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Ocenený kolektív pracovníkov Chemického ústavu SAV pod vedením Jána Tkáča

SAS award presented in Smolenice

2. 7. 2019 | 2864 visits
Every year, the Slovak Academy of Sciences honors top scientists. The SAS awards are the highest award for the creative work of scientists, and this year, at the Congress Center of the SAS in Smolenice, the best and most excellent of them were honored once more.
An invitation to the awards ceremony was received and accepted by Richard Raši, Deputy Prime Minister for Investment and Informatisation, Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic Martina Lubyová, Štefan Rozkopál, Head of the Office of the President of the Slovak Republic, Oľga Nachtmannová, State Secretary of the Ministry of Education as well university representatives and members of the SAS Scientific Council. The awards were presented by SAS President Pavol Šajgalík in the presence of SAS vice president and chairperson of the SAS Assembly, Katarína Gmucova.

"Research and innovation technologies are the basis for Slovakia to transition to the innovation process, thanks to humanities scientists, we learn about ourselves," said Deputy Prime Minister Richard Rashi in a speech. SAS President Pavol Sajgalik explained how essential basic research is and how important humanities sciences are to the function of society. “Within SAS, we evaluate the best scientific results that have arisen in a given year. Today we have three kinds of awards. One is basic research with application potential, the other is advanced research with real results, and the third is socio-scientific research that provides guidance on how to cope with migration, "said the President of the SAS.
The Slovak Academy of Sciences SAS President Pavol Šajgalík presented the SAS awards in a festive atmosphere in the presence of the Vice-President of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and President of the SAS Assembly, Katarína Gmucová.
The SAS award for 2018 was awarded to a collective of researchers from the SAS Institute of Chemistry headed by Ing. Ján Tkáč, DrSc.,: Ing. Alica Vikartovská, PhD., Mgr. Jana Blahutová, PhD., Ing. Tomáš Bertók, PhD., RNDr. Lenka Lorencová, PhD., RNDr. Alena Holazová,PhD., Ing. Michal Híreš, PhD., RNDr. Eduard Jáné, PhD., Mgr. Erika Chocholová, Ing. Filip Květoň, Ing. Anna Blšáková, Ing. Štefánia Hrončeková a Mgr. Veronika Gajdošová for their scientific research: Innovative bioanalytical methods for the medical diagnosis of selected diseases, based on glycan analysis and the use of nanotechnologies.

The SAS Award in the area of internatinal Science and Technological cooperation was awarded to a research collective of the SAS Institute of Molecular Biology headed by RNDr. Ján Kormanec, DrSc.,: Mgr. Renáta Nováková, CSc., RNDr. Dagmar Homerová, CSc., RNDr. Ľubomíra Fecková, Ing. Bronislava Řežuchová, RNDr. Beatrica Ševčíková and Renáta Knirschová for their scientific research on Genetically manipulated Streptomyces strains for efficient production of biotechnologically relevant biomolecules.

The SAS Award for 2018 in the creative activity category and the results of scientific research was awarded to
PhDr. Miroslav Londák, DrSc., PhDr. Slavomír Michálk, DrSc., and a team from the SAS Institute of History for the collective Dubček monograph.

The SAS Prize in International Science and Technologial Cooperation was awarded to RNDr. Boris Divinský and Mgr. Tatiana Zachar Podolinská, PhD. et al. from the SAS Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology for the collective monograph Globe in Motion. Patterns of International Migration: Similarities and Differences.

SAS Award for the popularization of science was awarded to
PhDr. Zuzana Kusá, CSc., of the SAS Institute of Sociology,
Mgr. Ondrej Ficer, PhD., PhDr. Sibyle Mislovičovej from the Ludovit Stur Language Institute for SAS in the field of language culture,
RNDr. Margita Klobušicka, CSc., from the Biomedical Center of the SAS for promoting the importance of science and promoting its development in cancer research and Mgr. Ľubomír Bajaník from Radio and Television of Slovakia for popularizing social sciences and humanities.

Awards for top publications
“With the award of the Top SAS Publications, we want to evaluate the achievements of our scientists, who have managed to break into scientific journals of extraordinary prestige or whose work has gained an extraordinary number of citations in internationally accepted and visible databases. At the same time, we appreciate the top scientific monographs that have been published in reputable publishing houses respected by the international scientific community and, last but not least, those whose work is indexed in the significant Nature Index, ”said prof. Peter Samuely.
With these awards, the SAS wants to stimulate and evaluate the international visibility of research at SAS.
In the category of top magazine publication, the awards went to: RNDr. Matej Pivoluska, PhD., (SAS Institute of Physics), Dr. Sergio Javier González Manrique (SAS Institute of Astronomy), Mgr. Ján Brndiar, PhD., (SAS Institute of Physics), prof. Ing. Ivan Štich, DrSc., (SAS Institute of Physics), Msc. Tamás Müller (SAS Earth Science Institute), Pavol Lizoň, Mgr. Viktor Kučera, PhD., (SAS Plant Science and Biodiversity Centre), Katarína Kysucká, Mgr. Juraj Lieskovský, PhD., (SAS Institute of landscape Ecology).
The following were awarded in the category of Scientific publications with an exceptional number of citatons: Ing. Mgr. Peter Staňo, PhD., (SAS Institute of Physics), prof. PhDr. Juraj Dolník, (Ludovit Stur Institute of Linguistics), DrSc., PhDr. Ľubor Králik, CSc., (Ludovit Stur Institute of Linguistics).

In the category of Top scientific monograph, the award was taken by RNDr. Vladimír Britaňák, DrSc., (SAS Institute of Informatics) and Dr.Jon Stewart, PhD., (SAS Institute of Philosophy).

Winner in the category of Nature Index publication: RNDr. Pavol Farkašovský, DrSc., (SAS Institute of Exerimental Physics), Ing. Mgr. Peter Staňo (awarded twice), PhD., RNDr. Jozef Kačmarčík, (SAS Institute of Exerimental Physics), PhD., Dr. Oľga L. Malkina, DrSc., (SAS Institute of Inorganic Chemistry).

The award-winning director of the Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology of SAS, Tatiana Zachar Podolinska, expressed gratitiude for the fact that the prizes provide great satisfaction to their holders for several years of intense work "which we enjoy so much". She also stressed that Slovakia has a huge knowledge potential. (an)
Photo: Martin Bystriansky and Tomáš Benedikovič