Studia Psychologica
Article List
Volume 66, 2024, No. 1
ISSN 0039-3320 (print)
ISSN 2585-8815 (online)
- Man, G.-M. - Turliuc, M. N.: The Effect of Future Time Perspective on Emotions and Personal Goals. (p. 3)
- Dědová, M. - Baník, G.: Unlocking the Power of Parenting: Unraveling How Family Atmosphere and Parenting Styles Impact the Pivotal Role in Bullying Behavior. (p. 19)
- Memisevic, H. - Dedic, A. - Malec, D.: Correlation of Cognitive and Linguistic Factors with Spoken Language Comprehension in Early Elementary Students. (p. 35)
- Arslan, G.: Unlocking the Power of Self-Compassion and Psychological Flexibility: Enhancing Emotional Health, Subjective Wellbeing, and Quality of Life in College Students. (p. 50)
- Jozefiaková, B. - Kaščáková, N. - Hašto, J. - Tavel, P.: Perceived Stress, COVID-19 Stressors, Loneliness, and Resilience of University Students after the Strictest Lockdown. (p. 66)
- Deniz, M. E. - Yıldırım Kurtuluş, H. - Rustamov, E.: Body Appreciation, Self-Compassion, and Sexual Self-Consciousness in Women: The Example of Turkey and Azerbaijan. (p. 77)