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Medzi historickým faktom a fikciou: interdiskurzívne konštruovanie fikčných svetov v súčasnej slovenskej próze s historickou tematikou

In: World Literature Studies, vol. 13, no. 4
Ivan Jančovič Číslo ORCID
Rok, strany: 2021, 5 - 15
Jazyk: slo
Kľúčové slová:
Interdiscourse. Historical trace. Fictional text. Historical genre.
Typ článku: štúdie / articles
Typ dokumentu: pdf
O článku:
This article pays attention to the relation between historical knowledge and historical prose. It describes the historical genre as an interdiscursive invariant of author and reader conventions. Its production and reception variants activate interdiscursive action, important for the proper functioning of the genre convention. The author focuses on thematic elements, which in historical knowledge represent a trace of the past – a proof of past events. The writer incorporates documents, photographs, facts found in archives, findings of archaeologists, etc. into the theme of the text. In examining different ways of incorporating these traces existing behind the text into fiction, the article treats Jozef Banáš’ s Zastavte Dubčeka! (Stop Dubček!, 2009), Jaro Rihák’s Pentcho (2015), Pavol Rankov’s Matky (Mothers, 2011) and Silvester Lavrík’ s Nedeľné šachy s Tisom (Sunday chess with Tiso, 2016) and Posledná barónka (The last Baroness, 2019). In historical prose, the rules of text reception include recognizing the correlation between the thematic elements and historical knowledge, as well as observing the creative transfer these elements undergo to co-create new horizons of meaning.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Jančovič, I. 2021. Medzi historickým faktom a fikciou: interdiskurzívne konštruovanie fikčných svetov v súčasnej slovenskej próze s historickou tematikou. In World Literature Studies, vol. 13, no.4, pp. 5-15. 1337-9275. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/WLS.2021.13.4.1

Jančovič, I. (2021). Medzi historickým faktom a fikciou: interdiskurzívne konštruovanie fikčných svetov v súčasnej slovenskej próze s historickou tematikou. World Literature Studies, 13(4), 5-15. 1337-9275. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/WLS.2021.13.4.1
O vydaní:
Vydavateľ: ÚSvL SAV
Publikované: 14. 12. 2021