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International Cooperation

Results of the V4-Japan JRP 2nd Joint Call

29. 10. 2021 | 606 visits

The Department of International Cooperation is delighted to announce the results of the V4-Japan Joint Research Program 2nd Joint Call on "Advanced Materials".

The call was organised in cooperation with partner organisations in Japan and the V4 countries: Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (MEYS), National Research, Development, and Innovation Office of Hungary (NKFIH), National Centre for Research and Development of Poland (NCBR) a International Visegrad Fund. Following an expert international evaluation, the partners have decided to jointly fund 5 research projects out of 42 evaluated proposals:


  1. Black metals decorated with surface receptors as high–potentiality materials for gas sensing (BLACKSENS)
  2. Development of Advanced Magnesium Alloys for Multifunctional Applications in Extreme Environments (MagMAX)
  3. Band–gap engineering in unconventional semiconductors (BGapEng)
  4. Perovskites Quantum Dots based Broadband Detectors (PeDET)
  5. Atomic design of carbon–based materials for new normal society (AtomDeC)


More information about the selected projects can be found at our partner's website and in the attached file.