In: Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 34, no. 2
Rok, strany: 1982, 145 - 160
Jazyk: slo
Typ dokumentu: článok/journal
O článku:
An actual theme in the present geography is the question of structurality of the geographical research in the creation of the landscape plan as a preventive-prognostic and to a concrete land applied landscape synthesis. The problems of the world in which we live are acquiring a global character and their entire understanding and solution require a high measure of complexity. A branch and non prognostic approach to the use of landscape, not respecting its potential properties – lead to conflicts in the relationship man – nature.
Geography, with regard to its synthetic character, has the preconditions to play an important role in the search for rational forms of the landscape use. The presented study wishes to contribute to it as it contains the alternative scheme of recongnition and decision process in the creation of the landscape plan.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Huba, M. 1982. Štrnásť krokov na ceste ku krajinnému plánu. In Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 34, no.2, pp. 145-160. 0016-7193.
Huba, M. (1982). Štrnásť krokov na ceste ku krajinnému plánu. Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, 34(2), 145-160. 0016-7193.
O vydaní:
Vydavateľ: Geografický ústav SAV/Institute of Geography of the Slovak Academy of Sciences