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Zbierka materiálnej pomoci pre utečencov z Ukrajiny na Ústave polymérov SAV, v. v. i.


9. 3. 2022 | 1364 visits

The situation of Ukrainian refugees, mostly women, children and the elderly, fleeing the war to Slovakia, has not left scientists from the Slovak Academy of Sciences indifferent. They participated in large numbers in the material collection organized by the Polymer Institute SAS. The collected items will be given to the Bratislava Archdiocesan Charity, which will deliver them to the Slovak-Ukrainian border crossings.

The collection, which was initiated and prepared by the staff of the Department of Composite Materials of the Polymer Institute SAS, lasted a total of 4 days. It was for the first time that the Institute carried out a charitable event of this magnitude. More than 80 individual donors from 14 SAS organizations took part in it.

The Institute published in advance a list of necessary items, which it consulted with organizations assisting directly at the border crossings with Ukraine. "I really appreciate that the donors followed this list. We managed to collect a large number of necessary items. I am glad that this idea has met with huge response at our Institute. Our young colleagues also helped us a lot. I am grateful to everyone who took part in this,” said the head of the Department of Composite Materials of the Polymer Institute SAS, Mária Omastová, who added that the most frequent contributions to the collection were blankets, baby food or hygiene products.

"I was pleasantly surprised by the number of people who joined our collection, which exceeded all my expectations. I would like to thank everyone very much and wish we lived in safety, peace and tranquillity again. I very much hope that this situation will end soon,” added Anastasia Stepura, a doctoral student from the Department of Composite Materials, who initiated the collection.

Staff of the Centre of Experimental Medicine SAS, the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SAS, the Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics SAS, the Institute of Zoology SAS, the Plant Science and Biodiversity Center SAS, the Institute of Electrical Engineering SAS, the Institute of Chemistry SAS, the Institute of Hydrology SAS, the Central Library of Slovak Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Physics SAS, the Institute of Slovak Literature SAS, the Institute of Informatics SAS, and the Institute of Molecular Biology SAS had joined the collection.


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