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Panelisti hodnotiaci druhé oddelenie vied s predsedníčkou metapanelu prof. Marjou Makarow, podpredsedom SAV pre druhé oddelenie vied prof. Karolom Marholdom a predsedníčkou Akreditačnej komisie SAV Máriou Omastovou

The third round of evaluation meetings began

22. 11. 2016 | 2153 visits
Evaluation of the SAS Institutes continues with last series of presentation-discussion meetings, which kicked off yesterday at the Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology. The panel of international experts will have meetings with the directors of the Institutes in life and chemical sciences department.
The aim of the external evaluation, which started at the Academy at the beginning of 2016, is to identify its strengths and weaknesses and to get the inspiration from the external expert´s recommendations. The chair of the panel is prof. Toivo Maimets, who is the chair for cell biology at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, (Estonia). Other panelists are prof. Håkan Billig (Sweden), prof. Carl Gustav Gahmberg (Finland), prof. Ina Tegen (Germany), prof. Imre Vass (Hungary). Finnish scientist prof. Marja Makarow who is the chair of the metapanel is also attending the meetings. Metapanel will summarize the evaluation of all departments on January 20, 2017.
"We expect to learn how people from external environment see us and by this key information we can adapt our future strategies," said Vice President of SAS for the second science department prof. Karol Marhold.