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Ilustračná grafika

The National competence centre pilot hackathon

20. 7. 2021 | 934 visits

It was a challenge to come up with a suitable topic for our pilot online NCC hackathon: the HPC environment has its specifics and most people are not familiar with it. At the end we’ve decided for a challenge that would involve something we all know and use: a mobile application. This particular application should allow our HPC users to access information about computational resources and overview of their jobs via their smartphone.

The organizers have prepared a so-called backend for the application developers to acces all the data needed from our HPC cluster situated in Košice. The participants could try out submitting test jobs, as well. During a webinar organized prior to the hackathon we explained the basics about the environment, submission of jobs and the workload management tool SLURM. The hackathon started on July 9. Both teams that participated actively in the event chose a different approach to the application development: PWA (Prograssive Web App) and Kotlin multiplatform. We appreciate the great job they did in transforming the available data into a practical solutions presented at the end. The winner application should work on both Android and iOS devices and after some final adjustments will be available for our users to test!

Text: Halyna Hyryavets, Centre of Operations of the Slovak Academy of Sciences 

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