JUDr. MUDr. Patrik Palacka, PhD.
On this page, you can search the on-line database of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for the publications.
Select year/category for a list of publications:
- HOLÍČKOVÁ, Andrea - PALACKA, Patrik - ROŠKA, Jan - MAKOVICKÝ, Peter - VALLOVÁ, Miroslava - BIRÓ, Csaba - ÓRÁSOVÁ, Eveline - OBERTOVÁ, Jana - MARDIAK, Jozef - BRUDEROVÁ, Vladimíra - JURKOVIČOVÁ, Dana - KAJO, Karol - CHOVANEC, Miroslav. Prognostický význam expresie faktorov nukleotidovej excíznej opravy a transléznej syntézy dna u pacientov so svalovinu-infiltrujúcim karcinómom močového mechúra. In Súťaž mladých onkológov 2024 : zborník prednášok. - Bratislava : Nadácia Výskum Rakoviny, 2024, s. 147-148. ISBN 978-80-971621-5-3. (VEGA 2/0075/23 : ÚLOHA POŠKODENIA DNA A OPRAVY V ODPOVEDI NÁDOROV UROGENITÁLNEHO TRAKTU NA CHEMOTERAPIU NA BÁZE CISPLATINY. APVV-17-0384 : Testikulárne nádory zo zárodočných buniek rezistentné na cisplatinu: ich premena na liečiteľné ochorenie. APVV-19-0286 : Je HIF-1a hlavný regulátor DNA reparačnej kapacity a odpovede na chemoterapiu vnádoroch semenníkov z germinatívnych buniek?. Súťaž mladých onkológov 2024) Type: AFH
Citation, reviews:
1.1 | Citations in foreign publications registered in citation indexes Web of Science Core Collection |
1.2 | Citations in foreign publications registered in Scopus |
2.1 | Citations in domestic publications registered in citation indexes Web of Science Core Collection |
2.2 | Citations in domestic publications registered in Scopus |
*3 | Citations in foreign publications not registered in citation indexes |
3.1 | Citations in foreign publications not registered in citation indexes |
3.2 | Citations in foreign publications registered in scientific citation databases other than Web of Science Core Collection or Scopus |
*4 | Citations in domestic publications not registered in citation indexes |
4.1 | Citations in domestic publications not registered in citation indexes |
4.2 | Citations in domestic publications registered in scientific citation databases other than Web of Science Core Collection or Scopus |
5 | Reviews in foreign publications |
6 | Reviews in domestic publications |
7 | Art critiques – foreign |
8 | Art critiques – domestic |
9 | Reproductions of artistic works of the author in foreign publications or media |
*9 | Citations in foreign publications registered in scientific citation databases other than Web of Science Core Collection or Scopus |
10 | Reproductions of artistic works of the author in domestic publications or media |
*10 | Citations in domestic publications registered in scientific citation databases other than Web of Science Core Collection or Scopus |