Curriculum vitae
RNDr. Pavla Pekárová, DrSc.
Curriculum vitaeName Pavla PEKAROVA
Born October 7, 1957
Citizenship Slovak Republic
Profession research worker
Office address Institute of Hydrology SAS, Racianska 75, 838 11 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
1982 RNDr. (=MSc.), Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
1997 PhD. (Postgraduate study in Hydrology, Institute of Hydrology SAS, Bratislava, Slovakia)
Work experience
2012-2016 Director of the IH SAS
1999-2000 Deputy director of the IH SAS
1998-1999 Chairperson of the Scientific Council of IH SAS
1997-1999 Senior R.W.
1991-1996 postgraduate study in hydrology (PhD. thesis: “Analysis, Forecasting and Simulations of Non-Point Source Pollutant Loading of Surface Water”).
1986-1997 Assistant research worker
1982-1986 Mathematician - Institute of Hydrology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (IH SAS) - (utilization of mathematical statistics in hydrology and the mathematical modeling of the basic elements of the hydrological cycle)
Present scientific interest
Long-term runoff modeling
Rainfall - runoff modeling
Surface water quality modeling
1991 (April) Institute of Hydrology BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria
1993 (October) TU Dresden, Germany
1997 (August) SMHI Norrköping, Sweden, (at Prof. S. Bergström)), calibration of the HBV model in Ondava river basin (East Slovakia).
1999 (March - April) scholar visitor at Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the University of Pittsburgh, USA (at Prof. R. Quimpo) - study of AGNPS model.
2000 (September) Ghent University, Belgium (at Prof. de Troch)
2001 (May) Institute of Hydrodynamics, Prague, Czech Republic (at Dr. V. Eliáš)
2005 (May) Netherland, Wageningen University (Prof.P. Warmerdam)
Research projects (since 1995)
1999-2001 Principal investigator of the VEGA project 2/6008/99 “Regional hydrologic scenarios for the integrated management of the quantity and quality of the surface water resources in Slovakia”.
2002-2004 co-worker of the VEGA project "Parametrization of the extreme runoff formation processes in the Slovak basins in the conditions of the non-stationarity of the hydrological system "
1999-2002 co-worker of the MVTS project “Improvement of floods forecasting in middle Danube part”
1999-2002 co-worker ERB (European Reference Basins) project
Bratislava, 10.03.2006