Jazykovedný časopis
Article List
Volume 74, 2023, No. 1
ISSN 0021-5597 (print)
ISSN 1338-4287 (online)
- Zumrík, M.: Foreword / Predhovor. (p. 5)
- Bronikowska, R.: Verbification of Feminine Forms of Adjectives można 'possible', niemożna 'impossible' and niepodobna 'impossible' – Corpus-based Approach. (p. 9)
- Budennaya, E. - Litvintseva, K. - Yakovleva, A.: God Knows How It Turns Out: On Three Constructions Including bog 'god', čert 'devil' and Some Taboo Words in the Russian Language over the Last Three Centuries. (p. 19)
- David, J. - Klemensová, T. - Místecký, M.: Appellativization of Proper Names – In the Perspective of Corpus Analysis. (p. 32)
- Diweg-Pukanec, M.: The Economy of Czech Exchange in the Slovak Marketplace of Austria after the Fall of Hungary. (p. 43)
- Grabowski, Ł.: Statistician, Programmer, Data Scientist? Who Is, or Should Be, a Corpus Linguist in the 2020s?. (p. 52)
- Horsch, J.: Corroborating Corpus Data with Elicited Introspection Data: A Case Study. (p. 60)
- Jurkiewicz-Rohrbacher, E.: Dative Ambiguity in Russian: A Corpus Induced Study. (p. 70)
- Kalaš, F.: The Competition of German Adjectival Suffixes. (p. 81)
- Kopřivová, M. - Šichová, K.: Proverbs in Contemporary Czech. Corpus Probe into Written Texts. (p. 92)
- Majdak, M.: Keywords in Religious Literature of 17th and 18th Centuries in Light of the Data from the Electronic Corpus of 17th- and 18th-century Polish Texts. (p. 100)
- Mikulová, M.: Expressing Measure in Czech (A Corpus-based Study). (p. 108)
- Schillová, A.: Adverbs Derived from Adjectival Present Participles in Polish, Slovak and Czech: A Comparative Corpus-based Study. (p. 119)
- Štěpánková, B. - Šindlerová, J. - Poláková, L.: The Epistemic Marker určitě in the Light of Corpus Data. (p. 130)
- Zumrík, M.: Comparative Lexical Analysis of Noun Lemmas in Slovak Judicial Decisions. (p. 140)
- Fernández-Alcaina, C. - Fučíková, E. - Hajič, J. - Urešová, Z.: Spanish Synonyms as Part of a Multilingual Event-Type Ontology. (p. 153)
- Gajdošová, K. - Mošaťová, M. - Švancarová, P.: Errors in the Congruent Attribute among Students Learning Slovak as a Foreign Language (Learner Corpus-based). (p. 163)
- Klyshinsky, E. - Bogdanova, A. - Kopotev, M.: Towards a Corpus-based Dictionary of Verbal Government for the Russian Language. (p. 173)
- Kolářová, V. - Kettnerová, V. - Mírovský, J.: Through Derivational Relations to Valency of Non-verbal Predicates in the NomVallex Lexicon. (p. 182)
- Nogolová, M. - Hanušková, M. - Kubát, M. - Čech, R.: Linear Dependency Segments in Foreign Language Acquisition: Syntactic Complexity Analysis in Czech Learners’ Texts. (p. 193)
- Waclawičová, M.: Differences in Spoken Language Processing in General Corpora (ORAL, ORTOFON) and in a Specialized Corpus (DIALEKT) and Their Reflection in the Mapka Application. (p. 204)
- Zeman, D. - Kosek, P. - Březina, M. - Pergler, J.: Morphosyntactic Annotation in Universal Dependencies for Old Czech. (p. 214)
- Afanasev, I. - Lyashevskaya, O. - Rebrikov, S. - Shishkina, Y. - Trofimov, I. - Vlasova, N.: The Effect of (Historical) Language Variation on the East Slavic Lects Lemmatisers Performance. (p. 225)
- Petkevič, V. - Skoumalová, H.: Annotation of Analytic Verb Forms in Czech – Complex Cases. (p. 234)
- Pořízka, P.: CapekDraCor: A New Contribution to the European Programmable Drama Corpora. (p. 244)
- Rosen, A.: The InterCorp Parallel Corpus with a Uniform Annotation for All Languages. (p. 254)
- Sitchinava, D.: Multiple Interpretation and Fragmented Texts within a Historical Corpus: The Case of Old East Slavic Vernacular Writing. (p. 266)
- Benešová, L. - Pivoňková, K. - Stluka, M.: Lemmatization of the DIA1900 Diachronic Corpus. (p. 275)
- Braxatoris, M. - Braxatorisová, A.: Use of Computer and Corpus Tools in the Research of a 19th Century German-language Manuscript Book of Notes and Extracts. (p. 287)
- Časnochová Zozuk, N.: Lexical Diversity and Language Impairment. (p. 301)
- Držík, D. - Šteflovič, K.: Text Vectorization Techniques Based on Wordnet. (p. 310)
- Hládek, D. - Harahus, M. - Staš, J. - Pleva, M.: Slovak Language Models for Basic Preprocessing Tasks in Python. (p. 323)
- Holaj, R. - Pořízka, P.: ANOPHONE: An Annotation Tool for Phonemes and L2 Annotation Systems for Czech. (p. 333)
- Login, N.: Distractor Generation for Lexical Questions Using Learner Corpus Data. (p. 345)
- Machura, J. - Žižková, H. - Frémund, A. - Švec, J.: Is it Possible to Re-educate RoBERTa? Expert-driven Machine Learning for Punctuation Correction. (p. 357)
- Pekáček, O. - Elmerot, I.: When Is a Crisis Really a Crisis? Using NLP and Corpus Linguistic Methods to Reveal Differences in Migration Discourse across Czech Media. (p. 369)
- Staš, J. - Hládek, D. - Koctúr, T.: Slovak Question Answering Dataset Based on the Machine Translation of the SQuAD v2.0. (p. 381)
- Ziková, M. - Březina, M. - Čech, R. - Kosek, P.: Syllabic Consonants in Historical Czech and How to Identify Them. (p. 391)