Curriculum vitae
Mgr. Zbigniew Robak, PhD.
Research themes:• Archaeology of the Early Middle Ages: Early Medieval Slavic world, Great Moravia, Carolingian Empire, chronology of the Early Medieval Period, attire and equipment of the Early Medieval warrior, Early Medieval strongholds.
Career highlights:
• Post-doctoral scholarship funded by Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung (07/2021 – 06/2023), research project "Burial equipment as a source of information on diversity and consistency of the Carolingian culture – the archaeological chronology and interpretation". Leibniz-Zentrum für Archäologie, Mainz, Germany.
• International Visegrad Fund Scholarship. Research stay (09/2010 – 06/2012) at the Institute of Archaeology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Nitra, Slovakia.
• 2022: Award of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for popularization of science (as a member of a 4-person team).
• 2018: Award of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for popularization of science (as a member of an 8-person team).
• 2016: 1st award in the young researchers’ contest of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.
• 2015: 3rd award of Institute of Archaeology SAS’ prize for the best scientific work of a young researcher in archaeology.
Short-term research stays:
• Brno: 09 – 13/06/2019 Archeologický ústav AV ČR Brno, v. v. i.
• Mainz: 08 – 30/09/2016 Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum
• Brno: 14 – 19/09/2015 Archeologický ústav AV ČR Brno, v. v. i.
• Warsaw: 07 – 10/04/2014 Instytut Archeologii PAN
• Mainz: 18 – 27/09/2012 Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum
• Mainz: 02 – 09/06/2012 Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum
Scientific projects (as leader):
• 01/01/2024 – 31/12/2027: VEGA 2/0068/24: Middle Nitra Region in the Early Middle Ages. Ad fontes.
Scientific projects (as contractor):
• 01/01/2024 – 31/12/2027: VEGA 2/0167/24: The economic background of "centers" in the Early Middle Ages in the north of the Carpathian Basin. Project leader: M. Ruttkay.
• 01/01/2022 – 31/12/2025: VEGA 2/0043/22: Archaeological sources to early historic times and Early Middle Ages in the Middle Danube region. Project leader: K. Pieta.
• 01/01/2022 – 31/12/2025: VEGA 2/0115/22: The exploitation of natural resources from the Early Historic Period to the Modern Times in selected Slovak regions. Project leader: P. Bednár.
• 01/07/2020 – 30/06/2024: APVV 19-0563: Power centres and their background in 8th – 11th century. Project leader: M. Ruttkay.
• 01/01/2020 – 31/12/2023: VEGA 2/0124/20: Medieval Economy (6th - 13th century). Project leader: M. Ruttkay.
• 21/02/2019 – 30/04/2024: Kuwaiti-Slovak agreement on archaeological research on the island of Failaka. Project leader: M. Ruttkay.
• 07/01/2019 – 31/12/2021: Archaeology of Poland and Slovakia from the Late Antiquity to the Late Middle Ages. Inter-academic agreement between Slovak and Polish Academies of Sciences. Project leader: P. Šalkovský.
• 01/01/2018 – 31/12/2021: VEGA 2/0001/18: Slovakia and Middle Danube Region: development since Protohistory till Early Middle Ages. Project leader: K. Pieta.
• 01/07.2015 – 28/06/2019: APVV 14-0842: Central Europe between the Celtic Oppida and the Ancient Slavic Centres of Power. Project leader: K. Pieta.
• 01/01.2015 – 31/12/2017: VEGA 2/0121/15: Structures of power in the Protohistory and Early Middle Ages in the archaeological sources. Project leader: K. Pieta.
• 01/08.2013 – 31/12/2015: Archaeology of Poland and Slovakia from the end of the Antic period to the Late Middle Ages. Inter-academic agreement between Slovak and Polish Academies of Sciences. Project leader: P. Šalkovský.
• 01/01.2012 – 31/12/2014: Slovak Scientific Grant Agency VEGA 2/0117/12: Between prehistory and Middle Ages. Ethnical-cultural relations in Middle Danubian Area from the end of the La-Téne period to the beginning of the Middle Ages. Project leader: K. Pieta.
• 11/2011 – 09/2015: EU OP ITMS 26220120059: Centre for the Research into the Oldest History of the Middle Danube River Basin. Project leader: M. Ruttkay.
• 01/05/2011 – 30/04/2014: Slovak Research and Development Agency APVV 0553-10: Early Medieval centres of power in Middle Danubian Area. Project leader: K. Pieta.
Membership in organizations:
• European Association of Archaeologists
• Slovak Archaeological Society
2. Robak, Z. (2014): Studia nad okuciami rzemieni w typie karolińskim. VIII-X wiek. Część 2 [Studies on Carolingian-type strap-fittings. 8th-10th century. Part 2.]. Nitra: Archeologický ústav SAV. 224 pp.
1. Robak, Z. (2013): Studia nad okuciami rzemieni w typie karolińskim. VIII-X wiek. Część 1 [Studies on Carolingian-type strap-fittings. 8th-10th century. Part 1.]. Nitra: Archeologický ústav SAV. 245 pp.
Further publications:
A. Publications with peer review process:
14. Robak Z. (2024): Radiocarbon Dating of St. George´s Rotunda in Nitrianska Blatnica (Slovakia): An Archaeological Comment. Radiocarbon 66/1, pp. 147-154.
13. Robak Z. (2023): Včasnostredoveké opaskové kovania typu Bojná. Nové nálezy [Early Medieval strap-fittings of the Bojná-type. New Finds]. Študijné zvesti Archeologického ústavu SAV 70/2, pp. 309-322.
12. Robak, Z. (2022): Early or Late Medieval? Metal Strap-Decorations That Caused Some Confusion. Slovenská archeológia 70/1, pp. 153-159.
11. Robak, Z.*, Bednár, P.: Grave 1/94 and New Data Refining the Chronology of Early Medieval Castle Hill in Nitra. In: Celts – Germans – Slavs. A Tribute Anthology to Karol Pieta. Slovenská archeológia 69, Supplementum 2. Eds. Robak, Z., M. Ruttkay, M.. Nitra: Archeologický ústav SAV., pp. 417-430.
10. Robak, Z. (2021): Garnitury okuć rzemieni i inne elementy ozdobne wielkomorawskich mieczy [The Sword-belt Sets and Other Decorations of Great Moravian Swords]. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica 36, pp. 19-52.
9. Robak, Z. (2021): Wczesnośredniowieczne grodzisko Bojná-Valy na Słowacji. Nowe interpretacje [Early Medieval Hill-fort Bojná-Valy in Slovakia. New Interpretations]. Historia Slavorum Occidentis 28/1, pp. 36-64.
8. Robak, Z. (2019): The Early Carolingian spur from Smolenice, found in 1934. Študijné zvesti Archeologického ústavu SAV 66, pp. 149-160.
7. Robak, Z. (2018): Carolingian or not? An Analysis of the Fitting from Haliczany in the Context of other Early Medieval Finds from Selected Areas of the Western Slavic Territories. Slovenská archeológia 66/1, pp. 49-105.
6. Robak, Z. (2018): The Sword and Sword-Belt in Carolingian Times. The Warrior Burial 23 from Závada Reconsidered. Študijné zvesti Archeologického ústavu SAV 64, pp. 149-178.
5. Robak, Z. (2018): Two Carolingian Strap-ends on Exhibition in Želiezovce (okr. Levice/SK). Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 48/3, pp. 417-435.
4. Robak, Z. (2017-2018): Chronology and periodization of imports of Carolingian military equipment in the Carpathian Basin between the eight and the tenth centuries. Antaeus 35-36, pp. 327-344.
3. Pieta, K., Robak, Z.* (2017): The Early Medieval Hillfort Bojná-Valy, Slovakia, and its Defence System. Acta Archaeologica Carpathica 52, pp. 329-351.
2. Robak, Z. (2017): The Origins and the Collapse of the Blatnica-Mikulčice Paradigm. Slovenská archeológia 65/1, pp. 99-162.
1. Robak, Z. (2015): Items Decorated with the Tassilo Chalice Style in the Western Slavic Territories. Slovenská archeológia 63/2, pp. 309-340.
Conference proceedings:
4. Ruttkay, M., Pieta, K., Robak, Z.* (2019): Nowe metody badań wczesnośredniowiecznych grodzisk zachodniej Słowacji [New methods of research of the Early Medieval strongholds of the Western Slovakia]. In: Współczesne metody badań wczesnośredniowiecznych grodów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Eds. Chrzan, K., Moździoch, S., Rodak, S. Wrocław: Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN, pp. 133-143.
3. Pieta, K., Robak, Z.* (2019): The Military Finds from Bojná III and Klátova Nová Ves near Topoľčany, Slovakia. In: Bewaffnung und Reiterausrüstung des 8. bis 10. Jahrhunderts in Mitteleuropa. Waffenform und Waffenbeigaben bei den mährischen Slawen und in den Nachbarländern. Eds. Poláček, L., Kouřil, P. Brno: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, p. 441-452.
2. Robak, Z. (2019): The Age of Migrating Ideas. A Short Contribution on Cruciform Decorations on Great Moravian Strap Fitting in the 9th Century. In: Bewaffnung und Reiterausrüstung des 8. bis 10. Jahrhunderts in Mitteleuropa. Waffenform und Waffenbeigaben bei den mährischen Slawen und in den Nachbarländern. Eds. Poláček, L., Kouřil, P. Brno: Archeologický ústav AV ČR, p. 453-460.
1. Ruttkay, M., Pieta, K., Robak, Z.* (2018): Reconstruction and making archaeological sites available to the public – the case of the early medieval sites in Nitra and Bojná. Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia 13, pp. 171-185.
B. Publications without peer review process:
30. Robak, Z. (2024): Joshua M. Cragle. Converting the Saxons: A Study of Violence and Religion in Early Medieval Germany. Hiperboreea 11 (1), pp. 94–96. doi:
29. Pieta, K., Robak, Z.* (2023): Wczesnośredniowieczne grodziska w Bojnej - 15 lat badań archeologicznych. In Wczesne średniowiecze w Karpatach. Ed. Gancarski, J. Krosno. pp. 93-122.
28. Pieta, K., Robak, Z.* (2023): Výskum včasnostredovekej aglomerácie Bojná v roku 2019 [Excavation of the Early Medieval Agglomeration of Bojná in 2019]. In Archeologické výskumy a nálezy na Slovensku v roku 2019, pp. 78-81.
27. Pieta, K., Robak, Z.* (2023): Výskum včasnostredovekej aglomerácie Bojná v roku 2018 [Excavation of the Early Medieval Agglomeration of Bojná in 2018]. In Archeologické výskumy a nálezy na Slovensku v roku 2018, pp. 110-113.
26. Pieta, K., Robak, Z.* (2023): Výskum včasnostredovekej aglomerácie Bojná v roku 2017 [Excavation of the Early Medieval Agglomeration of Bojná in 2017]. In Archeologické výskumy a nálezy na Slovensku v roku 2017, pp. 107-108.
25. Pieta, K.*, Jakubčinová, M., Robak, Z. (2022): Výskum včasnostredovekej aglomerácie Bojná v roku 2016 [Excavation of the Early Medieval Agglomeration of Bojná in 2016]. In Archeologické výskumy a nálezy na Slovensku v roku 2016, pp. 112-114.
24. Pieta, K.*, Jakubčinová, M., Robak, Z., Vangľová, T. (2020): Výskum včasnostredovekej aglomerácie Bojná [Erforschung der frühmittelalterlichen Agglomeration Bojná]. In Archeologické výskumy a nálezy na Slovensku v roku 2015, pp. 119-123.
23. Robak, Z. (2020): Egon Wamers (Hrsg.): Der Tassilo-Liutpirc-Kelch im Stift Kremsmünster. Geschichte – Archäologie – Kunst. Slovenská archeológia 68/1, pp. 189-191.
22. Ruttkay, M.*, Pieta, K., Robak, Z. (2019): Preliminary results of the Al-Qusur research in the years 2016 and 2017. In Archaeology of Failaka and Kuwaiti coast – current research. Eds. Ruttkay, M., Kovár, B., Pieta, K. Nitra-Kuwait City 2019. pp. 91-126.
21. Pieta, K.*, Robak, Z.: Výskum včasnostredovekej aglomerácie Bojná v roku 2014 [Erforschung der frühmittelalterlichen Agglomeration Bojná im Jahr 2014]. In Archeologické výskumy a nálezy na Slovensku v roku 2014, pp. 124-127.
20. Pieta, K.*, Jakubčinová, M., Robak, Z., Vangľová, T. (2018): Výskum včasnostredovekej aglomerácie Bojná [Erforschung der frühmittelalterlichen Agglomeration Bojná]. In Archeologické výskumy a nálezy na Slovensku v roku 2013, pp. 129-133.
19. Pieta, K.*, Jakubčinová, M., Robak, Z., Vangľová, T. (2017): Výskum včasnostredovekej aglomerácie Bojná [Grabung der frühmittelalterlichen Agglomeration in Bojná]. Archeologické výskumy a nálezy na Slovensku v roku 2012, pp. 129-135.
18. Robak, Z. (2017): Carolingian Decoration from Dolné Orešany. In: Archäologische Studien zum frühen Mittelalter : Internationale Konferenz Nitra vom 18. bis 20. Oktober 2016. Ed. Fusek, G. Nitra: Archeologický ústav SAV, pp. 153-160.
17. Robak, Z. (2017): Finds from the turn of the 8th and 9th centuries from Bojná (Slovakia) and its agglomeration. In Hadak útján XXIV. A népvándorláskor fiatal kutatóinak XXIV. konferenciája Esztergom, 2014. november 4-6. Budapest-Esztergom: Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem-Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, pp. 203-217.
16. Robak, Z. (2017): K otázke počiatkov včasnostredovekého osídlenia Bojnej [On the question of beginning of the early medieval settlement at Bojná]. In Bojná 2. Nové výsledky výskumov včasnostredovekých hradísk. 2. edition. Eds. Pieta, K., Robak, Z. Nitra: Archeologický ústav SAV, pp. 53-64.
15. Pieta, K.*, Jakubčinová, M., Robak, Z., Vangľová, T. (2016): Výskum včasnostredovekej aglomerácie Bojná [Die Ausgrabung der frühmittelalterlichen Agglomeration Bojná]. Archeologické výskumy a nálezy na Slovensku v roku 2011, pp. 185-191.
14. Pieta, K., Ruttkay, M.*, Robak, Z. (2016): Kuwait - Al-Qusur excavation in 2016. In Archaeology of Failaka and Kuwaiti coast - current research : Abstract Book. Eds. Shehab A. H. Sh., Pieta, K., Ruttkay, M., Kovár, B. Nitra-Kuwait City: Archeologický ústav SAV-National Council for Culture, Arts & Letters, p. 5-7.
13. Robak, Z. (2016): A comparative analysis of three fittings decorated with the Carolingian plant style coming from Mikulčice, Bojná and Zalavár. In Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam. Ünnepi kötet Tomka Péter 75. születésnapjára. Eds. Csécs, T., Takács, M. Györ: Palatia, pp. 617-623.
12. Robak, Z. (2016): Prví Slovania na Bojnej [The First Slavs at Bojná]. Historická revue 12 (27), pp. 44-47.
11. Robak, Z.*, Pieta, K. (2016): The New Finds from Klátova Nová Ves. In Hadak útján. Népvándorlás Kor Fiatal Kutatóinak XXIII. konferenciakötete. Veszprém: Laczkó Dezsó Múzeum, pp. 131-144.
10. Pieta, K.*, Jakubčinová, M., Robak, Z., Vangľová, T. (2015): Výskum včasnostredovekej aglomerácie Bojná [Ausgrabung der Frühmittelalterlichen Agglomeration Bojná]. Archeologické výskumy a nálezy na Slovensku v roku 2010, pp. 182-184.
9. Robak, Z. (2015): Carolingian Male Ornaments in Great Moravia - Just a Fashion or a Manifestation of Social Identity? In 21st Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists : 2-5 September 2015. Abstracts of the Oral and Poster Presentations. Ed. Campbell, L. Glasgow: University, p. 123.
8. Robak, Z. (2015): Klátova Nová Ves. Tökésújfalu. In Avari a Slovania na sever od Dunaja. Katalóg výstavy. Komárom: Podunajské múzeum, pp. 46, 84-85.
7. Robak, Z. (2014): Finds from the turn of 8th and 9th century from Bojná (Slovakia) and its agglomeration. In Hadak útján XXIV. A népvándorláskor fiatal kutatóinak XXIV. konferenciája. Budapest: Archaeolingua, p. 35.
6. Robak, Z. (2013):. Okucia końca rzemieni w typie karolińskim z terenów Polski i Słowacji [Carolingian-type strap-fittings from the area of Poland and Slovakia]. In Transkarpackie kontakty kulturowe w okresie lateńskim, rzymskim i wczesnym średniowieczu. Ed. Gancarski, J. Krosno: Muzeum Podkarpackie, pp. 433-452.
5. Robak, Z.*, Pieta, K. (2013): The fortified 9th century hilltop site in Bojná and its surroundings. In 19th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists 4 -8 September 2013/Pilsen, Czech Republic. Abstracts. Ed. Turek J. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita, p. 96.
4. Klimek, A.*, Oleszczak, Ł., Robak, Z. (2009): Forschungen an der Fundstelle der Lausitzer Kultur in Sufczyce, Fst. 8, Kr. Staszów, im Jahre 2005. Recherches archeologiques, Nouvelle Serie 1, pp. 141-156.
3. Robak, Z. (2009): Wczesnośredniowieczny wóz w Polsce [Early Medieval cart in Poland]. Musaica 26, pp. 175-188.
2. Robak, Z. (2008): Badania nad stratygrafią i chronologią warstw osadniczych grodu na Ostrowie Tumskim we Wrocławiu. Propozycja interpretacji wyników [Research on the stratigraphy and chronology of the settlement layers at Ostrów Tumski in Wrocław. Proposition of re-interpretation of the findings]. Silesia Antiqua 44, pp. 85-121.
1. Robak, Z. (2008): Drogi czy bezdroża? Niektóre aspekty wczesnośredniowiecznej komunikacji [Roads or off-roads. Some aspects of the Early Medieval communication]. Alma Mater 99, pp. 91-95.
2. Robak, Z., Ruttkay, M. (2021): Celts – Germans – Slavs. A Tribute Anthology to Karol Pieta. Slovenská archeológia 69, Supplementum 2. Nitra: Archeologický ústav SAV, 485 pp.
1. Pieta, K., Robak, Z. (2017): Bojná 2. Nové výsledky výskumov včasnostredovekých hradísk. 2. edition. Nitra: Archeologický ústav SAV, 416 pp.
* corresponding author
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