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Prvé stretnutie k projektu Alive medzi českými a slovenskými partnermi sa uskutočnilo na ZŠ Benkova v Nitre. Počas stretnutia sa diskutovalo o riadení projektu i pravidlách financovania

The ALIVE project – how to teach biology in a fun way - has started

13. 11. 2020 | 1323 visits

In the present-day crisis caused by COVID-19, the need for teaching in primary schools using digital technologies and online platforms has become more important than ever. Online, or rather, distance education, places heavy technical and methodical demands on schools, teachers, as well as parents. The ALIVE project - Fun Biology with Virtual Reality offers a solution that can help at least partially eliminate the problems related to the need to switch to online education in the future.

“Through its activities, the Alive project brings outputs that will facilitate the education of the so-called alpha generation, it means children who can handle smartphones since the age of a toddler, can solve several things at once, but their attention is rapidly declining, so in addition to technology, they also need a change in the approach to their education,” said Jarmila Králová from the Institute of Forest Ecology SAS, who is also an employee of the Mlyňany Arboretum Public Services Department.

The project started on November 1, 2020, and its aim is to create a 3D virtual learning environment within two years which would be focused on teaching biology for the 2nd level of primary schools. “By creating an educational platform based on 3D virtual reality, students will have the opportunity to visit virtual laboratories, explore a cell or be part of a photosynthesis cycle. It will provide teachers and, in part, parents with a methodology for educating students through a 3D virtual educational platform,” said Jarmila Králová.

Partner organisations from five countries of the European Union (Greece, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Italy, Slovakia) cooperate in solving the project. The project coordinator within the SAS is the Institute of Forest Ecology SAS, the detached workplace of the Mlyňany Arboretum. 

Edited by: Monika Tináková

Foto: archiv ALIVE project

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