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2023 Slovak PhD Mobility Grants at CEFRES

23. 3. 2023 | 1063 visits

Informative webinar for all interested in applying 2023 Slovak PhD Mobility Grants at CEFRES

  • for 2nd year and above PhD students enrolled at the Slovak Academy of Sciences
  • for 2nd year and above PhD students enrolled at the Faculty of Arts, Comenius University


  1. A few words about the French Center for Research in Humanities and Social Sciences in Prague
  2. Presentation of the PhD mobility grants program
  3. Testimonies of 2022-2023 CEFRES young scholars
  4. Questions & answers (scientific, administrative, financial…)


Meeting ID: 868 7566 9714                       

Passcode: 063106



The Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAV), the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University (FF UK), the French Institute Slovakia (IFS) & CEFRES offer nine-months-long mobility grants at the CEFRES to 2nd year and above PhD students enrolled either at the SAV or the FF UK.

The amount of the mobility grant is of 500 € per month during 9 months, cumulative with the PhD scholarships at SAV / FF UK. Good command of English is mandatory, command of French is appreciated. The selected PhD fellows will join CEFRES team and actively take part in the center’s scientific life. Fellows’ research should contribute to one of CEFRES’s research areas.

The selected doctoral students will join the CEFRES multidisciplinary research team: they will work in an international research center, present their work at the internal CEFRES seminars, and may also organize a scientific event (workshop, conference…) co-financed by the Center.

For more information on the grant, see: https://cefres.cz/en/20687

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