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Nová podoba Registra modernej architektúry Slovenska

New Register of Modern Architecture in Slovakia

6. 10. 2020 | 1425 visits

In recent months, the Department of Architecture of the Institute of History SAS has been working intensively on a new form of the popular public on-line database of modern architecture in Slovakia register-architektury.sk

The result is the expanded content and enriched functionality of the database and, last but not least, an attractive visual form, which is the work of graphic designer Ľubica Segečová and a user-friendly environment, which is the result of the work of lab.SNG. The database modified in this way enables the public to obtain information not only about the most important works of Slovak architecture but also about new research results, current projects and publications of the Department of Architecture of the Institute of History SAS. Thus, it represents a unique tool for exchanging the results of academic research to the general public.

The new register was created with the financial support of the Slovak Research and Development Agency: project no. APVV-16-058.

Text: Monika Tináková


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