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Termín na podanie žiadosti Falling Walls Engage 2021 sa predlžuje do 25. júna

Ending soon: Call for Application I Falling Walls Engage 2021

21. 6. 2021 | 875 visits

Falling Walls Engage is a global platform for Science Engagement, together with our founding partner the Robert Bosch Foundation, every year we are searching for the most promising initiatives in the field of Science Engagement, Public Engagement, and Science Communication to celebrate the Breakthrough of the Year in Science Engagement.

In light of the Falling Walls Conference 2021 on 7-9 November, this year a return to Berlin for a physical event is planned – a great opportunity for applicants to gain international visibility and connect with other inspiring Science Engagers around the world. 50 Finalists will be selected, and 20 Winners will get the chance to present their project in Berlin in front of an international audience. In case of an inability to travel, digital participation is also possible.

What are we looking for?

We welcome projects that actively engage the public with science through participatory and interactive formats of all kinds and sizes, with transferable and/or scalable approaches, a measurable outcome and long-term impact on their target groups. You can find more information on the application criteria and the process in our FAQs.

You can nominate an individual or organization running an inspiring project or apply with your own project to become the 2021 Breakthrough of the Year in Science Engagement: nominate or apply here.

The extended deadline is 25 June 2021.               

In addition, if you can, please help us spread our call.

  1. Please reach out to your network and spread the call for application and nomination, feel free to partly copy this email above.
  2. Feel free to spread and retweet our Social Media posts via TwitterLinkedInFacebook or Instagram
  3. For more information, visuals, and posts, please find here our promotion-kit.

Text: Johanna Śnieżko, projectmanager Falling Walls Engage

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