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Formovanie základných chorických krajinných štruktúr; geoekologické prístupy

In: Geografický časopis | Geographical Journal, vol. 35, no. 4
Vladimír Drgoňa
Rok, strany: 1983, 353 - 373
Jazyk: slo
Typ dokumentu: článok/journal
O článku:
The problems arising within the landscape sphere are frequently a con- sequence of undervaluating the significance of findings about structural properties of landscape. Among them also information of basic choric structures (BChS) has a significant role. In studying BChS attention is being concentrated lately to applying a genetic-functional approach. In the páper, the notions of both basic choric structure and basic choric unit are defined on its basis. In this connection analyses of both interaction and functional link is used. In the methodics of creating BChS both the selection of diagnostic criteria and the way proper of delimitating areas play an important role. A particular chapter is devoted to a typology of basic choric structures. In the closing part of the paper practical consequences in using the findings about BChS are emphasized.
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ISO 690:
Drgoňa, V. 1983. Formovanie základných chorických krajinných štruktúr; geoekologické prístupy. In Geografický časopis | Geographical Journal, vol. 35, no.4, pp. 353-373. 0016-7193.

Drgoňa, V. (1983). Formovanie základných chorických krajinných štruktúr; geoekologické prístupy. Geografický časopis | Geographical Journal, 35(4), 353-373. 0016-7193.
O vydaní:
Vydavateľ: Geografický ústav SAV/Institute of Geography of the Slovak Academy of Sciences