

What prevents us from behaving ecologically

2024-09-25 | Climate | Psychology | Research
Even though most people in Slovakia recognize the seriousness of climate change, this awareness often doesn´t lead to following important pro-environmental steps. SAS researchers investigated what psychological barriers prevent Slovaks from taking more effective...

ASPIS Open Symposium: Advancing Animal-Free Chemical...

2024-09-23 | Conference
The ASPIS cluster, a pioneering collaboration of three EU-funded research projects, successfully concluded...

Guest lectures by scholars from Sichuan University...

2024-09-06 | Literature | Lecture
Institute of World Literature SAS, 11 September 2024 (Wednesday) at 10:00 CET: Shunqing Cao & Liu Shishi (Sichuan...

The first pit-grave culture discovered in Slovakia

2024-08-30 | Archeology | Research
A Slovak-Polish team of archaeologists made an extraordinary find in the Hatalov village (district Michalovce)...

Botanists of the SAS at the 20th World Botanical Congress...

2024-08-28 | Botany | Conference
From July 21 to 27, 2024, the 20th International Botanical Congress (IBC) took place in Madrid, Spain....


September 2024
234 »   The Many Worlds of Phenomenology. Umwelt – Mitwelt – Lebenswelt. The 9th Annual Conference of the Central and East European Society for Phenomenology, Mnohé svety fenomenológie5 »   The Many Worlds of Phenomenology. Umwelt – Mitwelt – Lebenswelt. The 9th Annual Conference of the Central and East European Society for Phenomenology, Mnohé svety fenomenológie
»   GeoKARTO 2024
6 »   The Many Worlds of Phenomenology. Umwelt – Mitwelt – Lebenswelt. The 9th Annual Conference of the Central and East European Society for Phenomenology, Mnohé svety fenomenológie
»   GeoKARTO 2024
78 »   7th International Russulales Workshop
9 »   7th International Russulales Workshop
»   Binary and Multiple Stars in the Era of Big Sky Surveys
10 »   7th International Russulales Workshop
»   Binary and Multiple Stars in the Era of Big Sky Surveys
»   Cooperation, Conflict and Legitimacy in Society – 11th Slovak and Czech Sociological Days
»   23rd Slovak Onomastic Conference Traditional and New in Onomastics
11 »   7th International Russulales Workshop
»   Binary and Multiple Stars in the Era of Big Sky Surveys
»   Cooperation, Conflict and Legitimacy in Society – 11th Slovak and Czech Sociological Days
»   23rd Slovak Onomastic Conference Traditional and New in Onomastics
»   Influence of abiotic and biotic stressors on properties of plants 2024
»   Social processes and personality 2024
12 »   7th International Russulales Workshop
»   Binary and Multiple Stars in the Era of Big Sky Surveys
»   Cooperation, Conflict and Legitimacy in Society – 11th Slovak and Czech Sociological Days
»   23rd Slovak Onomastic Conference Traditional and New in Onomastics
»   Influence of abiotic and biotic stressors on properties of plants 2024
»   Social processes and personality 2024
»   Czech-Slovak Confrontations XIX
13 »   7th International Russulales Workshop
»   Binary and Multiple Stars in the Era of Big Sky Surveys
»   Cooperation, Conflict and Legitimacy in Society – 11th Slovak and Czech Sociological Days
»   Social processes and personality 2024
»   Czech-Slovak Confrontations XIX
»   Konferecia slovensko-maďarskej komisie historikov
14 »   7th International Russulales Workshop 15
16 »   55th International Conference on the Archaeology of the Middle Ages - Man and landscape, landscape and man in the Middle Ages and the early modern period17 »   55th International Conference on the Archaeology of the Middle Ages - Man and landscape, landscape and man in the Middle Ages and the early modern period18 »   55th International Conference on the Archaeology of the Middle Ages - Man and landscape, landscape and man in the Middle Ages and the early modern period19 »   55th International Conference on the Archaeology of the Middle Ages - Man and landscape, landscape and man in the Middle Ages and the early modern period
»   Ideme ďalej. Ivan Štrpka a jeho dielo v slovenskej literatúre a kultúre
»   Czech as a Literary Language in the Era of National Movements (Interdisciplinary Conference on the 200th Anniversary of Jan Kollar's Slavy dcera
20 »   55th International Conference on the Archaeology of the Middle Ages - Man and landscape, landscape and man in the Middle Ages and the early modern period
»   Czech as a Literary Language in the Era of National Movements (Interdisciplinary Conference on the 200th Anniversary of Jan Kollar's Slavy dcera
21 »   Sláva šľachetným VIII. Cirkevní dozorcovia a redaktori náboženskej tlače22 »   Sláva šľachetným VIII. Cirkevní dozorcovia a redaktori náboženskej tlače
23 »   Sláva šľachetným VIII. Cirkevní dozorcovia a redaktori náboženskej tlače
»   16th Bratislava Symposium on Saccharides
24 »   16th Bratislava Symposium on Saccharides
»   2024 Beskydy Workshop: Nature-Based Governance: Coevolutionary and transformative perspectives on the biodiversity and climate crises
25 »   16th Bratislava Symposium on Saccharides
»   2024 Beskydy Workshop: Nature-Based Governance: Coevolutionary and transformative perspectives on the biodiversity and climate crises
26 »   16th Bratislava Symposium on Saccharides
»   2024 Beskydy Workshop: Nature-Based Governance: Coevolutionary and transformative perspectives on the biodiversity and climate crises
27 »   16th Bratislava Symposium on Saccharides2829
30 »   10th European Section Meeting of the International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences      

Forthcoming Events

Congress Center of SAS Academia, Stará Lesná, Slovakia