Curriculum vitae
doc., Mgr. Miroslav Tížik, PhD.
Date of birth: 6th January 1973
Office address:
Senior Research Fellow
Institute for Sociology
Slovak Academy of Sciences
Klemensova 19, 813 64 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
1993 - 1998 - Graduate studies of sociology (Master of Arts) at the Faculty of Philosophy, Comenius University in Bratislava
1998 – 2006 - PhD., Doctoral studies on the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy, Comenius University, Bratislava
2023 - Habilitation - Palacký University Olomouc
Professional experience
1999 - 2007 - External teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava –
2001 - 2006 - Lecturer at the Department of Sociology on the Faculty of Philosophy, Comenius University, Bratislava,
2006 - 2011 – Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology on the Faculty of Philosophy, Comenius University, Bratislava.
2004 (February - June) - External teacher at the Faculty of International Relations on the University of Economics in Bratislava -
2007 - 2010 – Research Fellow, Institute for Sociology of Slovak Academy of Science
2011 – Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Sociology of Slovak Academy of Sciences
2003 - 2006 – Director of project Establishing of Slovak Archive of Social Data -
2019 - Assistant proffesor at Department of Social Work, Faculty of Education, comenius University in Bratislava.
Academic visits and stages
2000 ( January - June) - Centre d' Études sur l'Actuel et le Quotidien CEAQ - University of René Descartes (Paris V), University of Sorbonne, Paris, France
2002 ( May, June) - L´Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Science Sociales EHESS, Paris, France
2003 ( September) - Université Marc Bloch Strasbourg, Faculté de la Théologie protestante, Centre de Sociologie des Religions et d´Ethique Sociale (C.S.R.E.S)
2004 (January) - SDA (Sociological data archive) at the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague
2004 (9. - 17. June) - Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 3rd Spring School in Comparative History: “Political religions: From antiquity to postmodernity”, Jerusalem, Israel
2005 ( June) - Urban and Regional Studies Institute, Faculty of Spatial Science, University of Groningen – study stay under Paul van Steen - Groningen, Holland
2006 (9.-14. July) - Hebrew University of Jerusalem, First Jerusalem School for Jewish Studies and Comparative Religion, The Institute for Advanced Studies: „Master and Disciple: The Transmission of Knowledge in Religious Cultures“, Jerusalem, Israel
2007 (August) - ESS Train – Training Courses for Young Researches (Design and Inplementating Questionnaires or Cross-national and Cross-cultural Kontext), Faculty of Social Science, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2009 ( April-september) - Ernst_March Scholarship, ASO research stage at University in Graz, Austria: Religion, Nation and Sharpening of State´s Identity in an Enlarging Europe
2010 (8.-11. June) EVS - European Values Study WORKSHOPS, Zagreb, Croatia, Faculty of Law University of Zagreb,
Grant projects
1. ”Sociology of New Religiosity”- Grant Cursus Innovati of the Jan Hus Educational Foundation for the support of introducing a new course (2002-2003)
2. ”Sociological research training” Grant HESP of the Jan Hus Educational Foundation for the support of introducing a new course (project leader, collaboration with R. Džambazovič, MA in 2003-2005)
3. "Social Data Archive and its Use in Cross-national Comparative Research"- (2003-2005) The role of science and research within National Research and Development (interdepartmental programme 028), project number 2003 SP 51/028 09 00/028 09 07 - project leader –
4. „Sociographic Research of Slovakia“ Grant Cursus Innovati of the Jan Hus Educational Foundation for the support of introducing a new course (cooperation under the direction of R. Džambazovič, MA in 2005-2006)
5. „Archiving and Sharing of Social Data in International Network“ project ASO (Action Slovakia-Austria), SK-05/06-BA-013, 2006-2007
6. „Centre of Excellence for Research on Citizenship and Participation: Facing the Challenges of 21st Century (director Jana Plichtová),, (1/2007-12/2010)
7. „Social Inequalities and the Query of Social Cohesion - Multiplying the Perspectives“ – the project VEGA č. 2/7038/27 (director Zuzana Kusá), 2008-2009
8. „Social Ethiology of Criminal and Deviant Behavior in Slovakia“, grant VEGA 1/3593/06 (2007-2008), (director G. Lubelcová)
9. „Selected Topics from Sociology of Art“, project JPD BA Goal 3 2004/4 – 079, code 131 201 201 53, AFRAD, project of e-learning training of teachers of fine arts (2005-2006), (director Doc. Čarný)
10. „Sociology of New Forms of Religious Life“ – project of ASO (Action Austria-Slovakia), project 2010-03-15-0002 (July 2010- June 2011) – common project in education Department of Sociology, Comenius University in Bratislava and Institute for Sociology Karl Franzens Univerzity, Graz, Austria (with Franz Höllinger).
11. „Clashes for Democracy in Intercultural Context (Liberal versus Unliberal Concepts of Democracy)“, Project VEGA 2010-2011 (director Ivan Buraj).
12. „Slovakia in Key International Surveys: Twenty Years of Society Transformations“ Grant project APVV-0529-07, (director Vladimír Krivý),(6/2008-12/2009)
13. „Application of general sociological theories in the analysis of social problems in Slovakia“, VEGA 2011-2013 (director).
List of selected publications
1. TÍŽIK, Miroslav. Religion and the State after the Fall of State Socialism in Central and Eastern Europe. In Religious Diversity Today : Experiencing Religion in the Contemporary World. Volume 3.Religion Transforming Societies and Social Lives. - Santa Barbara : Praeger, an Imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2015, p. 169-202. ISBN 978-1-4408-3331-1.
2. TÍŽIK, Miroslav. Podoby ne/náboženskosti a náboženskosť cirkevne veriacich. Podobnosti a rozdiely za štvrťstoročie. In Rabušic, L., Kusá Z. (eds.). Odděleně spolu? : Česko a Slovensko optikou vývoje hodnot po roce 1991. - Bratislava : SLOVART, , 2019, s. 211-251. ISBN 978-80-556-4590-2.
3. TÍŽIK, Miroslav. Slovakia as a country without atheism but with a history of atheization. In Freethought and Atheism in Central and Eastern Europe : The Development of Secularity and Non-Religion. - Abingdon : Routledge, 2020, s. 258-283. ISBN 978-0-367-22631-2.
4. TÍŽIK, Miroslav. Religious Minority as a Source of National and State Identity: The Case of Slovakia. Studies in Religion / Sciences Religieuses, 2021, vol. 50, no. 4, p. 513-538. .
5. TÍŽIK, Miroslav Forms of Non/Religiosity in Slovakia after 1989. Religions. 2022; vol. 13, no. 7, p. 605. .
6. TÍŽIK, Miroslav. The Dialogue Between Non-equals : About the Conditions of Multiculturalism and Equality. In The Mission of Paul and the Multicultural Society. Pavlova misia a multikultúrna spoločnosť. Zborník z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie konanej 14.-15. októbra 2010 v rámci grantového projektu VEGA č. 1/0107/10 s názvom Corpus Paulinum ako paradigma medzináboženského dialógu v multikulturálnej spoločnosti. - Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského, Evanjelická bohoslovecká fakulta, 2010, s. 15-32.
7. TÍŽIK, Miroslav. Oú est la foi? Žiarislav, Don Quichotte et la frontiére du religieux. In Sociologie et sociétés, printemps 2010, vol. XLII, no. 1, p.115-141.
8. BAHNA, Miloslav - PISCOVÁ, Magdalena - TÍŽIK, Miroslav. Shaping of national identity in the processes of separation and integration in Central and Eastern Europe. In The International Social Survey Programme, 1984-2009 : Charting the globe. - London : Routledge, 2009, s. 242-262.
9. TÍŽIK, Miroslav. Emócie a racionalita v Durkheimovej teórii náboženského života. In Elementárne formy sociologického myslenia : Súčasné reflexie Durkheimovho diela. Editor Zuzana Kusá, Miroslav Tížik. - Bratislava : Sociologický ústav SAV, 2009, s. 244-274. (Emotions and Rationality in Durkheim´s Theory of Religious Life).
10. TÍŽIK, Miroslav. K sociológii novej religiozity : (podoby zmeny náboženského života v 20. storočí). Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského, 2006. 389 s. (On Sociology of New Religiosity. The Facces of Changes of Religious Life in 20. century)
11. TÍŽIK, Miroslav. Out of Civil Religion in Slovakia after 1993. In Church and Religious Life in Post-Communist Societies. Editor E. Révay, M. Tomka. - Budapest-Piliscsaba : Pázmany Társadalomtudományi 7., 2007.
12. TÍŽIK, Miroslav - BAHNA, Miloslav. Slovenský archív sociálnych dát SASD - možnosti infraštruktúry pre výskum v sociálnych vedách. In Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review : časopis pre otázky sociológie, 2006, roč. 38, č. 5, s. 415-453. (Slovak Archive of Social Data – The Infrastructure for Research in Social Sciences)
13. TÍŽIK, Miroslav. De-secularization of Slovak society in 1990s. In Eastern European Religion. - Budapest-Piliscsaba : Pázmány Társadalomtudomány 5., 2006, s. 223-239.
14. TÍŽIK, Miroslav. Vplyv právnej regulácie na rozvoj náboženského života v SR. In Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review : časopis pre otázky sociológie, 2005, roč. 37, č. 1, s. 59-89. (Influence of Legislative Regulations for Developement of Religious Life in Slovakia)
15. TÍŽIK, Miroslav. La conversion comme sacralisation du monde. In Sociétés, vol. 74, 2001, pp. 81-91.
Professional interests
Sociology of Religion, Contemporary Sociological Theories, Sociology of Art, Biographical Sociology, Archiving of Social Data
Membership in editorial boards and professional associations
Co-editor-in-chief of the RASCEE (
Editorial board member of the Biograf, magazine for biographical and reflexive sociology -
Editorial board member of the Sociologický časopis (Czech Sociological Review) - (till 2021)
Editorial board member of the Data a výzkum (Datas and Research) -
Editorial board member of the Anthropos, magazine for social and humanitarian knowledge -
Member of Executive Board of the ISORECEA - The International Study of Religion in Central and Eastern Europe Association (from 2004 member, from 208 member of EB) -
Research team member of the international research programme ISSP for Slovakia (2004 – 2008)
Members of the Academic Committee of Institute for Sociology of Slovak Academy of Sciences (2011-2015)
In Bratislava, august 1st 2023