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The host of the Scientific podcast SAS is Lucia Molnár Satinská of the Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics SAS

The Slovak Academy of Sciences is starting its own scientific podcast

9. 9. 2020 | 3490 visits

The Slovak Academy of Sciences has decided to use podcasts to present the most interesting scientific personalities working at the Academy. Its host is Lucia Molnár Satinská of the Ľudovít Štúr Institute of Linguistics SAS. As of today, it's available on the PodBean podcast page, you can listen to it on the Spotify streaming service, the Apple Podcasts podcast app, and will soon be available on the Google Podcasts app. The first guest was the President of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Prof. Pavol Šajgalík.

“So far, I listen to podcasts very rarely. By the time I switched from paper newspapers to electronic ones, the others had been reading them long ago. It's the same with podcasts. Now I've listened to some two or three and I'm getting used to a genre where I don't have to read, but just listen. So it will still take a while, and I will listen to podcasts more,” said the President of the SAS Pavol Šajgalík.

The first edition was also carried in the spirit of endless questions about why doing quality science in Slovakia is extremely important for our future.

“It is not enough to go to the theatre in Vienna to cultivate a culture in the country. And this is exactly the same case with science. We also need to send people abroad, but all the more so now we need to speed up their return home. If we succeed in this, I will not be worried about the future of our science and then maybe a scientist in Slovakia, too, will win the Nobel Prize once,” said the President of the SAS.

Working with young talented people is a challenge in every sector of our society, and it is no different in the case of young researchers. The Slovak Academy of Sciences is preparing the Impulz project for the most skilled. These will be five-year grants, which will finance the salaries of doctoral students as well as the infrastructure which they will need for their research. The scientists supported in this way, and the teams created by them should bring new research topics in accordance with the latest trends in global research.

“These will be young people who have their own idea and should prove that they do not recycle the topic of their supervisor. They are able to break away, and we are looking for just such new talents. The Impulz is about finding new leaders who will overcome the problem of insufficient support for young researchers in Slovakia,” said Pavol Šajgalík.

At the end of the podcast, the current short-term and long-term challenges awaiting the Slovak Academy of Sciences were also heard.

“An important and big challenge is to move forward in quality, and this can be done in the current situation, for example, by significant internationalisation. When we look west of our borders, the research teams are internationally composed even in the Czech Republic. Each of those people has a different story, comes from a different scientific background, and that enriches it immensely. This is a long-term challenge, and the short-term one is clear. We finally need to transform into a public research institution to be compatible with the rest of the world,” added Prof. Šajgalík.

The SAS podcasts can be found at:

PodBean https://akademiavied.podbean.com/

Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/4gldLi45zzI1NSA1SQvOTV

Apple Podcasts

Photo: Csaba Molnár, podcast visual Katarína Gáliková

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