RNDr. Dušana Dokupilová, PhD.
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Select year/category for a list of publications:
- DOKUPILOVÁ, Dušana - STOJILOVSKA, Ana - PALMA, Pedro - GOUVEIA, João Pedro - PASCHALIDOU, Eleftheria G. - BARRELLA, Roberto - FEENSTRA, Marielle - HORTA, Ana - SÁNCHEZ‐GUEVARA, Carmen - KÁDÁR, József - TESANOVIC, Majda - THOMAIDIS, Nikolaos S. - HAMED, Tareq Abu. Exploring Energy Poverty in Urban and Rural Contexts in the Era of Climate Change: A Comparative Analysis of European Countries and Israel. In Energies, 2024, vol. 17, no. 2, article number: 2939. (2023: 3 - IF, Q3 - JCR, 0.651 - SJR, Q1 - SJR). ISSN 1996-1073. Dostupné na: Type: ADCA
- DOKUPILOVÁ, Dušana**. Energy poverty – From problem to its definition – is one enough? In Research in Social and Psychological Sciences Conference 2024, 9th April 2024, Smolenice, Slovakia : Book of Abstracts. - Bratislava : Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2024, p. 12. ISBN 978-80-89524-93-8. Dostupné na internete: (VEGA č.2/0186/21 : Úspory energie - možnosti a riziká. Analytická činnosť pre informované formovanie politík a opatrení energetickej efektívnosti. Research in Social Psychological Sciences Conference 2024) Type: AFH
- KOTOROVÁ SLUŠNÁ, Ľubica** - BALOG, Miroslav - DOKUPILOVÁ, Dušana. Identification of key factors of Industry 4.0 development from the perspective of R&D organisations using the Delphi method. In International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, 2024, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 117-135. (2023: 0.248 - SJR, Q3 - SJR). ISSN 1468-4330. Dostupné na: (VEGA č. 2/0001/22 : Slovensko 2030) Type: ADMB
- POLAČKOVÁ, Zuzana - DOKUPILOVÁ, Dušana - ŠKOBLA, Daniel. Hodnotenie Národného projektu Podpora a zvyšovanie kvality terénnej sociálnej práce „NP TSP II“. Recenzenti: Jakob Hurrle, Daniel Gerbery. 1. vyd. Bratislava : Implementačná agentúra Ministerstva práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny Slovenskej republiky, 2023. 147 s. Dostupné na internete: ISBN 978-80-89837-99-1 Type: AAB
Citation, reviews:
1.1 | Citations in foreign publications registered in citation indexes Web of Science Core Collection |
1.2 | Citations in foreign publications registered in Scopus |
2.1 | Citations in domestic publications registered in citation indexes Web of Science Core Collection |
2.2 | Citations in domestic publications registered in Scopus |
*3 | Citations in foreign publications not registered in citation indexes |
3.1 | Citations in foreign publications not registered in citation indexes |
3.2 | Citations in foreign publications registered in scientific citation databases other than Web of Science Core Collection or Scopus |
*4 | Citations in domestic publications not registered in citation indexes |
4.1 | Citations in domestic publications not registered in citation indexes |
4.2 | Citations in domestic publications registered in scientific citation databases other than Web of Science Core Collection or Scopus |
5 | Reviews in foreign publications |
6 | Reviews in domestic publications |
7 | Art critiques – foreign |
8 | Art critiques – domestic |
9 | Reproductions of artistic works of the author in foreign publications or media |
*9 | Citations in foreign publications registered in scientific citation databases other than Web of Science Core Collection or Scopus |
10 | Reproductions of artistic works of the author in domestic publications or media |
*10 | Citations in domestic publications registered in scientific citation databases other than Web of Science Core Collection or Scopus |