Curriculum vitae
Mgr. Jozef Ukropec, DrSc.
C.V. Jozef Ukropec, Ph.D., D.Sc.Born: April 10, 1974, in Bratislava
Address: Department of Metabolic Disease Research, Institute of Experimental Endocrinology, Biomedical Research Center, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 05, Bratislava, Slovakia; Phone: +421-904-059-826 (cell), E-mail:
Personal profiles:
ORCID: 0000-0001-8401-6621, ResearcherID: D-5960-2018, Scopus Author ID: 6603270683
Education & Academic Degrees:
2016 Doctor of Sciences (DrSc - Research Professor), Human Pathophysiology, Medical Faculty, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
2001 Dr. Philos. (PhD), Animal physiology, UPJŠ Košice, Slovakia
1997 M. Sc (Mgr.) Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
Academic positions
2019 – date Scientific Council Member - Biomedical Research Center Slovak Acad. of Sciences
2016 - date Scientific Secretary - Biomedical Research Center Slovak Academy of Sciences
2010 - date Head of the Department of Metabolic Disease Research, BMC SAS
2006 - date Senior Researcher, Inst. Exp. Endocrinology, Slovak Acad. Sci., Bratislava, Slovakia
2002 - 2005 PostDoc, Laboratory of Molecular Genetics PBRC LSU, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
1997 – 2001 PhD student – Inst. Exp. Endocrinology, Slovak Acad. Sci., Bratislava, Slovakia
1996 - 1997 Research associate – Inst. Exp.Endocrinology, Slovak Acad. Sci., Bratislava, Slovakia
Main Areas of Research:
- Adaptive response to exercise and its role in muscle-brain crosstalk.
- Integrative physiology of whole body and tissue specific energy metabolism in the context of chronic diseases in humans.
- Metabolic / thermogenic function of brown adipose tissue in man
Publication summary (1999-2020)
69 in extenso scientific papers (19 as first/ senior author), 10 book chapters. >140 conference contributions/proceedings
Ten most important peer-reviewed publications in career to date to the research proposal
1. UKROPEC J, JE RESELAND, D GASPERIKOVA, E DEMCAKOVA, L MADSEN, CA DREVON. The hypotriglyceridemic effect of dietary n− 3 FA is associated with increased β‐oxidation and reduced leptin expression. 2003 Lipids 38 (10), 1023-1029
2. UKROPEC J, RP ANUNCIADO, Y RAVUSSIN, MW HULVER, LP KOZAK UCP1-independent thermogenesis in white adipose tissue of cold-acclimated Ucp1-/-mice. 2006 Journal of Biological Chemistry 281 (42), 31894-31908
3. UKROPEC J, RVP ANUNCIADO, Y RAVUSSIN, LP KOZAK. Leptin is required for uncoupling protein-1-independent thermogenesis during cold stress. 2006 Endocrinology 147 (5), 2468-2480
4. UKROPEC J, Z RADIKOVA, M HUCKOVA, J KOSKA, A KOCAN, E SEBOKOVA, B UKROPCOVA, P LANGER, I. KLIMES. High prevalence of prediabetes and diabetes in a population exposed to high levels of an organochlorine cocktail.2008 Diabetologia 53 (5), 899-906
5. UKROPEC J., PENESOVÁ A., SKOPKOVÁ M., PURA M., VLCEK M., RÁDIKOVÁ Z., IMRICH R., UKROPCOVÁ B., TAJTÁKOVÁ M., KOSKA J., ZÓRAD S., BELAN V., VANUGA P., PAYER J., ECKEL J., KLIMES I., GASPERÍKOVÁ D. (2008) Adipokine protein expression pattern in growth hormone deficiency predisposes to the increased fat cell size and the whole body metabolic derangements. J Clin Endocrinol Metab.; 93(6):2255-62.
6. KURDIOVA T., BALAZ M., VICIAN M., MADEROVA D., VLCEK M., VALKOVIC L., SRBECKY M., IMRICH R., KYSELOVICOVA O., BELAN V., JELOK I., WOLFRUM C., KLIMES I., KRSSAK M., ZEMKOVA E., GASPERIKOVA D., UKROPEC J., UKROPCOVA B.: Are Skeletal Muscle & Adipose Tissue Fndc5 Gene Expression and Irisin Release Affected by Obesity, Diabetes and Exercise? In vivo & in vitro studies. In The Journal of Physiology (London), 2014 Mar 1;592(Pt 5):1091-107 (IF2012 – 4.38)
7. BALAZ M, - VICIAN M, - JANAKOVA Z, - KURDIOVA T, - SUROVA M, - IMRICH R, - MAJERCIKOVA Z, - PENESOVA A, - VLCEK M, - KISS A, - BELAN V, - KLIMES I, - OLEJNIK J, - GASPERIKOVA D, - WOLFRUM C, - UKROPCOVA B, - UKROPEC J. Subcutaneous adipose tissue zinc-α2-glycoprotein is associated with adipose tissue and whole-body insulin sensitivity. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2014 Aug;22(8):1821-9. (4.389 - IF2013)
8. KRUMPOLEC P, VALLOVA S, SLOBODOVA L, TIRPAKOVA V, VAJDA M, SCHON M, KLEPOCHOVA R, JANAKOVA Z, STRAKA I, SUTOVSKY S, TURCANI P, CVECKA J, VALKOVIC L, TSAI CL, KRSSAK M, VALKOVIC P, SEDLIAK M, UKROPCOVA B, UKROPEC J. Aerobic-Strength Exercise Improves Metabolism and Clinical State in Parkinson's Disease Patients. Front Neurol. 2017 Dec 22;8:698. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2017.00698. eCollection 2017.
9. MÁDEROVÁ D, KRUMPOLEC P, SLOBODOVÁ L, SCHÖN M, TIRPÁKOVÁ V, KOVANIČOVÁ Z, KLEPOCHOVÁ R, VAJDA M, ŠUTOVSKÝ S, CVEČKA J, VALKOVIČ L, TURČÁNI P, KRŠŠÁK M, SEDLIAK M, TSAI CL, UKROPCOVÁ B, UKROPEC J. Acute and regular exercise distinctly modulate serum, plasma and skeletal muscle BDNF in the elderly. Neuropeptides. 2019 Dec;78:101961. doi: 10.1016/j.npep.2019.101961. Epub 2019 Aug 29.
10. SCHÖN M, KOVANIČOVÁ Z, KOŠUTZKÁ Z, NEMEC M, TOMKOVÁ M, JACKOVÁ L, MÁDEROVÁ D, SLOBODOVÁ L, VALKOVIČ P, UKROPEC J, UKROPCOVÁ B. Effects of running on adiponectin, insulin and cytokines in cerebrospinal fluid in healthy young individuals. Sci Rep. 2019 Feb 13;9(1):1959. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-38201-2.
Top 10 scientific/scholarly research achievements beyond publications
1. Principal investigator of the EFSD - New Horizons project „Myokines and Skeletal Muscle Plasticity in Metabolic Health and Type 2 Diabetes“ 2011-2013 (€ 100k)
2. Principal investigator of the Investigator Initiated Research grant by Pfizer, „The Effect of a Long-Term Growth Hormone Supplementation on the Whole-Body Metabolic Characteristics and Adipose Tissue Phenotype in Growth Hormone Deficient Adults: the 5-yr follow-up. 2011-2013 principal investigator) (€ 100k)
3. Founding member - ExPAS - exercise & physical activity Study Group EASD – 2014
4. Founding member, Board member, Scientific secretary, The Slovak Obesity Association 2018
5. Principal investigator - Aktion Österreich – Slowakei, Wissenschafts und Erziehungskooperation project # 2013-10-15-0004 “Effect of exercise on pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes: Focus on magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy in skeletal muscle”
6. Trained PhD & MSc students: Mgr. Tímea Kurdiová, PhD (2009-2013), Mgr. Miroslav Baláž, PhD (2010-2014), Mgr. Patrik Krumpolec (2013-2017), Mgr. Denisa Máderová (2014-2018), Mgr. Michal Nemec (2016-2020). MSc. Petronela Paulová (2019-2022), M.Sc. Mgr. Miroslav Baláž, PhD (2007-2010), Mgr.Terézia Rendeková 2009-2012), Mgr. Katarína Giertlová (2010-2013), Mgr. Denisa Maderova (2011-2014), Mgr.Zuzana Janakova (2012-2015), Bc. Eva Brisakova (2013-2016) Bc. Erika Balogova (2014-2017).
7. Continuous grant support by the Grant agency of the Ministry of Education SR and Slovak Acad. Sci. (VEGA) since 2007 (principal investigator)
8. Member of the National Scholarship Program SR - scientific committee
9. Member of the Committee for Cosmic Activities SR (Ministry of Education SR)
10. Member of the Committee for Creation of the new and innovative preventive and therapeutic strategies for translation to clinical practice (Ministry of Health SR)
Bratislava 30.6.2020 Jozef Ukropec