Curriculum vitae
RNDr. Zdenka Gáspárová, PhD.
Working experience:Dr. Gáspárová's research activity is concerned with disorders of the nervous system which are induced by oxidative damage, aging, neurodegeneration, metabolic syndrome, and cognitive decline. A priority has been given to the field of electrophysiology of the rat hippocampus, thus to functional changes and biochemical, morphological, and behavioral alterations in various pathologies of the central nervous system. Dr. Gáspárová has studied the effects of pharmacological agents aimed at the reduction of pathological injury on cellular and tissue levels. She deals with the education of bachelor, master, and Ph.D. students.
Ocupation, position held, education:
- 2018-ongoing - Senior researcher in Centre of Experimental Medicine SASc, Bratislava
- 2012–2018 – Head of Department of Pharmacology of Excitable Tissues, IEPT SASc,Bratislava
- 2008–2012 – Head of Department of Neuropharmacology, IEPT SASc, Bratislava
- 1988–2008 – Researcher in IEPT SASc, Bratislava
- 1987 – One year study stay at Loyola University, Maywood, USA
- 1981–1986 – PhD study in IEPT SASc, Bratislava, the field of animal physiology
- 1976–1981 – Graduated from Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences, the field of biology
- Medical Faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava
- Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava