Call for Papers for the Conference Civil Servants under Changing Regimes in Central Europe and Eastern Europe, 1900-1950
6. 9. 2022 | 976 visits
Institute of Social Sciences CSPV SAV, v. in. i., addresses interested parties with continuous operation for the international scientific conference Civil Servants under Changing Regimes in Central Europe and Eastern Europe, 1900-1950.
The conference takes place on April 25-26, 2023 in Košice. The key-note speaker of the conference will be PhDr. Martin Klečacký, Ph.D., from the Masaryk Institute and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
The conference languages are Slovak and English. Please send your application together with the abstract (max. 500 words) and a brief biography (max. 150 words) by January 31, 2023 via mail to: or
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