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CARLiS training for PhD students of Scientific section 2

12. 10. 2022 | 1016 visits

The first training from a series of trainings organized within the CARLiS - INTERREG Slovakia-Austria project for SAS doctoral students from the Department of Life Sciences and Chemical Sciences under the title "Carlis Doctoral School - Career in Science" was held on 10.10.2022 in the premises of the SAS Center of Biosciences and was opened by professional guarantor of the project  RNDr. Ľubica Lacinová, DrSc.

The introductory training day covered the following topics: Time management and self-management, From idea to venture: transform an idea into a successful business (Ing. Anton Bittner, PhD., MBA), Basics of intellectual property protection (Ing. Martin Gróf, PhD.).

The trainings are designed for doctoral students who are thinking about the next steps in their career also in the non-academic environment, want to learn more about the expectations of future employers or plan to start their own business. The doctoral school program offers lectures and practical exercises focused on four areas: soft skills, knowledge transfer, strategies and entrepreneurship. All lectures are held in English in person or online. The Slovak Academy of Sciences plans to expand  providing of trainings of this type in the future for doctoral students of all SAS scientific sections.


Text: Eva Krištofová, OVV SAV

Foto: Martin Bystriansky

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