Curriculum vitae
Mgr. Vladimír Leksa, PhD.
Vladimir Leksa, the principal investigator, graduated the study of biochemistry in 1995, in the Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia. He accomplished his gradual study in 2002. He defended his dissertation with distinction. His work was awarded the Thesis Prize 2002 of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology. Some of his findings have been patented. After the defence of his thesis he continued for three years as a postdoctoral fellow. Since 2006, he has been a senior scientist heading the research group Cell migration at the Molecular Immunology Unit of the Institute of Hygiene and Applied Immunology (Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology & Immunology; Medical University of Vienna). As a principal investigator, he successfully supervised several granted projects that are documented by the publications wherein he is the only corresponding author.During his career he has gained a profound knowledge in the molecular machineries underlying various physiological and pathological processes such as immune responses, fibrinolysis, tumour migration and angiogenesis. He also possesses a profound skill in cellular assays, biochemical methods, microscopy and techniques of recombinant DNA and RNAi. Furthermore, in the course of his project periods several doctoral students and diploma students accomplished their theses programs. The success of their work is documented by their publications, awards and current job positions.
From the beginning of 2014, Vladimir Leksa moves his research from Vienna back to Bratislava to found Laboratory of Molecular Immunology at the Institute of Molecular Biology in the Slovak Academy of Sciences. He continues his scientific career in the joint platform together with the Medical University of Vienna. He believes that in this way more talented students from Slovakia will be motivated to choose medical science for their future careers, and also an advance and progress will be possible to achieve in research within both scientific communities, in Slovakia and Austria.