RNDr. Richard Komžík CSc.
National projects
* Extrasolar planets: an extrem case of interacting binary stars
Extrasolárne planéty: extrémny prípad interagujúcich dvojhviezd
Duration: | 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Budaj Ján DrSc. |
* In2Ex - From Interacting Binaries to Exoplanets
Od interagujúcich hviezd k exoplanétam
Duration: | 1.7.2021 - 30.6.2025 |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | RNDr. Pribulla Theodor CSc. |
Projects total: 2
Note: * cosolver