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Publikácia Literární kronika první republiky

Literary Chronicle of the First Republic - The Joint Work of Literary Historians

26. 11. 2018 | 1182 visits
The narrative publication The Literary Chronicle of the First Republic (Literární kronika první republiky), which is the result of the co-operation of several institutions, was jointly presented on 22 November at the SAS Institute of Slovak Literature by publishers and authors from the Institute for Czech Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Prague (Pavel Janáček, Petr Šámal) and the SAS Institute of Slovak Literature in Bratislava (Vladimír Barborík)
The chronicle consists of 21 chapters corresponding to 21 years of existence of the first Czechoslovak Republic. Each chapter consists of three parts: events, works and contexts. This particular breakdown has emerged from a consistent link between literary, historical and literary-interpretative approaches. As the editors of the publication emphasized several times, their aim is to present the culture and literature of Czechoslovakia as multicultural and multinational, while avoiding an idealizing or nostalgic perspective. In addition to the Czech and Slovak literary and cultural events, the Literary Chronicle of the First Republic (Literární kronika první republiky) approaches the events shaping the literature and culture of German, Hungarian, and Ruthenian national minority, also following the activities of the Russian emigration of inter-war Czechoslovakia and captures the coexistence and communication of these components of a diverse culture. Attention is also paid to period translations that have significantly affected the development of Czech literature (in its mediation and in Slovak language)
The literary chronicle of the First Republic (Literární kronika první republiky) has significant potential to engage the wider public and contributes to the correction and clarification of the image of inter-war Czechoslovakia, as it mediates the latest research results of this issue
Text and photo: Ivana Taranenková, ÚSlL SAS