In: World Literature Studies, vol. 11, no. 3
Rok, strany: 2019, 28 - 41
Jazyk: slo
Kľúčové slová:
Adaptation. Czech-German border. Baroque phenomenon. Christian existentialism. Jaroslav Durych.
Typ článku: štúdie / articles
Typ dokumentu: pdf
O článku:
The displacement of Germans from Czechoslovakia after the end of World War II is a tragic event that greatly affected many people’s lives. The treatment of this subject in Czech literature took various forms, ranging from the schematically modelled literature of socialist realism, which mainly perceived the displacement of Germans as an act of righteous retaliation for the horrors of war caused by German fascists, to existentially tuned works that perceived this event on the basis of the deeper causes of misunderstanding and hostility of both nations. As the philosopher Jan Patočka states in the epilogue (1991) to Jaroslav Durych’s novel God’s Rainbow, the author who created a great song of regret which conditioned and prepared hope for the spiritual reconciliation of the Czech and German nation was finally found. The merit of the comparison of Durych’s novel and its television adaptation from 2007 (by director and screenwriter Jiří Svoboda) is mainly the question whether the adaptation puts only the tragic nature of the theme of the displacement of Germans from the Czech border at the forefront or if it tries to display also the difficult platform of the Baroque phenomenon (e. g. focusing on space or characters). In Durych’s work, including God’s Rainbow, specifically in the language, composition, stylistic construction, motifs, symbols or function of detail, there is an evidence of enhancing the Baroque perception of reality.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Gallik, J., Vargová, Z. 2019. Durychova novela „Boží duha“ vo filmovom spracovaní. In World Literature Studies, vol. 11, no.3, pp. 28-41. 1337-9275.
Gallik, J., Vargová, Z. (2019). Durychova novela „Boží duha“ vo filmovom spracovaní. World Literature Studies, 11(3), 28-41. 1337-9275.
O vydaní:
Vydavateľ: ÚSvL SAV, v. v. i.
Publikované: 30. 9. 2019