Mgr. Tatiana Zachar Podolinská, PhD.
research of religiosity and non-religiosity, Marian devotion, Romani studies, social theory

Klemensova 19
813 64 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
F:+421-2 52964707-116
The director of the Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology of SAS. Her career includes having been a visiting professor at the University of Oslo (NO), Masaryk University (CZ), Charles University (CZ), UNAM (MX), Missouri State University (USA), Södertörn University (SE), St Andrews University (UK) and the University of West Scotland (UK). From 2020 she serves as the President of the Gypsy Lore Society. She has participated in several European research projects related to the Romani Studies (5FP EU, 6FP EU); and international research projects related to anthropology of religion (Mexico, Guatemala). As a researcher she is focused on research of contemporary religiosity and spirituality with the focus on Romani studies and Marian devotion in Europe. She is author of more than 110 publication units, author/co-author of 4 research monographs, editor of 3 research volumes, 7 chapters in the length of a monograph, 9 chapters, and 54 peer-reviewed journal studies.