Ing. Natália Botková, PhD.
On this page, you can search the on-line database of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for the publications.
Select year/category for a list of publications:
- BOTYANSZKÁ, Lenka - VITKOVÁ, Justína** - BOTKOVÁ, Natália - TOKOVÁ, Lucia - GADUŠ, Ján. The effects of biochar grain size on radish plants under low water availability. In Plant, Soil and Environment. - Praha : Česká akadémie zemědělských věd - Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských informací, 2024, vol. 70, no. 4, p. 203-209. (2023: 2.3 - IF, Q1 - JCR, 0.536 - SJR, Q2 - SJR). ISSN 1214-1178. Dostupné na: Type: ADCA
- BOTYANSZKÁ, Lenka** - VITKOVÁ, Justína - BOTKOVÁ, Natália - ŠURDA, Peter. Microplastic pollution effects on lettuce growth analyzed with ojip curves. In TRANSPORT OF WATER, CHEMICALS AND ENERGY IN THE SOIL – PLANT – ATMOSPHERE SYSTEM in conditions of the climate variability : Book of Abstracts. - Bratislava : Institute of Hydrology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, 2024, p. 8-8. ISBN 978-80-89139-62-0. (Book of Abstracts and Posters from the 31st Poster day conference with international participation) Type: AFH
- GRYGORCZUK-PŁANETA, Katarzyna** - VITKOVÁ, Justína - TOMCZYK, Agnieszka - PANEK, Rafał - BOTKOVÁ, Natália - SZEWCZUK-KARPISZ, Katarzyna. Study on hydrophysical and chemical parameters of Polish and Slovak soils modified with zeolitic additives. In Acta Hydrologica Slovaca, 2024, vol. 25, no. 1, p. 135-142. (2023: 0.306 - SJR, Q3 - SJR). ISSN 2644-4690. Dostupné na: (VEGA 2/0065/24 : Biochar as a potential climate change adaptation tool. APVV-21-0089 : BCSOIL -Biouhlie ako pôdne aditívum pre trvalo udržatelné poľnohospodárstvo v podmienkach klimatickej zmeny) Type: ADNB
- TOMCZYK, Agnieszka** - VITKOVÁ, Justína - BOTKOVÁ, Natália - SIRYK, Olena - KONDRACKI, Bartosz - SZEWCZUK-KARPISZ, Katarzyna. Ammonia hydroxide and citric acid modified wheat straw–biochars: Preparation, characterization, and environmental applications. In Chemosphere, 2024, vol. 356, art. no. 141916. (2023: 8.1 - IF, Q1 - JCR, 1.806 - SJR, Q1 - SJR). ISSN 0045-6535. Dostupné na: Type: ADMB
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10 | Reproductions of artistic works of the author in domestic publications or media |
*10 | Citations in domestic publications registered in scientific citation databases other than Web of Science Core Collection or Scopus |