Institute of Hydrology
Dúbravská cesta 9
841 04 Bratislava
841 04 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Phone: +421-2-3229 3500
Phone: +421-2-32293501
Detached branches
Hollého 42
071 01 Michalovce
(+421 56) 6425 147
071 01 Michalovce
(+421 56) 6425 147
Ondrašovská 16
031 05 Liptovský Mikuláš
(+421 911 554 223)
031 05 Liptovský Mikuláš
(+421 911 554 223)
Institute of Hydrology SAS performs research in the field of Earth and environmental sciences and in the field of environmental engineering; its activity is focused to the field of surface and subsurface water hydrology. Since 2014 IH SAS consist from two scientific departments:
Department of surface water hydrology
Head of the department: Ing. Dana Halmová, PhD., (+421 2) 3229 3502
Department of subsurface water hydrology
Head of the department: Mgr. Peter Rončák, PhD., (+421 2) 3229 3518
The Institute performs consultancy and expertise services related to the institute main activity. Institute is performing PhD study according to the actual legal regulations. The institute is publishing results of research by periodic and other publications (monographs; Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, Acta Hydrologica Slovaca and others), and by scientific conferences and other meetings. Organization is spreading the results of research to propagate the Institute and to increase information level of specialists and interesting bodies.
Department of surface water hydrology
Head of the department: Ing. Dana Halmová, PhD., (+421 2) 3229 3502
Department of subsurface water hydrology
Head of the department: Mgr. Peter Rončák, PhD., (+421 2) 3229 3518
The Institute performs consultancy and expertise services related to the institute main activity. Institute is performing PhD study according to the actual legal regulations. The institute is publishing results of research by periodic and other publications (monographs; Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, Acta Hydrologica Slovaca and others), and by scientific conferences and other meetings. Organization is spreading the results of research to propagate the Institute and to increase information level of specialists and interesting bodies.