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Teoretické aspekty hodnotenia renaturačného potenciálu povodia

In: Geografický časopis, vol. 57, no. 2
Ján Hanušin
Rok, strany: 2005, 145 - 161
Kľúčové slová:
rehabilitation, integrated basin management, landscape potential
O článku:
One of the tools to repair a damaged natural environment is rehabilitation to simulate the potential ecosystem to a certain extent. Rehabilitation is mostly aimed at the river stream or the alluvial plain. Rehabilitation of streams or alluvial plains without elimination of negative processes ongoing in the basin is not efficient. This is why rehabilitation ob basins is considered the decisive tool for improving the qualitative and quantitative properties of the hydrological cycle. As the interest in application of reconstructive procedures in the landscape with the aim to improve its properties has increased, the author presents the outlined methodology of basin rehabilitation potential assessment (RPB). RPB is the property of the cultural landscape (basin) that expresses the size and scope of measures necessary for restoration of the optimal functioning of the basin landscape system, result of which is the determination of the RPB size. Scale of processing (size of basin) is distinguished. The basic methodical steps include the establishment of natural landscape sensitivity, establishment of the existing and proposed anthropization rate in the hydrological basin cycle, establishment of the existing and proposed loading levels of the hydrological cycle. RPB is determined by comparison of the existing and proposed level of loading of the hydrological cycle. RPB assessment is important for the decision making sphere as the information about the state of the basin and about the need and size of interventions needed for restoration of the disturbed hydrological cycle.
Ako citovať:
ISO 690:
Hanušin, J. 2005. Teoretické aspekty hodnotenia renaturačného potenciálu povodia. In Geografický časopis, vol. 57, no.2, pp. 145-161. 0016-7193.

Hanušin, J. (2005). Teoretické aspekty hodnotenia renaturačného potenciálu povodia. Geografický časopis, 57(2), 145-161. 0016-7193.