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Information Page of SAS Employee


doc. PhDr. Ľubomíra Kaminská, DrSc.

On this page, you can search the on-line database of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for the publications.

Select year/category for a list of publications:
  • KAMINSKÁ, Ľubomíra - CHU, Wei - VERPOORTE, Alexander. Výsledky rádiokarbónového datovania uhlíkov zo starých výskumov v Košiciach-Barci I a Košiciach-Barci II = Results of radiocarbon ages from Previous Excavations in Košice-Barca I and Košice-Barca II. In Študijné zvesti Archeologického ústavu SAV, 2024, roč. 71, č. 1, s. 1-15. (2023: 0.2 - IF, 0.263 - SJR, Q2 - SJR). ISSN 0560-2793. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.31577/szausav.2024.71.1 (VEGA č. 2/0033/23 : Verifikácia jaskynných archeologických kontextov zo sklonku stredného a počiatku mladého paleolitu na Slovensku. VEGA č. 2/0056/22 : Stratégia osídlenia východného Slovenska v kontexte pravekého vývoja severného Potisia) Type: ADNB
  • KAMINSKÁ, Ľubomíra - NEMERGUT, Adrián. Revision analysis of the Paleolithic lithic industry from the Močenok site on the lower stream of the Váh river (western Slovakia). In Stone Age : Studying Technologies of Non-analogous Environments and Glacial Ecosystems : Papers in Honor of Jürgen Richter. 1. vyd. - Bonn : Habelt, 2024, s. 339-350. ISBN 978-3-7749-4427-5. Type: BEE
  • KAMINSKÁ, Ľubomíra. Nové nálezy aurignacienu na Východoslovenskej nížine. In 10. Geologicko-Paleontologicko-Archeologická Diskusia 2024 : Košice, 17.-18.4. 2024 (Zborník abstraktov). - Košice : GEPAARD, 2024, s. 8. Type: GII
  • KAMINSKÁ, Ľubomíra. 30. stretnutie východoslovenských archeológov v Košiciach. In Informátor : Revue slovenských archeológov. 34. ročník /2023 /1-2. 1. vyd. - Nitra : SAS pri SAV, 2023, s. 38-40. ISBN 978-80-974149-2-4. Type: GII
Citation, reviews:
1.1 Citations in foreign publications registered in citation indexes Web of Science Core Collection
1.2 Citations in foreign publications registered in Scopus
2.1 Citations in domestic publications registered in citation indexes Web of Science Core Collection
2.2 Citations in domestic publications registered in Scopus
*3 Citations in foreign publications not registered in citation indexes
3.1 Citations in foreign publications not registered in citation indexes
3.2 Citations in foreign publications registered in scientific citation databases other than Web of Science Core Collection or Scopus
*4 Citations in domestic publications not registered in citation indexes
4.1 Citations in domestic publications not registered in citation indexes
4.2 Citations in domestic publications registered in scientific citation databases other than Web of Science Core Collection or Scopus
5 Reviews in foreign publications
6 Reviews in domestic publications
7 Art critiques – foreign
8 Art critiques – domestic
9 Reproductions of artistic works of the author in foreign publications or media
*9 Citations in foreign publications registered in scientific citation databases other than Web of Science Core Collection or Scopus
10 Reproductions of artistic works of the author in domestic publications or media
*10 Citations in domestic publications registered in scientific citation databases other than Web of Science Core Collection or Scopus