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The 2016 Science Workshop - Oncology

3. 2. 2016 | 1636 visits
World Cancer Day is commemorated globally on 4 February every year as a unique initiative under which the entire world can unite together in the fight against cancer. Each year oncogenic diseases are the cause of about 7.6 million deaths worldwide. According to experts, up to one third of these deaths could be avoided with preventive care and a healthy lifestyle or through early detection of disease. An education and popularization event Vedecké dielne – onkológia, abbreviated as VDO, (Scientific Workshops - Oncology) is being held for the 6th time this year. It is a joint initiative of the Cancer Research Foundation and the Institute of Experimental Oncology at the SAS Biomedical Centre.
Via the VDO project, both the Foundation and the Institute are striving to promote research activities among grammar school pupils. They also want to help increase studentsʼ motivation to choose higher education in natural sciences and medicine. That is, of course, with expectations that they will continue their studies with postgraduate courses in oncology. Through VDO, the SAS again joins, as the only representative of the Slovak Republic, the World Cancer Day 2016-2018 campaign, an activity initiated by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC).
One of the most apt quotes of its time regarding the importance of science for oncology patients was said by the Paralympic track cycling winner Radovan Kaufman. He is the face of the campaign Na kolesách proti rakovine (On Wheels Against Cancer) for the 14th time. Its name is about to be changed to Kaufman Day. The campaign is a challenge for everyone to participate in projects which aim to reduce the global burden of cancer, under the tagline ʼWe can, I canʼ. It is an important step to develop the values of a humane society because oncogenic diseases are not beyond us. On the contrary, they affect everyone in some way or other. In Slovakia every year we record almost thirty thousand new cases of cancer and, according to recent statistics, there are more than 6,600 deaths in males and 5,200 deaths in females.
The highlight of the 2016 VDO workshop will be the 5th year of the contest known as Súťaž mladých onkológov (Young Oncologists Contest). It will be organized in cooperation with the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University (PJSU) in Košice and the PJSU Faculty of Science in the PJSUʼs historical lecture hall in 2 Šrobárova Street, Košice, on 9 March 2016.