Curriculum vitae
Mgr. Zuzana Bartošová, Ph.D.
Research worker at the Institute of Art History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, expert on the 20th century fine art. She studied art history at the Faculty of Philosophy, Comenius University in Bratislava (1969). In 1975 she received a scholarship of the French government. In 2006 she defended her dissertation “Unofficial Slovak art scene of the 1970s and 1980s” at Palacký University in Olomouc (2006).From 1970 she worked in the Slovak National Gallery (curator of the 20th century sculpture collection). Director of the Slovak National Gallery (1990 – 1992): she divided the gallery into the Gallery of old masters and modern art, the Gallery of contemporary art, and the Gallery of architecture, applied arts and design. She lectured at Trnava University (1992 – 1998, externally until 2003) and at JAMU in Brno (1992/1993). She was the first (founding) president of AICA Slovak Section (1993 – 2000).
Author of essential studies and exhibitions related to the issues of Slovak fine art 1900 – 1948 (including catalogues) and monographic exhibitions presented in the Slovak National Gallery. She promoted artists of unofficial art scene in Slovakia and abroad, and published in samizdat catalogues. She took active part (from 1979) in the shaping of plural form of Slovak fine art of the second half of the 20th century through projects, publications, lectures, studies, articles, exhibitions and catalogues, with the emphasis put on the personalities and tendencies of the 1960s and on the unofficial scene of the 1970s and 1980s. She presented the unofficial art scene in the form of lectures (Paris, Vienna, Glasgow, Poznan, Londonderry, Bratislava, Krakow, Warsaw, Budapest, Esztergom, Krakow, Ostrava, Prague), exhibitions in state and municipal galleries and museums in Slovakia and abroad (Esslingen, Krems, Copenhagen, Paris, Seville, Passau, Vienna, Krakow, Budapest, Gyor, Ljubljana, Sibiu, Bucharest, Prague), as well as in the form of exhibition at the Embassy of the SR in Washington. She cooperates with many magazines (Slovenské pohľady: 1989 – 1993; Revue svetovej literatúry: 1986 – up to now). She is a curator of the First Slovak Investment Group´s collection (from 1993).
Author and co-author of the following publications: Sochár Rudolf Uher/Sculptor Rudolf Uher, Milan Paštéka, Dotyky a spojenia/Touches and Connections, Sochár Ján Koniarek/Sculptor Ján Koniarek, ŠUR+ŠUP+ŠÚV = 75, Dejiny obrazov/History of Paintings. Active participant of various symposiums and author of concepts of many exhibitions in Slovakia and abroad (Oscilácie/Oscillations, Oltáre v zbierkach českých a slovenských múzeí a galérií/Altars in the collections of Czech and Slovak museums and galleries , Výzva – Od ideológie k ideám/Challenge – from the ideology to the ideas, Interakcie/Interactions, Priestor v priestore, Premostenie/Space in Space, Bridging). Author and editor of expert publications and journals (Ars, Očami X, Rezonancie).