Article List
Volume 79, 2024, No. 2
ISSN 0046-385X (print)
ISSN 2585-7061 (online)
Original articles
- Hösle, V.: Causes and Consequences of the Destruction of the Belief in the Attainability of Truth: Philosophical Reflections with a Historical Example. (p. 113)
- Gahér, F.: Normatívne konatívne fakty.(Normative Conative Facts). (p. 133)
- Tvrdý, F.: Nesoulad mezi morfosyntaxí a sémantikou podmínkových souvětí.(The Mismatch between Morphosyntax and Semantics of Conditional Sentences). (p. 150)
- Bielik, L.: Evaluating Semantic Theories of Conditionals: Methodological Challenges. (p. 168)
- Hähnel, M.: Aristotelian Naturalism and the Imperfect Project of Normalizing Ethics. (p. 184)
- Marcinčinová, K.: Phenomenal Consciousness as an Evolutionary Invention: Explaining the Positive Function of Illusionism. (p. 195)
- Nuhlíček, M.: Minulosť a budúcnosť naturalizovanej epistemológie.(Past and Future of Naturalized Epistemology). (p. 212)
Scientific Events
- Sedová, T.: Ekologická kríza v zrkadle rozličných disciplín.(The Ecological Crisis in the Face of Different Disciplines). (p. 222)