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Ing. Igor Lacík, DrSc. riaditeľ Ústavu polymérov SAV

Igor Lacík: Pleasing results from the evaluation panel

9. 3. 2017 | 2116 visits
The Polymer Institute is one of the two SAS Institutes which received the best ratings from the international audit, and along with the Institute of Ethnology been identified as being among the top institutions in Europe. This confirms rumblings within the scientific world that the SAS Polymer Institute is world class. "The view of the international panel is pleasing for us," responds Ing. Igor Lacík, PhD. "Even before the evaluation period of accreditation (2012 - 2015), we introduced several processes at our institute, whose common denominator is the quality of scientific work and empowerment of the position of the institute in international scientific space. It is a subject that we constantly discuss at the institute. We are certainly not at the end of this road and there is room for improvement, but the accreditation has demonstrated that our endeavours are visible and meaningful. "
According to the director of the Institute, the most critical judges of quality must be the scientists of the Institute who can accordingly set the bar for the quality of their work in order to contribute to new knowledge in a real way. "If this is a self-assessment of what we have in terms of experience of quality foreign scientific institutions, and if we succeed in this self-assessment, then any external assessment can only end positively for us," says the director of the Institute.
Finally, the results of the assessment panel have confirmed that the Polymer Institute is performing quality work. "We have been evaluated as a quality workplace with the visible impact of our work on the scientific community. At the same time, as we know our strength, I must admit that we were not sure whether we would be able to meet the high expectations of the criteria. We are glad to have succeeded. "
Foreign experts commented that SAS as a whole has few foreign doctoral students. The Polymer Institute has around 15, two of which are from abroad. "We recognize the need to internationalize doctoral study, we are trying to obtain PhD students from collaborating institutions abroad, but we are not yet having success. Reasons for this are for another debate, "says I. Lacík. However, the institute is attracting young scientists from abroad for short and longer work placements through various support schemes, one of which is the creation of jobs at the institute. Furthermore, Veronika Némethová, laureate of the Student Personality of Slovakia 2016 competition is currently working at the institute.
Andrea Nozdrovická