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Granules from a mixture of ceramic powders in its final form.  In addition to homogeneity, its advantage is also that it “flows” much better. Originally amorphous shapes of powder particles (their size is often close to 1 micrometre) do not have this property, on the contrary, they tend to stick to each other, which complicates the work with them

Scientists from the Slovak Academy of Sciences won the Horizon 2020 project

14. 1. 2021 | 2363 visits

Starting from today, the European “SIMBA” project (Sodium-Ion and sodium Metal Batteries for efficient and sustainable next-generation energy storage) is launched, and the scientists from the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SAS are also part of it. Their research will significantly contribute to the development of a new generation of high-performance, safe, sustainable and affordable batteries for stationary energy storage. At the same time, the SIMBA project is also a significant contribution to the establishment of the National Battery Centre in Slovakia.

Energy storage systems, mainly batteries, are key technologies in the transition to a carbon-neutral society. Due to the growing market for electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries are being produced on an increasing scale. This leads to concerns about the future and long-term availability of critical raw materials used in these batteries (e.g. lithium, cobalt). The aim of the international “SIMBA” project is the development of new sodium-based batteries for the sustainable storage of electric energy produced by solar or wind power plants. 

“The SIMBA project is a strong support project of the National Battery Centre. We also respond to one of the conditions of the call, which was the development of a battery using resources available in Europe and sodium is the element in which we see the future” said the President of the SAS Prof Pavol Šajgalík.

A partner of the international consortium is also the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SAS. The role of scientists is to develop new anodes. ”Together with colleagues from Germany and Sweden, we develop anodes based on ceramic materials and hard carbon. Concurrently we will examine and characterise emerging phases that reduce efficiency and degrade battery life in order to extend it and also increase the number of charging cycles,” said Zoltán Lenčéš from the Department of Ceramics at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SAS.

The “SIMBA” project brings together scientific institutions and companies from Germany, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway, France, the Netherlands, Ukraine and Slovakia. It was supported by the amount of € 7,300,000 from the HORIZONT 2020 grant program and will last until 2024.

Edited by Katarína Gáliková

Foto: Katarína Gáliková

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