia závažných parazitozoonóz cirkulujúcich na území Slovenska a ich diagnostika u ľudí imunologickými a molekulárnymi prístupmi. ITMS 26220220018 : Application Centre to Protect humans, animals and plants against parasites) Type: ADCA
    [1.1] BALIC, Davor - DIJANIC, Tomislav - AGICIC, Marija - BARIC, Josip - KALTENBRUNNER, Maria - KRAJINA, Hrvoje - HOCHEGGER, Rupert - SKRIVANKO, Mario - KOZUL, Karlo. A Large-Scale Outbreak of Trichinellosis from Infected Wild Boar Meat in Croatia and the Role of Real-Time PCR Assays in Confirming the Source of the Disease. In MICROORGANISMS. DEC 2023, vol. 11, no. 12. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms11122995, Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] BILSKA-ZAJAC, Ewa - KORPYSA-DZIRBA, Weronika - BELCIK, Aneta - KARAMON, Jacek - SROKA, Jacek - CENCEK, Tomasz. Scheme of Effective Epidemiological Investigations in Trichinella Outbreaks on Pig Farms. In FOODS. MAR 2023, vol. 12, no. 6. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12061320, Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] CYBULSKA, Aleksandra - KORNACKA, Aleksandra - POPIOLEK, Marcin - BIEN-KALINOWSKA, Justyna - MOSKWA, Bozena. Use of meat juice from racoons (Procyon lotor) collected from Central Europe for immunological detection of Trichinella spp.. In VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY. ISSN 0304-4017, SEP 2021, vol. 297., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] EL SAFTAWY, E. A. - ABOULHODA, B. E. - HASSAN, F. E. - ISMAIL, M. A. M. - ALGHAMDI, M. A. - HUSSEIN, S. M. - AMIN, N. M. ACV with/without IVM: a new talk on intestinal CDX2 and muscular CD34 and Cyclin D1 during Trichinella spiralis infection. In HELMINTHOLOGIA. ISSN 0440-6605, JUN 1 2024, vol. 61, no. 2, p. 124-141. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.2478/helm-2024-0013, Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] GRZELAK, Sylwia - STACHYRA, Anna - MOSKWA, Bozena - BIEN-KALINOWSKA, Justyna. Exploiting the potential of 2D DIGE and 2DE immunoblotting for comparative analysis of crude extract of Trichinella britovi and Trichinella spiralis muscle larvae proteomes. In VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY. ISSN 0304-4017, JAN 2021, vol. 289., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] INTIRACH, Jitrawadee - SHU, Chang - LV, Xin - GAO, Suzhen - SUTTHANONT, Nataya - CHEN, Tao - LV, Zhiyue. Human parasitic infections of the class Adenophorea: global epidemiology, pathogenesis, prevention and control. In INFECTIOUS DISEASES OF POVERTY. ISSN 2095-5162, JUN 20 2024, vol. 13, no. 1. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40249-024-01216-1, Registrované v: WOS
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  • DVOROŽŇÁKOVÁ, Emília - DUBINSKÝ, Pavol - ANTOLOVÁ, Daniela - REITEROVÁ, Katarína. Human outbreaks of trichinellosis in Slovakia since year 1980. In Progamme and abstract book : EURO-FBP Working Group and Management Committee Meeting 2016 & EURO-FBP WG2 Meeting “Analytical methods for foodborne parasites in human and veterinary diagnostics and in food matrices” & 2nd CYSTINET Working Group and Management Committee Meeting 2016 & Joint EURO-FBP and CYSTINET Meeting. - Ljubljana, Slovenia : Slovenian society for clinical microbiology and hospital infections of Slovenian medical association, 2016, s. 39, O FBP 5-5. ISBN 978-961-6956-48-2. (EURO-FBP Working Group and Management Committe Meeting 2016) Type: AFG
  • DVOROŽŇÁKOVÁ, Emília - BUCKOVÁ, Barbora - HURNÍKOVÁ, Zuzana - REVAJOVÁ, Viera - LAUKOVÁ, Andrea. Strain-specific T-cell immunomodulatory effects of probiotic bacteria and protection against Trichinella spiralis infection in mice. In EMOP 12. Programme and Abstracts : XII European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, July 20-24, 2016, Turku, Finlandia. - Turku : University of Turku, 2016, p 15.03. (Vega č.2/0081/15 : Modulačné účinky probiotických baktérií na imunitu hostiteľa pri parazitozoonóze vyvolanej Trichinella spiralis. EMOP) Type: GII
  • DVOROŽŇÁKOVÁ, Emília - BUCKOVÁ, Barbora - HURNÍKOVÁ, Zuzana - REVAJOVÁ, Viera - LAUKOVÁ, Andrea. Changes in distribution of CD4 and CD8 T cells in the small intestine after probiotic treatment can participate in the host protective defence against Trichinella spiralis infection in mice. In EMOP 12. Programme and Abstracts : XII European Multicolloquium of Parasitology, July 20-24, 2016, Turku, Finlandia. - Turku : University of Turku, 2016, p 15.04. (Vega č.2/0081/15 : Modulačné účinky probiotických baktérií na imunitu hostiteľa pri parazitozoonóze vyvolanej Trichinella spiralis. EMOP) Type: GII
  • ELHOTTOVÁ, D. - KOVÁČ, Ľubomír - NOVÁKOVÁ, Alena - CHROŇÁKOVÁ, Alica - MOCK, Andrej - KRIŠTŮFEK, Václav - MULEC, J. - LUKEŠOVÁ, Alena - ĽUPTÁČIK, Peter - PARIMUCHOVÁ, Alena - PAPÁČ, Vladimír - MIKLISOVÁ, Dana - FENĎA, Peter - JÁSZAY, Tomáš - KOŠEL, Vladimír. Traits of terrestrial subterranean biota of the Western Carpathians (Central Europe) are affected by productivity of above ground ecosystems. In ICSB 2016: 23rd International Conference on Subterranean Biology. Abstract : 13 - 17 June 2016, Fayetteville, Arkansas, United States of America. - Fayetville : International society for subterranean biology, 2016, s. 50. Dostupné na internete: http://www.speleobiology.com/icsb2016/wp-content/uploads/bsk-pdf-manager/ICSB_2016_Abstracts_2.pdf Type: GII
  • HALÁNOVÁ, Monika - ANTOLOVÁ, Daniela - KALINOVÁ, Z. - ČISLÁKOVÁ, L. - JARČUŠKA, P. - ČECHOVÁ, Lenka - HEPAMETA TEAM. Riziko výskytu vybraných infekčných chorôb v marginalizovanej skupine obyvateľov na východnom Slovensku. In Správy klinickej mikrobiológie : XIV. Prowazekove dni. Program a zborník abstraktov. - Bratislava : Slovenská spoločnosť klinickej mikrobiológie, roč. XVI., č. SA/2016, s. 21. ISSN 1335-8219. (Prowazekove dni) Type: AFH
  • HISIRA, Vladimír - POŠIVÁK, Ján - REITEROVÁ, Katarína. Bioakumulácia medi a zinku u diviačej zveri v Gemerskom regióne = Bioaccumulation of copper and zinc in wild boars in Gemer region. In Zdravie zvierat, kvalita potravín a krmív - Agrokomplex : Zborník vedeckých príspevkov. Vyd. 1. - Košice : Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva a farmácie v Košiciach, 2016, s. 34-37. ISBN 978-80-8077-498-1. Type: AEDA
  • HOGLÜND, Johan** - GUSTAFSSON, Katarina - LJUNGSTRÖM, Britt-Lousie - SKARIN, Moa - VÁRADY, Marián - ENGSTRÖM, Fredrik. Failure of ivermectin treatment in Haemonchus contortus infected-Swedish sheep flocks. In Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports, 2015, vol. 1-2, p. 10-15. (2015 - Scopus). ISSN 2405-9390. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vprsr.2016.02.001 Type: ADMB
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  • HRČKOVÁ, Gabriela - VENDEĽOVÁ, Emília - VELEBNÝ, Samuel. Phagocytosis in Mesocestoides vogae-induced peritoneal monocytes/macrophages via opsonin-dependent or independent pathways. In Helminthologia, 2016, vol. 53, no. 1, p. 3-13. (2015: 0.602 - IF, Q4 - JCR, 0.323 - SJR, Q3 - SJR, karentované - CCC). (2016 - Current Contents, WOS, SCOPUS). ISSN 0440-6605. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1515/helmin-2015-0062 (Vega č. 2/0150/13 : Antiparazitické a imunomodulačné účinky vybraných prírodných látok u infekcií spôsobených larválnymi štádiami helmintov ľudí a zvierat. ITMS 26220120022 : Centre of Exellence for Parasitology) Type: ADDA
  • HRČKOVÁ, Gabriela - VENDEĽOVÁ, Emília - MAČÁK KUBAŠKOVÁ, Terézia - MUDROŇOVÁ, Dagmar. Mesocestoides vogage larval cestode - an interesting helminth model for immunological and pharmacological research. In XII. české a slovenské parazitologické dny. Sborník abstraktů. : 16.-20. května 2016, Ledeč nad Sázavou. - České Budějovice : Parazitologický ústav, Biologické centrum AV ČR, 2016, s. 19. Dostupné na internete: http://www.parazitologie.cz/akce/cspd2016/doc/sbornik%202016.pdf (XII. české a slovenské parazitologické dny) Type: GII
  • HROMADA, Rudolf - KORYTÁR, Ľuboš - PAPAJOVÁ, Ingrid - PIPIKOVÁ, Jana - KOŠČO, J. - CHVOJKA, D. - TAKÁČ, L. - KORIM, P. - PAVĽAK, M. Výskyt parazitov u synantropných hlodavcov v meste Košice. In XII. Konference DDD 2016 : Přívorovy dny. 9. - 11. května 2016 [elektronický zdroj]. Pavla Davidová, Václav Rupeš (eds.). 1. vyd. - Praha : Sdružení pracovníků dezinfekce, dezinsekce, deratizace ČR, z.s., 2016, s. 78-86. ISBN 978-80-02-02659-4. (Vega č. 2/0140/13 : Výskum efektívnych postupov znižovania epizootologicky a epidemiologicky významnej kontaminácie urbánneho a rurálneho ekosystému pôvodcami parazitárnych infekcií. Přívorovy dny : konference DDD) Type: AFC
  • KRÁLOVÁ-HROMADOVÁ, Ivica - JUHÁSOVÁ, Ľudmila - BAZSALOVICSOVÁ, Eva. The giant liver fluke, Fascioloides magna: past, present and future research. 1. vyd. Springer, 2016. 109 s. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-29508-4. ISBN 978-3-319-29506-0 (Vega č.2/0133/13 : Fylogeografia a populačná genetika novo sa objavujúcich európskych a severoamerických populácií Fascioloides magna (Trematoda), závažného pečeňového parazita prežúvavcov) Type: AAA
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    [1.1] KONJEVIC, Dean - BUJANIC, Miljenko - BECK, Ana - BECK, Relja - MARTINKOVIC, Franjo - JANICKI, Zdravko. First record of chronic Fascioloides magna infection in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR PARASITOLOGY-PARASITES AND WILDLIFE. ISSN 2213-2244, AUG 2021, vol. 15, p. 173-176., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] KONJEVIC, Dean - ERMAN, Vlatka - BUJANIC, Miljenko - SVETLICIC, Ida - ARBANASIC, Haidi - STRUNJAK, Snjezana Lubura - GALOV, Ana. Wild Boar (Sus scrofa)-Fascioloides magna Interaction from the Perspective of the MHC Genes. In PATHOGENS, 2022, vol. 11, no. 11, pp. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.3390/pathogens11111359, Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] NAGY, Eszter - JOCSAK, Ildiko - CSIVINCSIK, Agnes - ZSOLNAI, Attila - HALASZ, Tibor - NYUL, Andras - PLUCSINSZKI, Zsolt - SIMON, Tamas - SZABO, Szilard - TURBOK, Janka - NEMES, Csaba - SUGAR, Laszlo - NAGY, Gabor. Establishment of Fascioloides magna in a new region of Hungary: case report. In PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH. ISSN 0932-0113, 2018, vol. 117, no. 11, pp. 3683-3687., Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] PARKER, Alison - DAVID, Andrew A. Genetic Characterization of the Giant Liver Fluke,Fascioloides magna(Platyhelminthes: Fasciolidae) From the Adirondack Region of Northern New York. In ACTA PARASITOLOGICA. ISSN 1230-2821, 2021, vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 259-263. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11686-020-00256-5, Registrované v: WOS
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    [1.1] REHBEIN, S. - VISSER, M. - HAMEL, D. - REINDL, H. Occurrence of the giant liver fluke, Fascioloides magna, in sympatric wild ungulates in one area in the Upper Palatinate Forest (northeastern Bavaria, Germany). In PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH. ISSN 0932-0113, 2021, vol. 120, no. 2, pp. 553-561. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00436-020-06996-7, Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] REHBEIN, Steffen - VISSER, Martin - PLOETZ, Cornelia - SCHWARZ, Lukas - LINDNER, Thomas - BAMLER, Helmut - PFISTER, Kurt. Endoparasites of red deer (Cervus elaphus) from a deer farm endemic with fascioloidosis in Germany. In BERLINER UND MUNCHENER TIERARZTLICHE WOCHENSCHRIFT. ISSN 0005-9366, 2019, vol. 132, no. 9-10, pp. 464-471. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.2376/0005-9366-18041, Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] REHBEIN, Steffen - VISSER, Martin. Sika Deer (Cervus nippon) are not "Dead-End Hosts'' of the Giant Liver Fluke, Fascioloides magna (Bassi, 1875) Ward, 1917. In JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE DISEASES, 2022, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 194-197. ISSN 0090-3558. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.7589/JWD-D-21-00004, Registrované v: WOS
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    [1.1] SINDICIC, Magda - BUJANIC, Miljenko - POSAVEC, Eva - BLASKOVIC, Silvija - SVETLICIC, Ida - MARTINKOVIC, Franjo - KONJEVIC, Dean. Comparison of mitochondrial cox) gene in Fascioloides magna from different host species. In VETERINARSKI ARHIV. ISSN 0372-5480, 2022, vol. 92, no. 5, p. 617-621. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.24099/vet.arhiv.1655, Registrované v: WOS
    [1.1] SINDICIC, Magda - DAVINACK, Andrew - BUJANIC, Miljenko - BUGARSKI, Dejan - MIRCETA, Jovan - FERROGLIO, Ezio - KONJEVIC, Dean. A new insight into genetic structure of Danube and Italian foci of fascioloidosis. In VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY. ISSN 0304-4017, FEB 2023, vol. 314. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vetpar.2022.109854, Registrované v: WOS
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  • HURNÍKOVÁ, Zuzana - KOŁODZIEJ-SOBOCIŃSKA, Marta - DVOROŽŇÁKOVÁ, Emília - NIEMCZYNOWICZ, Agnieszka - ZALEWSKI, Andrzej. An invasive species as an additional parasite reservoir: Trichinella in introduced American mink (Neovison vison). In Veterinary parasitology : Special Issue:14th International Conference on Trichinellosis, 2016, vol. 231, p. 106-109. (2015: 2.242 - IF, Q1 - JCR, 1.210 - SJR, Q1 - SJR, karentované - CCC). (2016 - Current Contents). ISSN 0304-4017. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vetpar.2016.06.010 (ITMS 26220120022 : Centre of Exellence for Parasitology. Vega č.2/0081/15 : Modulačné účinky probiotických baktérií na imunitu hostiteľa pri parazitozoonóze vyvolanej Trichinella spiralis) Type: ADCA
    [1.1] BEZERRA-SANTOS, Marcos Antonio - DANTAS-TORRES, Filipe - MENDOZA-ROLDAN, Jairo Alfonso - THOMPSON, R. C. Andrew - MODRY, David - OTRANTO, Domenico. Invasive mammalian wildlife and the risk of zoonotic parasites. In TRENDS IN PARASITOLOGY. ISSN 1471-4922, SEP 2023, vol. 39, no. 9, p. 786-798. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pt.2023.06.004, Registrované v: WOS
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  • MITERPÁKOVÁ, Martina - IGLÓDYOVÁ, Adriana - ČABANOVÁ, Viktória - STLOUKAL, Eduard - MIKLISOVÁ, Dana. Canine dirofilariosis endemic in Central Europe - 10 years of epidemiological study in Slovakia. In Parasitology Research, 2016, vol. 115, no. 6, p. 2389-2395. (2015: 2.027 - IF, Q2 - JCR, 0.967 - SJR, Q1 - SJR, karentované - CCC). (2016 - Current Contents). ISSN 0932-0113. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00436-016-4989-2 (ITMS 26220220018 : Application Centre to Protect humans, animals and plants against parasites. Vega č.2/0018/16 : Novo sa objavujúce závažné parazitárne a vektormi prenášané ochorenia psov, ich epidemiológia a diagnostika) Type: ADCA
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  • MITERPÁKOVÁ, Martina - IGLÓDYOVÁ, Adriana - ČABANOVÁ, Viktória - ANTOLOVÁ, Daniela. Canine and human dirofilariosis in Slovakia (2005-2015). In Annals of Parasitology, 2016, vol. 62, suppl., p. 30. (2015: 0.323 - SJR, Q3 - SJR). ISSN 0043-5163. (Vega č.2/0018/16 : Novo sa objavujúce závažné parazitárne a vektormi prenášané ochorenia psov, ich epidemiológia a diagnostika. Vega č. 2/0127/13 : Epidemiológia závažných parazitozoonóz cirkulujúcich na území Slovenska a ich diagnostika u ľudí imunologickými a molekulárnymi prístupmi) Type: AFG
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  • MOŠANSKÝ, Ladislav - STANKO, Michal - ČANÁDY, Alexander. Poznámky k výskytu plcha sivého (Glis glis) vo vtáčích búdkach v Slovenskom krase (východné Slovensko). In Zborník príspevkov z vedeckého kongresu „Zoológia 2016“. Krumpálová Zuzana, Zigová Martina, Tulis Filip (eds.). - Nitra : Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, 2016, s. 162-164. ISBN 978-80-558-1102-4. (Vega č. 2/0060/14 : Vzťahy hostiteľ - parazit - patogén/choroba s využitím geografických informačných systémov. APVV-14-0274 : Drobné cicavce ako potenciálny zdroj zoonotických bakterií a rezistencie na antibiotiká. Zoológia 2016, Vedecký kongres.) Type: AFD
  • MOŠANSKÝ, Ladislav - STANKO, Michal - BONA, Martin. Obsadenosť vtáčích búdok plchom sivým (Glis glis) vo zvernici Účelového zariadenia pre chov a choroby zveri, rýb a včiel v Rozhanovciach (Východné Slovensko). In Zoologické dny : sborník abstraktů z konference. - Brno : Ústav biologie obratlovců AV ČR, 2016, s.149. ISBN 978-80-87189-20-7. (Vega č. 2/0060/14 : Vzťahy hostiteľ - parazit - patogén/choroba s využitím geografických informačných systémov. APVV-14-0274 : Drobné cicavce ako potenciálny zdroj zoonotických bakterií a rezistencie na antibiotiká. Zoologické dny České Budějovice 2016) Type: AFG
  • OROS, Mikuláš - BRABEC JÁN - KUCHTA, Roman - CHOUDHURY, Anindo - SCHOLZ, Tomáš. A synoptic review of Promonobothrium Mackiewicz, 1968 (Cestoda: Caryophyllidea), parasites of suckers (Catostomidae) in North America, with description of two new species. In Folia Parasitologica, 2016, vol. 63, paper no. 008, p. 1-6. (2015: 1.271 - IF, Q3 - JCR, 0.624 - SJR, Q3 - SJR, karentované - CCC). (2016 - Current Contents). ISSN 0015-5683. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.14411/fp.2016.008 (APVV-0653-11 : Vymedzenie hraníc druhu u parazitov rýb: morfológia verzus gény a chromozómy. LPP-0171-09 : Systematika pásomníc radu Caryophyllidea, parazitujúcich u sladkovodných rýb. Vega č. 2/0159/16 : Pásomnice (Cestoda) rýb v Severnej Amerike: získanie nových poznatkov o evolučne a medicínsky významných parazitoch. ITMS 26220120022 : Centre of Exellence for Parasitology) Type: ADCA
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  • OROS, Mikuláš - BRABEC JÁN - KUCHTA, Roman - SCHOLZ, Tomáš. Revision of the genus Promonobothrium (Cestoda: Caryophyllidea), tapeworm parasites of suckers (Catostomidae) in North America. In 5th Workshop of the European Centre of Ichthyoparasitology.28-30 November, 2016, Prušánky : programme and abstracts. - Brno : Masaryk University Brno, 2016. ISBN 978-80-210-8373-8. (Vega č. 2/0159/16 : Pásomnice (Cestoda) rýb v Severnej Amerike: získanie nových poznatkov o evolučne a medicínsky významných parazitoch. Workshop of the European Centre of Ichthyoparasitology) Type: AFG
  • OROS, Mikuláš - CHOUDHURY, Anindo - SCHOLZ, Tomáš. A common Palearctic fish parasite (Cestoda) in western USA/. In XII. české a slovenské parazitologické dny. Sborník abstraktů : 16.-20. května 2016, Ledeč nad Sázavou. - České Budějovice : Parazitologický ústav, Biologické centrum AV ČR, 2016, s. 33. (APVV-0653-11 : Vymedzenie hraníc druhu u parazitov rýb: morfológia verzus gény a chromozómy. Vega č. 2/0159/16 : Pásomnice (Cestoda) rýb v Severnej Amerike: získanie nových poznatkov o evolučne a medicínsky významných parazitoch. XII. české a slovenské parazitologické dny) Type: GII
  • OROS, Mikuláš - CHOUDHURY, Anindo - SCHOLZ, Tomáš - KUCHTA, Roman. Monozoic tapeworms of freshwater fishes in North America: An update and perspectives. In The 91st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Parasitologists. Program and abstracts : Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, July 11-14, 2016. - Edmonton : American Society of Parasitologists, 2016, s. 45. (Vega č. 2/0159/16 : Pásomnice (Cestoda) rýb v Severnej Amerike: získanie nových poznatkov o evolučne a medicínsky významných parazitoch. APVV-15-0004 : Emerging fish-borne zoonozes in Europe: molecular diagnostics, origin and distribution of Diphyllobothrium. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Parasitologists) Type: GII
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