Mgr. Zbigniew Robak, PhD.
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- PIETA, Karol - ROBAK, Zbigniew. Výskum včasnostredovekej aglomerácie Bojná v roku 2020 = Research of the Early Medieval Agglomeration Bojná in 2020. In Archeologické výskumy a nálezy na Slovensku v roku 2020. 1. vyd. - Nitra : Archeologický ústav SAV, v. v. i., 2024, s. 97-99. ISBN 978-80-8196-072-7. (APVV-19-0563 : Mocenské centrá a ich zázemie v 8.–11. storočí. VEGA č. 2/0043/22 : Archeologické pramene k včasnej dobe dejinnej a začiatku stredoveku v strednom Podunajsku) Type: AEDA
- ROBAK, Zbigniew. Radiocarbon Dating of St. George´s Rotunda in Nitrianska Blatnica (Slovakia): an archaeological comment. In Radiocarbon, 2024, vol. 66, nr. 1, p. 147-154. (2023: 2 - IF, Q2 - JCR, 4.956 - SJR, Q1 - SJR). ISSN 0033-8222. Dostupné na: (VEGA č. 2/0043/22 : Archeologické pramene k včasnej dobe dejinnej a začiatku stredoveku v strednom Podunajsku. APVV-19-0563 : Mocenské centrá a ich zázemie v 8.–11. storočí) Type: ADCA
- ROBAK, Zbigniew. Joshua M. Cragle. Converting the Saxons: A Study of Violence and Religion in Early Medieval Germany. In Hiperboreea, 2024, vol. 11, iss. 1, pp. 94-96. (2023: 0.1 - IF, Q3 - JCR, 0.137 - SJR, Q2 - SJR). ISSN 2688-8211. Recenzia na: Converting the Saxons : A Study of Violence and Religion in Early Medieval Germany / Joshua M. Cragle. - London : Routledge, 2023. - ISBN 978-1-032-45896-0. Dostupné na: (VEGA č. 2/0068/24 : Stredné Ponitrie vo včasnom stredoveku. Ad fontes) Type: EDI
Citation, reviews:
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2.2 | Citations in domestic publications registered in Scopus |
*3 | Citations in foreign publications not registered in citation indexes |
3.1 | Citations in foreign publications not registered in citation indexes |
3.2 | Citations in foreign publications registered in scientific citation databases other than Web of Science Core Collection or Scopus |
*4 | Citations in domestic publications not registered in citation indexes |
4.1 | Citations in domestic publications not registered in citation indexes |
4.2 | Citations in domestic publications registered in scientific citation databases other than Web of Science Core Collection or Scopus |
5 | Reviews in foreign publications |
6 | Reviews in domestic publications |
7 | Art critiques – foreign |
8 | Art critiques – domestic |
9 | Reproductions of artistic works of the author in foreign publications or media |
*9 | Citations in foreign publications registered in scientific citation databases other than Web of Science Core Collection or Scopus |
10 | Reproductions of artistic works of the author in domestic publications or media |
*10 | Citations in domestic publications registered in scientific citation databases other than Web of Science Core Collection or Scopus |