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Juraj Majtán sa v publikovanom rebríčku platformy Expertscape umiestnil na 8. mieste z celkových 14 583 hodnotených pracovníkov a patrí k najlepším 0,1% expertov vo výskume včelieho medu

The world expert in the research of bee honey is from SAS

23. 9. 2021 | 2490 visits

The American internet platform Expertscape carried out an independent international evaluation of doctors, scientists and institutions working in the field of biomedicine. Based on the results, it ranked Juraj Majtán from the Institute of Molecular Biology SAS among the world's most important experts in bee honey research. Juraj Majtán ranked 8th out of a total of 14,583 evaluated employees in the published ranking and is one of the best 0.1% of experts. The Expertscape platform published the results within the National Honey Month - September, which is dedicated to the promotion of beekeeping and the beekeeping industry in the USA.

"It is very pleasant to see that also here in Slovakia we can keep up with foreign workplaces and be one of the world leaders in honey research," stated Juraj Majtán, emphasising that this success does not only concern his scientific work, but it is the achievement of the entire team, including foreign collaborators.

The focus of Juraj Majtan's scientific research is the research of new qualitative features of bee products and the study of the therapeutic effects of honey in the treatment of non-healing and chronic wounds. He is the author of more than 80 scientific works with a total H-index of 25, the author of 7 chapters in foreign monographs and the author of one patent and one utility model. Juraj Majtán works as a lecturer at the Slovak Beekeepers Association, he is the founder of the Slovak Apitherapeutic Society and the Honey Laboratory project. His employees provide regular consultations, especially to beekeepers, beekeeping farms and industrial honey producers, mainly from Slovakia and the Czech Republic. 

"After the publication of these results, we expect that we will also be contacted by foreign entities, either with requests for consultations or the performance of laboratory expertise. Last but not least, this result also opens up new possibilities for cooperation in basic honey research,” added the molecular biologist.

Expertscape is an online database that objectively evaluates physicians, researchers and institutions according to their expertise in more than 29,000 biomedical topics. It does this on the basis of a patented algorithm resulting from scientific studies indexed in the Medline database. The compiled order depends on several factors: the recency of the published work; the quality of the magazine in which it was published; the type of an article and whether the scientist is the first author. The database of experts can be used by patients, researchers or companies, who can easily search for and contact verified experts from all over the world, if necessary.

The ranking of bee honey research experts is available at: https://expertscape.com/ex/honey

Edited by Katarína Gáliková

Foto: medovelaboratorium.sk, Expertscape.com 

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