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Radoslav Passia is the new president of the Assembly of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

4. 10. 2022 | 852 visits

At its online meeting on Tuesday, September 27, 2022, the SAS Assembly elected a new President and Vice-President for the next term of office. The SAS Assembly will be led by Radoslav Passia from the 3rd Chamber of the SAS Assembly.

At the beginning of the meeting, the SAS Assembly took note of the control of correctness of the minutes and the control of the implementation of the resolutions from the previous session of the SAS Assembly.

The previous President of the SAS Assembly, Katarína Gmucová, delivered the Report on the Activities of the SAS Assembly for the period of the first third of the term of office, summarizing the most important events and decisions of the Assembly during this period. The SAS Assembly noted the presented Report on the Activities. The Assembly then proceeded to the online election of the new President of the SAS Assembly. Radoslav Passia became the new President of the SAS Assembly,and Ľuboš Klúčár and Katarína Gmucová were elected Vice-Presidents. The SAS Assembly approved the results of the elections.

The President of the SAS, Pavol Šajgalík, delivered the report on the current situation in the SAS. In the beginning, he thanked Katarína Gmucová, the previous President of the SAS Assembly, for her cooperation. He informed the Assembly about the ongoing accreditation of institutes, which, according to him, is very constructive. He also mentioned the conference on the evaluation system at the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (VER 2022) and the Recovery Plan. Energy conservation was also one of the topics. The President of the Academy made a critical statement about the current functioning of the heating system in the SAS campus at Patrónka in Bratislava. Members of the Presidium of SAS spoke in more detail about some points. SAS Vice-President for Science, Research and Innovations, Peter Samuely, made a comment about the participation in the VER 2022 conference and clarified the evaluation system, which, according to him, is focused on only one part of the three important areas of evaluation - performance measured by 25 selected representative publications. SAS commented on the evaluation system. The member of the SAS Presidium, Ľubica Lacinová, gave information about the problems of foreign doctoral students, especially from the so-called third countries, and mentioned motivational scholarships. Pavol Siman, a member of the SAS Presidium, spoke about cooperation with the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic during calls within the framework of the Recovery Plan. František Simančík, another member of the SAS Presidium, talked about the measures related to the energy crisis. The Aseemlby took note of the information about the current situation in the SAS.

Another point of discussion was the comments on the draft amendment to the SAS Statute. During the discussion, the President of the Learned Society of Slovakia, Jozef Noga, also spoke out. The main topic of discussion was the method of nominating new members of the Learned Society of Slovakia. The Assembly approved an amendment to the SAS Statute with comments, obliged the SAS Presidium to incorporate comments into the SAS Statute and publish it on its website by October 31, 2022.

The Assembly discussed and approved without comments the Annex no. 1 to the Principles of the proposal and distribution of the Academy's budget for 2022, which was presented by the Vice-President of the SAS for Economics and Legislation, Juraj Koppel. At the same time, Presidium of SAS committed to publish the document on its website by October 31, 2022.

The majority of the meeting time of the SAS Assembly was taken up by the discussion on the next point, which was the discussion and approval of the draft principles of performance financing of scientific organizations of SAS for the years 2023-2025, which was presented by the Vice-President of SAS for Science, Research and Innovations, Peter Samuely. After a long discussion, the SAS Assembly approved the Principles of Performance Financing of Scientific Organizations of SAS for the years 2023-2025 and obliged the SAS Presidium to publish the document on its website by October 31, 2022.


Spracovala: Andrea Nozdrovická

Foto: Pavol Novák, CSČ SAV, v. v. i.

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