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What influences parents in a topic of vaccination?

19. 8. 2016 | 2392 visits
Doctor, neighbors, internet, pharmaceutics companies – what and how it affects parents in a topic of their children vaccination? Which social group is suggestible in which ways? This issue is addressed by the VEGA project Social impacts on individual decisions.
Scientists from the Institute of Experimental Psychology SAS watched several target groups: female students (future mothers), parents (fathers and mothers), public discussion portals and individual group interviews with people who refuse vaccination.
"We asked them about the experience with vaccination, resources and decision making process about vaccination," explains Mgr. Mária Hatoková PhD. from the science team. "We examined the clarity and persuasiveness of the most common ways how to present the benefits of vaccination by the health authorities who are trying to convince the public. We have identified themes and arguments of proponents and opponents of vaccination."
According to M. Hatoková, research is not trying to argue for or against vaccination, but to map out how this issue is perceived by respondents. The researchers are also focusing on effects of social impacts to point of view of respondent.
Decisions of parents about vaccines are an example of a complex decision-making process. They have easily accessible and sometimes overflowing information on positive and negative vaccination from more or less reliable sources, but they miss some kind of key leading to the "right" decision.
"Parents, tired from the complex considering the pros and cons in order to make responsible and defensible decision are using the decision-making shortcuts - heuristics. Reliance on social information is one of them, "explains M. Hatoková. This is particularly the repeated references to the opinions of relatives or other important people in their area to support their views and opinions. It also includes the sharing of positive and negative stories about vaccinations in their area.
Emotions also play the role in decision-making process. For example trust or distrust of parents in the health system. In particular, they questioned the motives of the pharmaceutical industry.
"Today, we see changes in the perception of medical authorities. Parents expect shared and joint decision-making on health matters of their children, they want a partnership rather than an authoritarian approach of the doctor, "says expert. Parents are aware of the need to maintain herd immunity, but more important for them, is the health of their own child and they have a fear that it will be damaged.
According to M. Hatoková in the topic of fear of children vaccination is important to distinguish whether the parents are more concerned about the consequences of diseases for which immunization is offered, or the side effects of vaccines. This fear is a natural part of parenting, and anticipated guilt if a child would be harmed in any way, contributes significantly to the choice of strategies to protect the health of the child.