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SAV otvára dvere záujemcom o doktorandské štúdium

The Slovak Academy of Sciences opens the door to persons interested in doctoral studies

12. 4. 2021 | 2419 visits

The largest scientific institution in Slovakia presents, for the first time, the topics of doctoral studies through an interactive online form. Today, it launched the virtual event Open Doors Week on its website. The aim is to present current topics in the form of video presentations, which can be applied for by those interested in the third degree of university study. The event will culminate on Friday, April 16, 2021, with an online meeting "ZOOM with the SAS scientists”, which will provide students with a space for informal discussion with representatives of institutes and topic supervisors.

The SAS also adapts its activities to the restrictions associated with the pandemic. "Due to anti-pandemic measures, which have been in effect for a year now, we cannot invite students directly to our workplaces. At the same time, we have become accustomed to working in the online space and new possibilities have opened up for us. Persons interested in doctoral studies can "meet" with potential supervisors in real-time and, therefore, do not have to travel far because of this,” explained Ľubica Lacinová, a member of the Presidium of SAS for education and doctoral studies.

The event is intended for young people, graduates, graduates of the 2nd degree of university studies who are considering starting a scientific career. On the http://tod.sav.sk website, they can watch presentations and videos from thirty scientific workplaces of the SAS throughout the whole week. On Friday, April 16, representatives of the participating institutes will be ready to discuss informally with students during the online meeting "ZOOM with the SAS scientists" in two time blocks: from 10.00 - 11.30 and from 13:30 - 15:00.

The SAS offers a wide range of topics from natural and social sciences, workplaces with good equipment and active international cooperation. "Our doctoral students can apply for grant programs and competitions, complete additional educational programs in the so-called soft skills, such as communication and presentation skills, project writing, orientation in scientific literature, transfer of science into practice, but also to get accommodation at an affordable price, lower than the actual costs,” added the Vice-President of the SAS. The Young Scientists of SAS association offers them further activities and the opportunity to popularise their research.

Scientific institutes of the SAS are external educational institutions for doctoral studies. They collaborate with eleven universities in more than eighty study programs. The main partners of the institutes are top research universities such as Comenius University, Slovak University of Technology, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University, Technical University in Košice or Technical University in Zvolen. Part of the study programs is carried out by workplaces in the English language and they admit also foreign students from third countries. "The SAS workplaces currently have 512 doctoral students, of which 103 doctoral students are from abroad. We are already looking forward to new scientific talents, which we will welcome in the academic year 2021/2022,” concluded the scientist.

The following scientific institutes took part in the Open Doors Week:

Astronomical Institute SAS, Institute of Hydrology SAS, Earth Science Institute of the SAS, Institute of Experimental Physics SAS, Institute of Electrical Engineering SAS, Institute of Geotechnics SAS, Institute of Informatics SAS, Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics SAS, Institute of Measurement Science SAS, Institute of Construction and Architecture SAS, Biomedical Research Center SAS, Institute of Neuroimmunology SAS, Centre of Biosciences SAS, Institute of Molecular Biology SAS, Institute of Chemistry SAS, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SAS, Polymer Institute SAS, Institute of Zoology SAS, Institute of Forest Ecology SAS, Institute of Landscape Ecology SAS, Institute of Economic Research SAS, Institute of Philosophy SAS, Institute for Research in Social Communication SAS, Ludovit Stur Institute of Linguistics SAS, Institute of Slovak literature SAS, Institute of World Literature SAS

The internet website of the Open Doors Week with presentations and videos of SAS institutes: http://tod.sav.sk

The Facebook event, where news will be updated during the week: http://bit.ly/tod_sav

 "ZOOM WITH THE SAS SCIENTISTS” April 16, 2021: http://bit.ly/zoom_s_vedcami_sav


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